Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby mayoung10 » Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:50 am

Long story short, in my late teens I smoked 2-3gs of pot a day for a period of 6 months. I was high for 16+ hours a day.

Since then I have been dealing with organic erectile dysfunction. Saw a Urologist who confirmed this and put me on cialis and pentoxifylline, which I've been taking for the past few years.

From all the research I've done I think the chronic use of THC impaired my penile smooth muscles.

I haven't improved at all except for one time I ran an enclomiphene (SERM) cycle. I'm planning to try DHT cream next because it seems my ED improves when my androgens rise (Im not hypo, my normal T levels are 600 ng/dl, so I need to raise that higher to see ED improvements).

Just wondering if anyone else has gotten ED from marijuana abuse, I know its pretty uncommon.

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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby Simbarn » Sat Mar 06, 2021 5:26 pm

Did you notice during the period of time you were using the Marijuana so intensely, that your nocturnal erections ceased or became much weaker?
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby mayoung10 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 2:18 am

Simbarn wrote:Did you notice during the period of time you were using the Marijuana so intensely, that your nocturnal erections ceased or became much weaker?

initially no, but after a few months yes, I stupidly continued smoking since I was addicted and did not stop until rock bottom
I have been mostly sober for years since then however my condition has not improved

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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby shrunken_dick » Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:51 am

mayoung10 wrote:
Simbarn wrote:Did you notice during the period of time you were using the Marijuana so intensely, that your nocturnal erections ceased or became much weaker?

initially no, but after a few months yes, I stupidly continued smoking since I was addicted and did not stop until rock bottom
I have been mostly sober for years since then however my condition has not improved

What tests have you done to confirm its organic erectile dysfunctions?
I ( 29 M) took Spironolactone 400 mg to treat my hair loss. As a result, the penis shrunk from 6” to 4”. with Severe erectile dysfunction. Looking into the penile implant with Sliding Technique.

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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby Old Guy » Sun Mar 07, 2021 12:30 pm

I don't think marijuana was the cause for all of your ED issue. At least not in 6 months time. I started smoking cigarettes at 12, pot at 17. By the time I was in my 20's they were daily habits.
Up to my 50's I could still get a good erection. When my ED began it was the pills, then the injections until all failed. Basically I think all the years of my smoking addictions caused my ED, but that was 30+ years of the abuse.
Nov. 8, 2019
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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby mayoung10 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 2:19 pm

Old Guy wrote:I don't think marijuana was the cause for all of your ED issue. At least not in 6 months time. I started smoking cigarettes at 12, pot at 17. By the time I was in my 20's they were daily habits.
Up to my 50's I could still get a good erection. When my ED began it was the pills, then the injections until all failed. Basically I think all the years of my smoking addictions caused my ED, but that was 30+ years of the abuse.

Look I know it's hard to believe but everyone's body reacts differently. I'm no buffoon and I have been dealing with this issue for 5 years now.

There are people who eat McDonald's daily and chain smoke while drinking who don't get ED.

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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby malibog » Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:56 pm

mayoung10 wrote:
Look I know it's hard to believe but everyone's body reacts differently. I'm no buffoon and I have been dealing with this issue for 5 years now.

There are people who eat McDonald's daily and chain smoke while drinking who don't get ED.

I think that says a lot about your situation and your query.

You may find no one here who can attribute ED to marijuana use without question. Is it likely that chronic marijuana use can lead to ED or be a major contributing factor? Probably, in susceptible individuals. Just like it's known that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. Yet almost everyone knows someone who smoked 3 packs a day for 50 years and avoided that result. No everyone is the same, as you suggest.

In your case, given the history you set out, I would say it's a reasonable inference to conclude that marijuana was a contributing factor. Maybe even the sole factor. One could also say, I suppose, that the reasoning is faulty, based on a post hoc ergo propter hoc analysis. But, as you suggest, you know your body and your history better than anyone, and your opinion is tempered by research you say you have done, so you, more than anyone, even a medical professional, may have the best handle on a causal relationship.

You came here seeking to hear from others who perhaps also believe they have marijuana-related ED and maybe some here can contribute, if such be their history and belief/observation, etc.

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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby mayoung10 » Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:01 pm

malibog wrote:
mayoung10 wrote:
Look I know it's hard to believe but everyone's body reacts differently. I'm no buffoon and I have been dealing with this issue for 5 years now.

There are people who eat McDonald's daily and chain smoke while drinking who don't get ED.

I think that says a lot about your situation and your query.

You may find no one here who can attribute ED to marijuana use without question. Is it likely that chronic marijuana use can lead to ED or be a major contributing factor? Probably, in susceptible individuals. Just like it's known that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. Yet almost everyone knows someone who smoked 3 packs a day for 50 years and avoided that result. No everyone is the same, as you suggest.

In your case, given the history you set out, I would say it's a reasonable inference to conclude that marijuana was a contributing factor. Maybe even the sole factor. One could also say, I suppose, that the reasoning is faulty, based on a post hoc ergo propter hoc analysis. But, as you suggest, you know your body and your history better than anyone, and your opinion is tempered by research you say you have done, so you, more than anyone, even a medical professional, may have the best handle on a causal relationship.

You came here seeking to hear from others who perhaps also believe they have marijuana-related ED and maybe some here can contribute, if such be their history and belief/observation, etc.

Yes, thank you for breaking it down like this. This is exactly my intention.
Do I acknowledge no one, not even myself or a doctor may know the 100% reality? Yes, but this is what I believe from experiencing it first hand as a person of reasonable intelligence.

Because what's the alternative? Some fool with hopefully good intentions telling me that it's not possible? Then what is, that I spontaneously developed it from doing nothing harmful about my body aside from weed.

I try to be polite but it gets irritating when everywhere I post this I get the same people thinking they know better.

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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby Simbarn » Thu Mar 11, 2021 5:09 pm

mayoung10 wrote:Long story short, in my late teens I smoked 2-3gs of pot a day for a period of 6 months. I was high for 16+ hours a day.

Since then I have been dealing with organic erectile dysfunction. Saw a Urologist who confirmed this and put me on cialis and pentoxifylline, which I've been taking for the past few years.

From all the research I've done I think the chronic use of THC impaired my penile smooth muscles.

I haven't improved at all except for one time I ran an enclomiphene (SERM) cycle. I'm planning to try DHT cream next because it seems my ED improves when my androgens rise (Im not hypo, my normal T levels are 600 ng/dl, so I need to raise that higher to see ED improvements).

Just wondering if anyone else has gotten ED from marijuana abuse, I know its pretty uncommon.

I asked about your nocturnal erections, because if they appear to stop occurring, it is an indication that some form of organic malfunction is developing.
Something causes them to stop happening and the fact that they stop also can contribute to the initial condition, through hypoxia of the erectile tissues (ET). The reduction of nocturnal erections can be the sole cause or an addition causation of ED.

There does seem to be quite a connection of cannabis use and ED, perhaps not as uncommon as you think:

You have probably already seen this review, as it sounds like you have done some research. There appears to be a number of possible causal of factors, currently being researched in relation to cannabis use and ED, and also general cardiovascular issues.
The penis is just an extension of the peripheral vascular system. Often problems that are beginning to occur with our vascular system, start to show symptoms with the vascular system in the penis first. This could be due in part to the premise that in many individuals this micro vascular system is not able to withstand much of a change or deterioration in structure/function before serious malfunction occurs. I have read that it is hypothesised that only a 15% decrease in smooth muscle content is needed in the ET before CVOD ensues.
When smooth muscle declines, collagen deposition occurs in its place. The blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum are then less compliant, that is they do relax to the degree they once did. This is penile fibrosis. The endothelium in these tissues can also become dysfunctional due to lower oxygen levels in the penis, which affects NOS activity. Both of these problems can occur or can be accelerated by oxidative stress and an increase in ROS (reactive oxygen species).

I have mentioned the above as you did say you felt that smooth muscle alteration may have had some contribution to your ED.
I found this very recent study pertinent, on the animal model with regard to cannabis use and with what it terms as typical western dietary habits. It focuses on what I have briefly mentioned above.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 6120302002

One of the suggested possible causes of cannabis use sexual dysfunction in the male mentioned in the first link, was related to a peripheral mechanism with regard to the cannabinoid receptors which are located on NOS containing nerve fibres in the corpus cavernosum.
From what I could understand (as I have not been able to read the full text of the below article) and possibly postulate is that due to over stimulation of these receptors, some form of down regulation of the receptor may occur. How long this may remain in place is another question which only further research may elucidate.

It is interesting that you noticed some improvement with using a SERM, Enclomiphene citrate. Did you have your T levels assayed whilst on this?
There appears to be a lot of conflicting information about T levels and Marijuana use. Some studies have concluded that it lowers T levels and interferes with the HPTA, whilst others have demonstrated that it can raise T levels. Some of this may be attributable to frequency, dosage and or both.

How are your nocturnal erections now that some time has passed since your intense use of Marijuana?

Did your urologist find some indication of CVOD (venous leak) from testing?

Are you using PDE5 inhibitors for just on demand use or chronically?

There is some evidence that the chronic use of PDE5 inhibitors can reverse penile fibrosis or halt the cascade of events that perpetuate the damage caused by oxidative stress.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Has Anyone Gotten ED from Chronic Marijuana Use?

Postby mayoung10 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 11:55 pm

My nocturnal erections have been almost non existent and sporadic.
A consistent factor I noticed throughout my ED is that my erections were much harder and easier to obtain in the morning.
I did not have my T levels tested while on SERM however I am guessing the test increase is what led to improvement in my erectile function.
I've used pentoxifylline daily for 2+ years and cialis very regularly.
My urologist only did one test which found scar tissue in one of my cavernosa. However he did no testing for VL or much testing in general.
Without a shadow of a doubt I believe my cannabis use was the sole and largest factor in my development of ED.

Also I did shrooms around 2 weeks ago and this has totally destroyed my erectile function, which was somewhat restored from taking SERMs.

I've been trying trazadone as well, it gives some improvement of my erectile function the next morning.

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