Wife is against me getting an implant

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby AST2123 » Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:50 pm

barrylandon wrote:I've been married to the same woman for almost 38 years and I'll be damned if I know what she's thinking, feeling or saying much of the time! I'm an intelligent, intuitive and attentive spouse so go figure. Following are comments she made whenever I brought up the subject of an implant...
"I don't want you to get it and I won't support you if you do"
"If you decide to do this (unspoken words, "against my wishes"!) it is for YOU, not for me"
"Things are fine the way they are"
"Do you not remember all of the surgeries you've had that left you worse off?" (Ah, she's right about that!)
"(You) having a hard cock is not important for me"

Once I made the decision to go forward with the implant surgery, she slowly become supportive and involved in the process...even going with me to my last two pre-surgical appointments. Although I had a rather difficult recovery period and I'm a bit of a wuss in the pain department, my wife was a real trooper through it all. As a registered nurse, she was especially helpful in managing my recovery from a medical perspective.

My wife remained non-committal toward the implant at the beginning of our using it but as I continued to heal and become more accustomed to my new bionic dick, it was almost like a switch had been thrown in her brain...she became enthusiastic and more turned on than I've seen her in years. In fact, after one of our recent lovemaking sessions, as we laid spent on the bed, she uttered these immortal words...THANK YOU, DR. MILLS (my implant surgeon)!!! Then came the night last week when she had multiple orgasms while in the "woman on top" position...something that hadn't happened in the past 20 years. That night, basking in her glow, she turned to me, kissed my cheek and said into my ear, "I'm glad you had the surgery!!!!" My wife is a woman...enough said!!???

I love this one!! "Don't do it" doesn't always mean "Don't do it". Reasons vary a lot.
Finally Bionic
52y old. RP Oct. 2017. Pills didn't work. Trimix failed after a couple of times. Have inguinal hernia repair on both sides. Implanted AMS CX, 21 cm+1 cm RTE, by Dr. Kai Li at KP, VA, Jan. 2021. New username FinallyBionic

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby ViaSwiss » Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:49 pm

Thanks for all the views gentlemen. Appreciate it!

My wife has not been a "compassionate" person throughout our marriage. So this non-support just adds to the overall other issues.

One thing I know is that I plan on getting the implant whether she is around or not. The piece I now must figure out is if she deserves to be around, or not.
Age 37. Venous Leakage & Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) since age 18.
Original Implant | June 25, 2021 | 20cm Titan w 1.5cm & 1cm RTEs
Revision | November 16, 2021 | 26cm | Dr. Hakky

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby Agfa13 » Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:54 pm

LS, yes, there is a big difference, However, the arguments will still be the same, maybe more here and there. But for the most part, the 'my body, my decision' cuts both ways is what I a saying, regardless of the body part.
As an example by the OP, already the 'natural' is argued. You are saying there is a difference. Not to this wife. She is seeing it as an 'enhancement' that is not needed. It is unnatural, blah, blah, blah...
Ag, 58, Maryland
Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail :lol: :D

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby AST2123 » Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:42 pm

ViaSwiss wrote:Thanks for all the views gentlemen. Appreciate it!

My wife has not been a "compassionate" person throughout our marriage. So this non-support just adds to the overall other issues.

One thing I know is that I plan on getting the implant whether she is around or not. The piece I now must figure out is if she deserves to be around, or not.

Wish you success on whatever you choose to. Thanks for bringing this subject up. The discussion highlighted plenty of useful opinions.
Finally Bionic
52y old. RP Oct. 2017. Pills didn't work. Trimix failed after a couple of times. Have inguinal hernia repair on both sides. Implanted AMS CX, 21 cm+1 cm RTE, by Dr. Kai Li at KP, VA, Jan. 2021. New username FinallyBionic

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby merrix » Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:42 am

Interesting thread.
As I described somewhere in the earlier parts of My Joyrnal (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6010), my wife was also sceptical to start with.
Her reasoning was that it is a big surgery, high risk, what if things go wrong and you end up with nothing, now at least we have something that works ok, I am fine with what we have, etc.

And that was based on our case, where we could have sex. My ED was not 100%. I used pills and managed to penetrate probably 9/10, even though often requiring help in form of a BJ or HJ to get it up, and then shoving it in without delay before it went down. Sex was high-intensity from start to finish to avoid it going down, and perhaps 3/10 I still ended with a semi with which I could not orgasm or even have to terminate the whole thing.
But at least we did have sex. Even if it wasn’t good.
After discussing it several times, showing her pics and videos of what it actually is, what it looks like, how it works, and what it meant to me, she quickly changed her mind. Mostly because she didn’t quite understand the concept at first. She thought it wasn’t as natural looking and feeling as it actually is.
And finally, once I got it and we started to reap the benefits from it, she is just as happy as me that I got it.

The whole thing about the woman losing her ability to get her man hard, well, yes. Sure. But if she can her man hard today, then why is he considering an implant?
As so often in the implant or not discussions, the thing is that if things work well enough today, then don’t get implanted.
If things don’t work well enough today, well then apparently she cannot get her man hard (enough) today, so then that argument falls.
She won't lose anything she has. She already lost it. Now it's about making the best of the situation.

Then the question becomes, does she prefer her man getting hard with an implant or not at all (i.e. no sex)?
If her answer is not at all, meaning she prefers no sex over implant sex, then I would say that would be it for me.
For two reasons.
One – if she doesn’t think sex with me is important, I would take that as an insult more or less. She doesn’t find me attractive, she thinks our sex is useless. And I wouldn’t want a GF/wife who didn’t like to have sex with me. It would be sign of deeper issues that would pop up sooner or later anyway.
Also, I would find it hard to accept that I have a disease/handicap which hurts me badly. I can fix it, but she is against it. So what if my hearing worsened. I would end up needing a hearing aid. If she would say “no, please don’t get it. It is unnatural, I wouldn’t like you having one”, then wtf is that? If she loves me she will want me to fix my issues, issues that both hurt me physically and mentally. It is borderline evil to oppose to your spouse/GF/BF to fix his/her health problems.
So if she got breast cancer, had to remove one breast, wanted to replace her missing breast with an implant to make her feel better, not to feel awkward in public, to feel sexy for her partner, to feel like a whole woman – would I say “No, don’t to it, it is unnatural, I will not like it”???
If I did that, I would be mental. A Psychopath. No matter what I actually thought, I would support her 100%. If she felt bad about it, if this could make her feel better about it, I would back her with all I had to offer. If she went through the trauma of having cancer, and then coming out of it, she could restore some or most of her self esteem and spark by replacing what was lost – How the F could I be anything less than 100% supportive if I loved her? What I think, whether I have some morale ideas about breast implants, has nothing to with it. This would be her life.

And I see no differences whatsoever in a penile implant.
The argument that I wouldn’t need to have her breast implant stuffed up between my legs doesn’t work. It is not supposed to. But a dick is. And getting fucked by an implanted dick feels no different than being so by a natural dick. So that argument just falls flat.

So I wouldn’t accept it. If my wife said “I won’t accept the implant” I would get it anyway. Because if she actually meant that, everything would be lost already. And staying with her wouldn’t work anyway. I would find it evil, and a total lack of empathy.
Last edited by merrix on Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:18 am, edited 3 times in total.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby Quester » Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:05 am

I agree a lot with what Merrix and others here mentioned, I suppose I was lucky as I met my wife while on pills for ED. Shortly after our marriage my ED got worse. Some of it was not having sex while she went through breast cancer treatments.

Things were hit and miss on getting hard with pills then came injections, and either a bad placed one, too vigorous sex, or my autoimmune disease I developed Peyronies Disease, I was lucky as the angle didn’t get a whole lot worse between diagnosis and implant maybe due to using a VED meds and so on. Due to surgery on my foot the urologist thought it would be prudent to be a year post surgery before doing the implant.

During that time my wife expressed many of the same concerns others mentioned. In the end she said do you dare get an implant and say it’s for me. Stunned at first we continued to talk where I learned that she meant it had to be for me. We both have have depression and PTSD from military service and see mental health professionals.

In some ways your wife sounds like my ex we got divorced after 27years, she refused to listen when we went to marriage counseling having formed the opinion that I was wrong. I thought I’d never find love again. But I was wrong with my current wife.

As for getting hard my wife knows that I’m excited for her by my kisses caressing and being lucky my glans gets hard along with other tissues.

As mentioned by others seek professional help, clergy, marriage counseling, and so on. If that doesn’t work well it’s your call to end the marriage and seek out a new soulmate. Life is too short to be in a miserable relationship.
ED 20 years, Peyroine's Disease diagnosed in 2018, at 57 years I was implanted September 3rd 2019 at the Salt Lake City VA Medical Center, AMS700 CX 21cm + 2cm RTE

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby irishguy » Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:05 pm

Viaswiss you say that she has not being compassionate throughout your marriage and this non support just adds to it!!
So 1. Ask yourself this you are only 33 do you think your wife will get more or less compassionate as the years go on?
2. Is compassion a quality in someone that you have to have(I would imagine so)
3. Deep down what is your gut saying
4. Before your Ed what qualities did she have that attracted to you to her and not physical, does she still possess them

I feel by your answers you know what to do but maybe your a type of guy that doesn’t want to stir the pot!! But I promise you your life will be so much better without her(if what I’m getting from you is true) basically it’s sounds to me that you are impotent now and even if she accepts you to get the implant you may aswel still be impotent married to her!!

Now I apologise if I have widely missed the mark and assumed alot if I have I honestly apologise
Age 34 Implanted with a 20cm Titan, Mar 19 2013, By Doctor David Ralph in London England,
8 years with implant and after a rocky start I’m very happy with the implant

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby ViaSwiss » Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:57 pm

You hit the mark IrishGuy. I'll have to buy you a Guiness when I come to the Emerald Isle.

Having ED has caused me to become a "Mr Nice Guy" or co-dependent. It;'s made me fearful of ending relationships out of fear of having to start all over with this ED shit. Adding a blended family w 4 kids to that.

Either way, I had decided to have the talk with her on Friday night. Unfortunately, Fri night and tonight we randomly had cousins stay the night, so I couldn't have the convo. Hopefully I can find time right before or after the Super Bowl tomorrow to tell her I will be moving on from her. Part of what made me want to "make it work" and continue to overlook everything is that she is a solid 9.5.

Dating with a penile implant in my mid-30s will be an interesting adventure!
Age 37. Venous Leakage & Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) since age 18.
Original Implant | June 25, 2021 | 20cm Titan w 1.5cm & 1cm RTEs
Revision | November 16, 2021 | 26cm | Dr. Hakky

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby Robert66 » Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:20 am

Deep thinkers in here wow.. i see it more simple men like sex women like security . When the wife want her man to do right by here she should do the same . Move to asia they still consider sex a mans right

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Re: Wife is against me getting an implant

Postby notaes » Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:29 am

My wife being supportive and on board with me when I went for my consultation meant the world to me. She is a nurse of 40 years and saw all the struggles with injections in my cock, the swelling, the hours I sat with ice packs on my cock etc. I could go on and on with the hell we both experienced! I know she realizes there is a better way. She went with me on my consultation with the surgeon. She was with me during my surgery. She knows this is a couples thing. It all went great. I’ll never forget how supportive she was with my surgery during and after. What a great woman and I love her for it!
66 yr old male married 36 yrs use trimix four yrs, cilais and Viagra. trimix work well developed scarring on both sides had implant 1/9/2020 at UT Med Ctr, Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lacy.

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