TENS unit for ED?

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TENS unit for ED?

Postby Motorheadrulz » Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:03 pm

Just curious...
I had my RPP in Jan '20, and have no feeling down there. I have an old TENS unit sitting in the closet from a previous surgery. I see a lot of chatter about electro-stim on this board. I figure- what the hell, give it a try.

Has anyone else tried this?
And where do you put the leads- 1 on the taint, 1 on shaft base, etc.??

Born in the last century and RPP in 2020. Started trimix in Mar 2021, now on to the rehab...

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby Reggieman » Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:57 pm

I've used electro-stim for years before and after prostatectomy due to cancer. Visit Smartstim.com for all your needed answers. It's free, no spam, and is full of like minded people with all the details you will need.
Retired. R.P. 2016. Bilateral nerve sparing surgery. Now use .15cc of Bimix twice weekly & anorgasmia, moderately incontinent. Wife no longer interested so go solo with Electro-stim using Erostek ET-312. Now am Type 2 diabetic.

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby Motorheadrulz » Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:15 am

Thx; Will check it out.
I tried it with normal pads, and all I got was a stinging feeling like getting a tattoo.

My goal is to try and get the nerves to start firing and get some type of sensation. Maybe even to exercise the pelvic floor muscles and get control of the incontinence.
Born in the last century and RPP in 2020. Started trimix in Mar 2021, now on to the rehab...

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby bldoink » Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:52 pm

I never used electro-stem or Tens. Well to be more accurate I did try a home Tens unit 2 times but as far as I could tell it wasn't contracting the correct muscles so I didn't continue. I did not have a way to place a contact rectally so that could be an issue.

I did find a 2018 study that also was not encouraging titled "Pelvic floor muscle training and electrical stimulation as rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy: a randomized controlled trial". A bunch of authors listed. Found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6016310/

Some excerpts:
"............................ [Results] There was no significant difference in the demographic data among groups. Greater urinary leakage and pelvic floor muscle weakness in the first month compared to pre treatment improved after 3 and 6 months postoperative, without difference among groups. [Conclusion] The muscle strength recovery occurs independently of the therapy employed. Pelvic floor exercises or electrical stimulation also did not have an impact on the recovery of urinary continence and erectile function in our study."

"This study evaluated the impact of different forms of pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. Different types of physical therapy did not influence the recovery of urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. ..........................................................................................................
While our findings were coincident with the results observed in a meta-analysis by Zhu et al.1), in which the authors concluded that the use of electrical stimulation associated with pelvic floor muscle training did not prevent urinary incontinence. A late benefit for pelvic floor muscle training was observed by other authors and the preoperative levels returning in the third month, maintained until the sixth month are in disagreement with other study10) in which objective improvement in urinary incontinence post radical prostatectomy was observed earlier. ..............................................................................................................................
Our study is not without limitations, though prospective randomized, it is relativelly small and limited to the techniques used in the pelvic floor muscle trainnig. Further studies are necessary considering larger cohorts and different interventions.

Our results suggest that muscle strength recovery occurs independently of the therapy employed. The time factor seems to be the most important marker. Pelvic floor exercises or electrical stimulation also did not have an impact on the recovery of urinary continence and erectile function in our study."

The study admitted to some limitations that should be considered. Nothing in the study addressed the use for entertainment purposes. It obviously is entertaining for some guys. My very limited trial wasn't particularly entertaining, but then I didn't try an anal probe. The probe idea didn't sound all that appealing to me although if it really worked as therapy I'd do it.

What I found helped my incontinence the most was taking walks working up to 4 miles unprotected by pads. Of course I started with shorter walks. Walking with relatively thin shorts and no pad greatly increased my motivation to not pee myself. There were times I had to dive for the bushes and times I did have a modest wet spot. Mostly I faired pretty well with modest leaks that didn't imperil my modesty. I did test myself resulting in most leaks close to the house as I continued to increase my range. I eventually got where I could do the 4 miles without pissing myself.

Obviously my experience wasn't a scientific study. And I still do have very minor leaks occasionally, especially when fatigued and doing hard physical work (sawing, chopping, hauling, lifting). I'm thinking my walk method exercised different muscles or at least exercised the muscles differently from that of the Tens or traditional Kegel exercises.

Climacturia, the inappropriate peeing during sex, can be another related problem. That problem I think is best addressed by solo practice which in my case helped a bunch. It involved learning some technique as well as probably some muscle development. But I guess that's a different topic.

Ain't life fun!
Last edited by bldoink on Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby Reggieman » Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:46 pm


Yeah, I had physical therapy to build up the pelvic floor muscles. Didn't help a damn bit. After RRP surgery I was using 8 pads a day for incontinence. Then 3 months later on a Sunday it changed to 2 pads a day. I could easily get by with one but like to wear one during the day and fresh one at night.
Tens devices can work. It depends on age, amount of nerve damage and ability to deal with the learning curve. If one is young and healthy with no nerve damage like one gets from RRP surgery, it is mostly easier to obtain success. I had experience with a Tens and a dedicated e-stim sex device before and after my surgery. It was easier going before surgery than after. A Tens device will get you into the procedure but one really needs a truly dedicated device designed for sex not therapy. One does not need an erection to reach orgasm either once one has leaned the technique.

I now use an Erostek ET-312b which has more power and routines than a Tens. If you have the knowledge (I don't) one can write routines for her or his self.

Most, I think, have to have mental stimulation at the same time when using E-stim.
This can be a vivid imagination, porn, erotic stories, etc. This aids in getting over the top as it were.

Again, I recommend visiting Smartstim.com where dedicated members dispense free advice, techniques, equip design and review, etc. I'm just a viewer on that sight like most others and make no money off the suggestion. I found the site after I discovered E-stim and had to learn the hard way. I subsequently learned to make some of my own electrodes which saved me money.
Retired. R.P. 2016. Bilateral nerve sparing surgery. Now use .15cc of Bimix twice weekly & anorgasmia, moderately incontinent. Wife no longer interested so go solo with Electro-stim using Erostek ET-312. Now am Type 2 diabetic.

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby Motorheadrulz » Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:14 am

So please educate me on this:
If we don't have a prostate, and the nerve bundles are detached, or just hanging loose; then how does a anal probe help?

I'm not against any proven methods at this point (if it works), but I don't see the neurological connection. I guess my engineer brain can't wire the circuit...
Born in the last century and RPP in 2020. Started trimix in Mar 2021, now on to the rehab...

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby Reggieman » Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:36 pm


One doesn't have to use an anal probe to get an orgasm. Some just like a probe which I didn't find helpful .Perhaps some are more sensitive there then others. There are still nerve pathways if a probe is used, they just don't go thru the prostate.

Tens pads tend to be stingy. Most folks use electro-conductive rubber loops and other conductive materials

A simple setup could be an electrode looped around the head of the penis and the other around the scrotum. One could add to that a loop around the penis at the base and the other with a pad on the perineum. There are numerous placement positions.

See: https://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/adv ... .html#male

Peruse Smartstim.com for extensive answers for beginners and Happystim. com for a large selection of electro-stim supplies and equipment. Again, I am not affiliated with either site but I use them extensively for my own electro stim play.

There are others who are much for qualified than me to explain all the technical details of electro-stim. Go sites such as Xhamster.com, Xtube.com or other larger porn site and search for estim, electo stim, etc to see videos of guy/gals actually using electro stim.
Retired. R.P. 2016. Bilateral nerve sparing surgery. Now use .15cc of Bimix twice weekly & anorgasmia, moderately incontinent. Wife no longer interested so go solo with Electro-stim using Erostek ET-312. Now am Type 2 diabetic.

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby Motorheadrulz » Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:26 am

I ordered a pair of loops ($25) to see if it works. I'm also waiting for my smartstim account to be approved.
As stated above, I'm just trying to see if I can jumpstart the nerves again- so I'm not concerned about any orgasms. As many have stated, it takes 1-2 yrs after RPP to see any results for ED or the nerves, so why not try to accelerate the recovery?

Thanks to everyone for the links, but watching someone blow spunk when we don't have the equipment isn't fair. :lol:
Born in the last century and RPP in 2020. Started trimix in Mar 2021, now on to the rehab...

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby Reggieman » Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:42 pm


Looking at the videos gives one an insight as to how others have "wired up" the electrodes to ones body.

I was 71 when I had my RRP. Nerves never came back and I still suffer from anorgasmia. I get something like a mini-mini orgasm about 20% of the time (I inject Bimix twice a week). The stars have to be aligned, in the correct mood, not tired, and find an arousing video or erotic story to read. 99% of porn videos are a bore so it's tough to find something I find arousing to help me get into the correct frame of mind.

I use the Erostek ET 312b e-stim device which contains varying routines but I find few that really help me get to an orgasm. I download routines developed by others as I don't know how to write them. Smartstim has some kind of online system that members can access Smartstim's routines (written my skilled members) and which feed into my device. I have not investigated that service yet and requires a quarterly donation of about $35 if I recall correctly.

You didn't mention ordering any electro conductive gel. You will need liberal amounts with the loops or you will get stinging.

Good luck
Retired. R.P. 2016. Bilateral nerve sparing surgery. Now use .15cc of Bimix twice weekly & anorgasmia, moderately incontinent. Wife no longer interested so go solo with Electro-stim using Erostek ET-312. Now am Type 2 diabetic.

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Re: TENS unit for ED?

Postby Motorheadrulz » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:06 am

I got the loops and am trying different combos to see what works. So far, just a stinging sensation around the glans. I was able to fire the pelvic floor muscles with a pad and some pressure on the perineum, but no shocks along the shaft.

Water-based lube helped a little.

I don't expect too much from this; but it shows me the nerves are trying to work. And I only spent $25 to find out.

I never dreamed of putting a cattle prod on my junk, but what do I have to lose? :o
Born in the last century and RPP in 2020. Started trimix in Mar 2021, now on to the rehab...

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