Coloplast Titan

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Coloplast Titan

Postby October26 » Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:40 pm

I am being implanted October 26, 2020 with a Coloplast Titan and wondered if someone could just share what the Titan is like in both in the flaccid and erect state? For example, I swim laps everyday and wondered if I can continue to wear the typical low cut swim brief? Sometimes I wear the lighter colors too and wonder if those days are over due to the bulge? Does the large flaccid state change over time—is the flaccid penis always pretty large? (Now I am about 4.5 soft and 7”erect). Will I need to buy some larger speedos?

What will it look like flaccid in the gym shower? Would the typical person be able to swim six weeks after surgery?

I am also wondering if I can work the second week after surgery? I blocked out ten days but after looking at a few comments, I wonder if I should block out two. I have an office job but I can’t call in sick if I wake up and I am too sore.

Also, can anyone talk about using VED to prepare? I had Peyronies and lost some size so my Doctor has me using the VED twice a day. Does anyone know the relationship between the 7” I see with the VED and the size of implant I will get? Any similarity or relationship?

I just had a prostate resection so ejaculation is going to be gone. I have had lots of trouble with reaching orgasm. Will the implant help with that?

Also, what should I ask the doctor when I see her? Questions about the Titan? She uses the Titan when you are above a certain size, I think.

I just discovered this site and will be reading more comments and would like to find some pictures of the Titan when flaccid because I see there are comments that it is sometimes larger with the Titan than before. (I lost about 1.5 inches off my flaccid state due to the Peyronies and really self conscious about it when I shower with the other swimmers since everyone shaves. Thanks for any advice or discussion you can provide!

Lost Sheep
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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:57 pm

October26 wrote:Also, can anyone talk about using VED to prepare? I had Peyronies and lost some size so my Doctor has me using the VED twice a day. Does anyone know the relationship between the 7” I see with the VED and the size of implant I will get? Any similarity or relationship?

Your size inside the VED will be significantly larger than your size outside. Maybe 10-20% depending on how much vacuum you use. I found that if I pumped up to a just starting to get uncomfortable size (I did not have a vacuum gauge), when I released the vaccum suddenly, my penis would fall back to my "normal" erect size length-size and maybe a little girthier.

As far as how orgasmic or easy to get orgasms you will be immediately after implant, I suspect most men experience a bit of anorgasmia. I did. I suspect it is because my nerves were traumatized by the operation and took a little time to overcome their timidity. I recovered my ability to orgasm. Others have had similar experiences and some have had very dissimilar experiences.

When I was experiencing E.D., I often thought I would be willing to trade my orgasms (too easily coming to me) if I could give my partner orgasms consistently. That was a philosophical stand. It may or may not have turned out to be a Faustian bargain to be regretted later, but I did not have to deal with the Devil on that score, thankfully. I now miss very few orgasms while my lady experiences many. (This may be due to her ability to orgasm or to my penis' ability to stay erect. I suspect the fo0rmer is true of her more than my previous lovers.)

In any event, I counsel you to not worry about how easily your orgasms come. Jut be glad you can give them again. Everything else (in my philosophy) is gilding the lily.

Welcome to FrankTalk, October26

This is my generic welcome speech (edited down since you have obviously already done some of the preparatory steps I habitually recommend). I sounds like you have carefully chosen a good surgeon who accepts you as an integral part of your medical care team and respects your wishes. Good choice.

When I first joined FrankTalk, I took a couple weekends to read through two and a half years of posts/threads with titles that interested me and appeared informative. I recommend this to you. It will give you a better basis for forming questions and understanding the answers.  This will also help get your medical team to accept you as a contributing partner in the decision-making.

I recommend documenting your size (length and girth) by careful measurement and photographs.   Make sure your measurement protocol is repeatable (you will want to measure after surgery also).  The most widely used measurement is to press a measuring tool against your pubic bone just above your penis, compressing the pubic fat pad as much as possible and measuring (straight) to the tip of your penis (not following the curve around to the tip, but just straight out like a shoe store measures your foot to the tip of your toe - but you can follow the curve of your penis' shaft.)  Girth is measurement of circumference at the midpoint of your penis.  Some choose to find the girthiest part, instead.  Usually the two points are the same or very close.

Again, welcome and thanks for asking our advice.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby LuisFernandez » Tue Sep 22, 2020 4:37 am

Do you have ED from the Peyronie's? Is that why you're getting the implant? How long ago did you get Peyronie's? Did you try traction therapy to regain your length?

If you're 7"" now? Does that mean you were 8.5" before Peyronie's? Do you still get erections?

I also have Peyronie's and am considering an implant, but I'm still able to get erections - though more and more unreliable. Just curious about your situation.

Born 1986. ED. Peyronie's.
Considering an Implant. Consulting with Dr. Eid.
Using Cialis 10mg/day + 20mg for sex. Injections of PGE-1.
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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby stephen54 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:28 am

October26 wrote:I am being implanted October 26, 2020 with a Coloplast Titan and wondered if someone could just share what the Titan is like in both in the flaccid and erect state? For example, I swim laps everyday and wondered if I can continue to wear the typical low cut swim brief? Sometimes I wear the lighter colors too and wonder if those days are over due to the bulge? Does the large flaccid state change over time—is the flaccid penis always pretty large? (Now I am about 4.5 soft and 7”erect). Will I need to buy some larger speedos?

What will it look like flaccid in the gym shower? Would the typical person be able to swim six weeks after surgery?

I am also wondering if I can work the second week after surgery? I blocked out ten days but after looking at a few comments, I wonder if I should block out two. I have an office job but I can’t call in sick if I wake up and I am too sore.

Also, can anyone talk about using VED to prepare? I had Peyronies and lost some size so my Doctor has me using the VED twice a day. Does anyone know the relationship between the 7” I see with the VED and the size of implant I will get? Any similarity or relationship?

I just had a prostate resection so ejaculation is going to be gone. I have had lots of trouble with reaching orgasm. Will the implant help with that?

Also, what should I ask the doctor when I see her? Questions about the Titan? She uses the Titan when you are above a certain size, I think.

I just discovered this site and will be reading more comments and would like to find some pictures of the Titan when flaccid because I see there are comments that it is sometimes larger with the Titan than before. (I lost about 1.5 inches off my flaccid state due to the Peyronies and really self conscious about it when I shower with the other swimmers since everyone shaves. Thanks for any advice or discussion you can provide!

I really think you'll cause a bit of an uproar with Speedos/low cut swim briefs. A "flaccid" Titan in my experience is anything but "flaccid" in the way I always interpreted that word. I think you'll soon be redefining your idea of what "flaccid" means for you going forward. But hey, depending on your audience...

There's only so much room for the cylinders to occupy space even when fully emptied into the reservoir, so be prepared for kind of a semi-hardon which may be your constant companion for the rest of your days. I read about this and talked to some of the guys prior to surgery but of course could not quite appreciate what this all meant until I went through surgery myself. 10 months out I can finally...sort of...kind of...a little bit...fold my dick somewhat downward. Mine does not like the 6 o'clock orientation at all - it's uncomfortable. So it's usually slung slightly off to one side. Again, just my experience.

As far as just swimming at six weeks, I can't imagine a limitation there. I was clearing brush and cutting trees on our property etc at that same time frame. I went back to work at my desk a few days after surgery and out in the field calling on customers on week 2. Highly individual experience around recoveries though, from what I gather.
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby Happy Toy » Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:16 am

I'm over 2 years out now, wow, how time fly's! Flaccid I am 4+" and very soft. I do like to keep about 2 or 3 pumps in, just like the feel after 74 years of having nothing when flaccid. I gained over 3" flaccid and did not loose any of my 5.5" erect dick with my implant, I am very happy with how it all turned out and so is my wife of 53 yrs. Below are a couple of pictures of my flaccid dick taken about a year ago. It has gotten even softer since these pictures were taken, but should give you an idea of what to expect as time goes on.
flaccid side.JPG
flaccid side.JPG (110.23 KiB) Viewed 3438 times
bent over.JPG
bent over.JPG (192.56 KiB) Viewed 3438 times
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 80 yrs., married 57 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby Old Guy » Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:00 pm

My Coloplast Titan keeps me pretty sizeable even flaccid. I have a bulge in my underwear and while wearing sweat pants, jeans hides it a bit more. I have yet to try on swim trunks but I can imagine my bulge would show pretty good when wet.
Speedo's may be out of the question unless you're swimming with all men. That might still be questionable.
Nov. 8, 2019
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Lost Sheep
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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:08 pm

LuisFernandez wrote:Do you have ED from the Peyronie's? Is that why you're getting the implant? How long ago did you get Peyronie's? Did you try traction therapy to regain your length?

If you're 7"" now? Does that mean you were 8.5" before Peyronie's? Do you still get erections?

I also have Peyronie's and am considering an implant, but I'm still able to get erections - though more and more unreliable. Just curious about your situation.


When I was experiencing unreliable erections, I opted for oral medications as a less-invasive treatment. If an actual cure were discovered before I was implanted, that would have been a solution. Implant would have ruled out use of any such discovery because an implant necessarily destroys or radically compromises any erectile ability to total non-functionality. The typical advice is "Do not go to an implant until you have nothing to go back to, for there IS no going back from an implant."

Unless your Peyronie's makes an implant necessary, I advise using less-invasive treatments for as long as possible or practical.
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby NextStepImplant » Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:46 pm

Post op flaccid
C3DA0093-BDCA-46B6-ADEB-D60458658C28.jpeg (295.64 KiB) Viewed 3398 times

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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby hopeful_future » Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:17 pm

Your mileage may vary, for some folks it takes a long time to soften up. Here's my "flaccid" state a week after surgery: Deflating Week 1

It has improved a little bit a few more weeks out, but it will be some time before I'd consider myself decent in a swimsuit! When walking around without underwear, it looks like I have an erection. Pumped up, it gets quite a bit thicker and a tiny bit longer though. I should note, I have a lot of proximal implant (the space inside the body beyond the base of the penis), which probably contributes to all the support it has. I understand a few months in, it should be more supple (the titan tube material is stiffer than the AMS implants).

Just an additional data point!
39yo, ED since sexually active, moderate to severe. Bisexual. Pills helped a little, trimix and muse failed. Implanted 8/25/20 by Dr. Karpman, 22cm+1RTE Titan Touch.

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Happy Toy
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Re: Coloplast Titan

Postby Happy Toy » Tue Sep 22, 2020 8:22 pm

NextStepImplant wrote:Post op flaccid

I don't see anything wrong with that beauty. I would be proud. Should a woman with large breast try to hide them? Be decent, but you have what you have and there is nothing wrong with that. Speedos are what they are and everybody expects to see a bulge, so if a venue calls for them just do it and be happy you have the package to fill them out. Before my implant, I never would have worn a speedo, not with my turtle dick and one testicle, I had nothing there.
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 80 yrs., married 57 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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