Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby trifien » Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:13 am

Has anyone considered the fact that their Fundiform ligament could be damaged, causing the vein to become loose and drain out blood?

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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Nadie123 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:21 pm

you cannot compare a need for self-fulfillment with a basic need! ... sexuality is necessary directly tempts the quality of life a sports car does not ... by the way I am 23 years old
25 -year-old Colombian ... Psychological ED for life, I use viagra spontaneously with ex cellent results, it stopped working and developed a leak ... cialis + viagra work halfway in one position hate mi life but I am struggling to get an implant

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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Nadie123 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:24 pm

had not seen it from that point ... however I think it should hurt, don't you think
25 -year-old Colombian ... Psychological ED for life, I use viagra spontaneously with ex cellent results, it stopped working and developed a leak ... cialis + viagra work halfway in one position hate mi life but I am struggling to get an implant

Lost Sheep
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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:06 pm

Nadie123 wrote:you cannot compare a need for self-fulfillment with a basic need! ... sexuality is necessary directly tempts the quality of life a sports car does not ... by the way I am 23 years old

Is self-fulfillment not a basic need?
Lost Sheep
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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:07 pm

Nadie123 wrote:had not seen it from that point ... however I think it should hurt, don't you think

I am confused a little. What should hurt, please? And why?
Lost Sheep
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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Nadie123 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:00 pm

I can live normally without a luxury car but can I live normally with a venous leak? Come look the maslow pyramid.. I'm just giving my point of view from the other comment
25 -year-old Colombian ... Psychological ED for life, I use viagra spontaneously with ex cellent results, it stopped working and developed a leak ... cialis + viagra work halfway in one position hate mi life but I am struggling to get an implant

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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Get-Up-And-Fight » Fri Nov 13, 2020 5:14 pm


This is my 1st entry in this forum, although I have been reading it a lot in the last months. Sorry if I make any mistake in my writing. My native language is Spanish.

I want to throw a proposal to all of you who are suffering from venous leakage, just as I am.

To summarize my situation, I am 30 years old, I suffer from erectile dysfunction due to venous leakage, of years of evolution (from the age of 21-22). I have already consulted with several doctors, private and from the Public Health Service.

- Regarding the cause of my problem, some of them tell me that it is something congenital, others tell me that it is something acquired. I don't know who to believe.

- Regarding the solution to my problem, they have offered me various treatments (stem cells, reconstructive surgery) all of them very expensive, and without proven efficacy. The only treatment that offers a very high success rate is the penile prosthesis implant. However, it is clear that it is a very big decision to make, as it represents an important change in your life. Honestly, it is the solution I have in mind right now, but before resorting to it, I decided to take a few months to think, and to continue investigating.


There is a hope of treatment that I have a lot of faith in, although it is a field that today is in very early study phases. These are stem cell treatments; Regenerative Medicine.

From what I have investigated, venous leakage is not a problem with the veins themselves, but with the structure of the penis; a loss of integrity of the smooth musculature of the corpora cavernosa and the tunica albuginea, which causes the failure of the corporo-veno-occlusive system. What if these tissues could be regenerated?

So far, I have read about research teams in the US, Mexico, Denmark and France, investigating stem cell treatments to cure erectile dysfunction. The fact is that they are not applied specifically for venous leakage ...

I mentioned this issue to the Public Health Service urologist. He admitted not being up to date on them, but encouraged me to find research teams that are working on the issue, contact them, and join anyone of the studies as a volunteer.

I propose to form a group of people who are dealing with this problem, for all of us to look for teams that are already investigating it, and with whom we can collaborate, or even motivate the creation of a clinical study to seek a cure for ED by venous leak. If we come together and give importance and visibility to our problem, we will motivate interest in solving it. In the end, whether we like it or not, who cares most about a problem is who has it.

Anyone interested can contact me by a private message. I will wait for your reaction to my proposal, and if the answer is good, we will begin to organize.

Unity makes strength.

Greetings and a hug to all of you

Lost Sheep
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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Nov 13, 2020 10:51 pm

Nadie123 wrote:I can live normally without a luxury car but can I live normally with a venous leak? Come look the maslow pyramid.. I'm just giving my point of view from the other comment

You raise a valid point. My analogy only goes so far (as most analogies do fall short of a perfect model).

Health insurance companies do not pay for sports cars, either.

In any event, whether sex actually REQUIRES a working penis is also open to question. (And I recognize FULLY that the viewpoint of a 25-year-old will be SIGNIFICANTLY different from a 45-year-old and a 75-year-old. Their experience lefelw aned perspectives will be vastly different, depending on life experiences. I was 25 once. At that time, the penis was absolutely essential. With experience (and women with more experience than the ones I knew when I was 25), I have gained an appreciation for the utility of "alternate" ways to have sex with a woman. (Note: Now that I have a working penis again, those alternatives are much appreciated as they widen our horizons, but that is a different story for a different venue.)

Thanks for reading with an open mind.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Nadie123 » Fri Nov 13, 2020 11:16 pm

Que tal hombre, veo que tu lengua materna es el español asi que te escribo en nuestro idioma ... respecto a las fugas venosas realmente son un campo muy complejo de entender ya que no necesariamente se generan por un fallo en la arquitectura del pene, recuerda que la baja testosteroma también puede causar fallo veno oclusivo (ojo afirmo esto por la investigación demencial que echo ya que tengo 23 años y estoy en una situacion similar a la tuya) el punto al que voy esto si desde mi punto de vista es que ese tratamiento de celulas madre posiblemente funcionaria pero en casos muy específicos y dudo que sea un tratamientos duradero... ahora otro problema que debemos tener en cuenta es que mas alla de que la medicina trate de ser "ética" el trasfondo de las investigaciones es crear modelos de negocio rentables mas alla de solucionar el problema por esto considero que un metodo mas económico y menos rentable que el implante si existiera tampoco seria muy llamativo para los grandes empresarios ( como los asquerosos implantes son su gigante rentabilidad) , es decir que el tratamiento de celulas madre no debe ser muy amigable con el bolsillo de ninguna empresa .... para concluir , quisiera tener esperanza de retomar mi función erectil sin nada plastico, mecanico e invasivo como el implante pero en definitiva es la unica solución por cualquier lado que se le mire .. gracias por leer y podriamos hablar por telegram o WhatsApp para compartir ideas .. saludos :)
25 -year-old Colombian ... Psychological ED for life, I use viagra spontaneously with ex cellent results, it stopped working and developed a leak ... cialis + viagra work halfway in one position hate mi life but I am struggling to get an implant

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Re: Anything new?! Any updates on anything? (Penile venous leakage)

Postby Nadie123 » Fri Nov 13, 2020 11:23 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:
Nadie123 wrote:I can live normally without a luxury car but can I live normally with a venous leak? Come look the maslow pyramid.. I'm just giving my point of view from the other comment

You raise a valid point. My analogy only goes so far (as most analogies do fall short of a perfect model).

Health insurance companies do not pay for sports cars, either.

In any event, whether sex actually REQUIRES a working penis is also open to question. (And I recognize FULLY that the viewpoint of a 25-year-old will be SIGNIFICANTLY different from a 45-year-old and a 75-year-old. Their experience lefelw aned perspectives will be vastly different, depending on life experiences. I was 25 once. At that time, the penis was absolutely essential. With experience (and women with more experience than the ones I knew when I was 25), I have gained an appreciation for the utility of "alternate" ways to have sex with a woman. (Note: Now that I have a working penis again, those alternatives are much appreciated as they widen our horizons, but that is a different story for a different venue.)

Thanks for reading with an open mind.

sorry for my sincerity but it seems stupid premise of the sports car compared to a normal erectile function, they have no comparison by any "analogy" ... My life is totally unhappy if my penis does not work well, if I do not have a luxury car I can continue living without no problem and if sex is more than putting a penis in the vagina but it is the most biologically correct way to exercise sexuality.
25 -year-old Colombian ... Psychological ED for life, I use viagra spontaneously with ex cellent results, it stopped working and developed a leak ... cialis + viagra work halfway in one position hate mi life but I am struggling to get an implant

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