Long term ED, new member

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Long term ED, new member

Postby dtwarren1942 » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:50 pm

FrankTalk was recommended by a PE group I joined a year ago to find help with my ED. I am 68 and was diagnosed a tupe2 diabetic 17 years ago. In addition to insulin (I am on an insulin pump), I take medication for colesterol and mildly high blood pressure. My ED started about 10 years ago at which time 25mg of Viagra did the trick. I have since worked up to 100mgs which usually works, provided I use a constriction band/cock ring. I now find that if I take large doses of l-argenine EE, an over the counter supplement (Maxidus) and 50mg of Viagrathe night before, I can usually achieve a good erection the next morning if I take another 50mg of Viagra and pump my penis for 20 minutes at 5hg and use constriction. Without going through all these machinations, I can't achieve even a good semi. I am looking for alternaqtives.+
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Long term ED, new member

Postby Paul-Mod » Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:53 pm

welcome to our little corner of the net. Glad you're here...sorry you have to be. You've been at this a long time. You could probably teach some of us a thing or two. Alternatives? guys seem to love the injections when they finally get them down. But gotta say, the guys who finally get an implant are the happiest guys around. Bionic dicks...makes me jealous. stick around, ok?

Posts: 498
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Re: Long term ED, new member

Postby jn1421 » Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:11 pm

Hi, and welcome to the hot bed of ED heresy, glad you're here!


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