Time for a decision..inputs welcome

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby Mazzio » Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:56 am

merrix wrote:Of course, our health care is not really "free". We pay it through taxes.
But you are sort of stuck in the system you are. It's a bit of a stretch to have a moderate salary, pay 40% taxes, and then skip your already-paid-for health care and go overseas and pay the total cost. That means you literally pay twice for the surgery.
Of course, if one have the money, like I luckily had, then fine.
But if those 40% taxes have meant you have nothing saved (which you in some way don't need in Scandinavia, since schools for kids, universities, health care is all "free" (i.e. tax paid)), then you are stuck with using the services you have paid for all your life.

So my advice is still the same. If you can afford it, then go to Eid (rather than Kramer).
If that would wreck your financials for decades, then go domestic with the absolutely best you can find.

Finally, since we are discussing tax systems here, In my country people with high salary literally pay the surgeries of low salaried people.
People with high income pay the universities for the kids of parents with low salaries.
Our tax system is heavily progressive.
Back home I would pay 55% income tax on my salary, and then 25% VAT on most goods and services bought.
A guy at McDonalds would pay less than 25%.
55% of a lot is 5 times more than 25% of a little. So I literally would pay 5 times income tax every month than the McDonalds guy. Plus the VAT difference from my higher spendings.
But that is a political discussion which I should refrain from giving my opinion of any preferences on.
All I will say is that I think it is sort of ok with a high total tax burden if the country is doing great. If schools are top class, health care is fast, available and high quality. Infrastructure is great. Criminality is low. Then that high cost was maybe justified. But if not - then what the F am I paying all those taxes for..?

Merrix: I also live in Scandinavia and I am a happy tax payer. We get so much for the taxes that I would never change the system to anything else. Everybody can read and write here. Nobody lives on the streets. If you want high education your parents don't have to pay all their lives for it. Plus million other positive things. I pay a lot of taxes and there are poor people that benefit for that. Of course I pay also their bills but I am happy to do it because I know that the system will also help me if I get into trouble.

To get an implant here is a little risky as the top local doctor does only 5-10 implant surgeries in a year. The number of cases in the whole country is less than 30 in a year. Eid and Kramer do bigger number every moth. But if I never go for it I will do it locally.
65 yrs, had venous leak all my life, sildenafil and other pills don't work anymore properly, using Caverject with pills.

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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby Gt1956 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:08 am

jump.ship wrote:Wow. The tone of the forum has changed after I stopped using it for a few months!

I am in the exact same situation as you. I can get it done for free at home here in the UK with no messy travel. Or pay threw the nose to travel to Eid.

I decided to travel and now because of Covid I'm stuck with nothing, waiting. However, I am so determined to get the job done correctly I am willing to wait on a vaccine!

I am very surprised merrix is advising to stay put despite all his other posts to the contrary. My own position was shaped very much by his position.

I agree that if you do not have the means, then get it done local. But from your post you are going to have the cash by the end of the year, so what is the issue here?

The plan to get it done local and then fixed by Kramer is a non starter. If you have a floppy head, scar issue will form and might hinder a cylinder refit. The first implant is crucial.

The point about escalating cost doesn't make sense. You should get this priced BEFORE your initial operation. I have a price for my implant and then a second price to cover a salvage operation should I get an infection. And you can get help locally if you really need it, as you state.

Maybe Covid has spooked everyone into staying local, and rightly so. I am NOT traveling while it's going on. If vaccine does NOT appear (we will know more in the autumn), I will then need to revise my plans. But with a vaccine, it's game on.

I am lonely, depressed and utterly desperate for this implant. But it's exactly because it means so much to me that I am willing to wait this out.

Best of luck.

My advice to Capt117 is different than what I may give a different member because of reading his post history. He appears to more cost sensitive than many other men. He has inquired about having it done in India. I personally can't imagine having anything done there. I forget who posted about a relative that was treated there. It was a nightmare. My deciding point is that I've observed the business men & politicians seem to all travel to either Europe or America for their more serious healthcare needs. If those in power won't get treated in their home countries then why should I go there?
Btw, he has had dermal filler added to his penis. I suspect that the Canadian health system doesn't cover that. So I'm guessing that he has traveled for healthcare before. Unless more info comes out, I'm still thinking that my advice was appropriate for his situation. No hate towards others that feel differently.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby Agfa13 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:57 am


IMHO, I would suggest staying where your are BUT, elect to take the simplest of the surgeries, which is going for the MALLEABLE. It is a simple procedure, and healing time is a lot faster. All you do is put up to use, put down to stow. This procedure only involves putting rods into your dick, and does not touch your balls:). For the malleable, if it is something you are interested in, I can help.
I feel this surgery will give you an idea of what having an implant is, and what it can do, and if you want to upgrade, assuming all goes well, and you are in a better financial position, you can then elect to come to the US and get Eid. Eid is much closer to Canada than Kramer. I think the extraneous things associated with a surgery in the US will really set you back, aside from the surgery itself.
Think of this a baby step.

Also, you may want to consider the healing time (Healing is much quicker for the malleable). When there, you will have family or friends, whereas here in the US, you will more than likely be on your own and we can only offer so much advice. For this, I strongly suggest PMing Merrix on preperation:). We here on FT can help, but it boils down to what YOU want. Good luck.
Ag, 58, Maryland
Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail :lol: :D

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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby OregonStrong » Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:50 pm

merrix wrote:So my advice is still the same. If you can afford it, then go to Eid (rather than Kramer).
If that would wreck your financials for decades, then go domestic with the absolutely best you can find.

Was wondering why you recommend Eid over Kramer? Kramer is about 6K to 7K cheaper, similar high volume implanter.
50 yrs old. E.D. issues started around age 35, combo venous leak/testicular failure. Bilateral testicular implants for severely atrophic testes. Implanted 6/11/20 Dr. Kramer LGX 21cm + 1.

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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby merrix » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:45 am

OregonStrong wrote:
merrix wrote:So my advice is still the same. If you can afford it, then go to Eid (rather than Kramer).
If that would wreck your financials for decades, then go domestic with the absolutely best you can find.

Was wondering why you recommend Eid over Kramer? Kramer is about 6K to 7K cheaper, similar high volume implanter.

Two reasons.

One - I had my surgery with Eid and he made an absolutely amazing work. Fantastic service and a perfect outcome. So I am biased.

Two - If FT is a reliable source, there is no doubt Eid wins easily over Kramer. This site is full of happy Kramer patients, but also has a fair share of issues told by his patients. Any issues by Eid patients? For sure, not even a fraction of the Kramer issues.
I am sure Kramer is one of the best, probably the second best. But best is best and my conviction is that Eid wins that title.
At least among the western surgeons discussed here. Whether there are any great high-volume surgeons in China, Japan, Korea etc, we will probably never know on FT.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: seniors budget moving

Postby Gronnos » Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:50 am

Gt1956 wrote:A few things to consider. First off, most of the prices talked about in the USA health system are just plain fake. Insurance companies negotiate a discount percent on the procedure. The doctors & hospitals raise the price so that after the discount they make money.
I know that non Americans look at the price differences & go wow. The reality is that the true difference is less that you think. Most of their healthcare systems get large sums of money out of the taxes that they pay. The money in the USA isn't mixed together as much. We like lower tax rates. I seem to recall that my Federal taxes worked out to 12.5% for 2018. My state income taxes are pretty close to a flat 5%. Compared to what my wife's cousin pays in the Netherlands. My healthcare is free.
The cost of building materials, professionals educations, large specialized machines like scanners don't vary by much. Those costs are being paid out of the tax payer side of the funding. So I think It's a bit foolish to believe that healthcare is cheaper in Canada. The money just comes out of a different pocket under a different name.
I understand Merrix's point. My drugs only cost me $25 for a 3 month supply. So not everything is outrageous here. My daughter was uninsured. I bought her anti depressant meds mail order from Vancouver Canada. Yes they were cheaper but not by huge amounts. As soon as a generic version was on the market, the USA price fell to a similar level.
Her is the real question for Captai117. You are living in a higher tax country looking at a price for healthcare in a lower tax country. He'll get hit financially twice. Is it worth it. My personal opinion, that is totally worthless. Pay the Canadian upgrade to a 3 piece implant price. It is a gamble, but some people win, some lose. Hope for a win. Bitch in your system for a revision if you lose. Make sure that you have a very long talk with your sugeon about your expected results & if he can either get really close or meet them. Do your god honest best effort to find some prior patients to talk to. See if there is any referrals that the implant liason people can give you. Ask here on FT for guys to contact you privately thru messaging about their experience.
I feel that I should point out that a local cardiologist fled the Canadian system & moved to the USA. My primary care physician that knows him claims that disgust with the Canadian system was one of his reasons for moving. I also am not comfortable with a system that is only willing to give you a maleable as a first choice. But hey, at least sex is possible. Not very compassionate in my opinion.

reasonable approach

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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby Captain1117 » Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:00 am

Thanks to everyone for your inputs.
" The greatest benefit of an implant is that a man stops thinking about ED."-Dr.Eid

48, healthy, straight, single.ED after turning 40. AMS LGX implanted by Dr.Yonah Krakowski in June 2023.

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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby 2451cs » Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:20 pm

I had Dr. Gerald Brock in London, Ontario, about 5 years ago. Also know 2 other men who have had him since. We are all very happy with the results. Dr. Brock and the St. Joseph's Hospital in London did the surgeries with no cost to us. https://www.schulich.uwo.ca/urology/peo ... erald.html. Didn't notice what province you are in
Radical Prostatectomy Aug 1999 (age 48); Implant AMS 700 CX, Apr 2014, Dr. Brock, London, Ontario

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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby Azib92 » Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:38 pm

unless this surgery is an emergency for you which I bet it’s not. Wait until you have the money to go to Kramer. It’s not worth taking a risk with a cheap local surgeon. If it means u have to wait a bit. So be it. Well worth it. You don’t want a botched job. This is your organ. And you only get one. Just my advice
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

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Re: Time for a decision..inputs welcome

Postby rdnkbiker » Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:54 pm

Well Captian here's my 2 cents i didn't go to a high volume surgeon really didn't know about any, my surgery was very difficult 5hrs he did a amazing job just because his name isn't one that advertises doesn't mean he doesn't have your best interest's talk with some of his patients I'm sure there are some around that will help you
HBP since my 20s Full ED i was 55 when i received my implant January 17th 2017 sever scare tissue through corpora cavernosa clear to the glands (no blood flow) complete revision new equipment july 10th 2023 AMS CX 21cm very happy

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