Pump lubes and Oral Sex

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby kbota53 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:12 pm

Seems that oral sex is not a common topic on forums, but since I'm not the bashful type, I'll toss it out there. My gorgeous dear wife and I have enjoyed a number of different sexual adventures over the years as long as we both were in agreement and no one got hurt. Before anyone makes any assumptions, I'm not referring to any type of group sex, swinging or anything like that. Just her and I. In other words nothing that I would be ashamed of discussing with God.

Having said that, she asked me a question the other day when we were playing with our new pump. "How safe is the lubricant during oral sex?" I had no idea, which prompted my question on the pump section of this forum.

Paul had the best suggestion of using coconut oil, which we'll be trying soon. No matter what kind of responses I get, I do not think we're the only couple who enjoy the occasional 69 play in the hay. It's just that dang pump/lube business sure gets in the way of that.

Just a few short months ago, she could wink and "blow" me a kiss, and little K would rise to the occasion. Now, he just stares at the floor all sad.

Come'on guys....after all...this is "Frank" talk.....right?


Cajun Jeff
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Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby Cajun Jeff » Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:37 pm

I think the luse would be real nasty. Changing to something that has no taste or even something that taste good would be a great change.

Cajun jeff
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby Gingertom3 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:34 pm

Has anyone else tried Durex Very Cherry? It has the taste of cherry brandy. We both like it.

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Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby kbota53 » Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:18 pm

Am I the only lucky dude on this forum that enjoys a nice BJ from time to time? hmmmmm.


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Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby jackpTenn » Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:53 pm


I enjoy a lot of nice oral with the wife during foreply.

As for lubes we have tried almost all of them. I personally have no problem with any of them.

She is a big fan or Dr. Oz and sevral shows ago he suggested olive oil for a lube, not the extra virgin or virgin just plain olive oil. Worked great and did not maid the flavor. :)

Peyronies 1995
Penile Implant 10/08
Dr. Douglas Milam @ Vanderbilt
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Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby 3mtrship » Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:41 am

We like olive oil also. The Walmart personal brand of personal lubricant (Equate) is not bad tasting. Keep you mouth away from the new KY for women. On that one maybe "a taste test is in order."

I can't believe I just said that. :lol:

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Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby kbota53 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:46 pm

Several very good thoughts on the topic, and I appreciate them all. Actually had not considered the olive oil, but will certainly leave that one on the radar. I picked up a can of cocount oil at walmart the other day, and brought it home. I noticed on the can that it was a recommended substitute for butter. That was just a plus as far as I'm concerned, because I do miss the occasional buttered roll, or toast. Remember, that as a result of my gleason 9, my uro doc strongly suggested that I remove all red meat, and all dairy products from my diet, and I've stuck to that....so far. So, my wife is now using the cocount oil in recipe's.

Okay, back to the subject. We got around to trying the cocount oil recently, and that is GREAT stuff. It's actuallly a better performing lube than the lube provided by the pump company. The only negative I can find is that, as an oil, it requires soap and water to clean up the pump tube and seals. The other lubes are water soluble which makes clean up pretty easy. Another plus is that the coconut oil is wonderful for the skin. Really makes the penis skin very soft and silky....(my wifes words, not mine.....lol)

And YES, we bought a second can of cocount oil for the kitchen...so you don't have to worry if you come to our home for dinner....LOL

Anyway, that's what I know. As experimentation continues, I'll post more.



Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby 3mtrship » Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:58 am

And to all of you. Go buy a bottle brush for cleaning the pump cylinder with soap and water. You remember, those brushes for cleaning baby bottles. See, the longer we live the closer we get to the beginning. :lol:


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Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:23 am

And there is nothing unsanitary about putting the cylinder in the dishwasher - just make sure the kids/grandkids don't unload it! Just talked to the folks at Firma Medical about this... They are concerned more about the heat from the dishwasher. so, if yours is a new one and heats the water and you use the heat dry setting, don't.

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Re: Pump lubes and Oral Sex

Postby kbota53 » Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:24 pm

As for me, I've found that it's just not that difficult to 1. wash my hands with soap and water, and then before I rinse my hands off, transfer the soapy water to the pump tube and parts with a good lather; 2. pull a soapy washrag through the tube, then, 3. rinse everything together, and finally 4. dry the parts with a towel, and place back into the pump case.

I too have a Firma pump. I reached my max out of pocket as a result of the biopsy and then surgery so the pump was paid for at 100%.

Paul; We used the coconut oil/pump again this morning. You were 100% correct in that it's the best lube going. Works very well, and wife has no worries...Yeee Haawwwww !


As long as my sweet wife keeps her current attitude, I may never need caverject, trimix, bimix, implants....or anything else.....lol (Just kidding....Got my first bottle of trimix via UPS this morning....and it's in the fridg waiting on us)

May check it out tomorrow sometime......Man, it's nice to have options isn't it? ".......Dear? Would you prefer coconut oil and the pump? Or coconut oil and a needle? Personallly, I don't care which....as long as she prefers me." I can cope with all of lifes issues as long as my wife loves me and wants me.


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