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Corona effect on implant

Postby merrix » Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:54 am

I normally stay around 10-15 nights per month at home, i.e. with my wife. I probably have sex with her 50% of those nights, and use my implant (masturbation) for most of the nights away. So all in all, I probably inflate around 20-25 times per month. This is what I have been doing for a couple of years now. Never just inflating without using it.
This has continuously kept my max number of pumps I can achieve increase. Lately I have been able to reach around 70 pumps. Definitely not 70 full wall to wall pumps, but rather after around 20-30 pumps, every subsequent pump sends a slowly decreasing amount of saline in to my cylinders, and the last 70ieth pump barely produces anything and is a 100% effort with two hands.

Anyway, due to the Wuhan virus, I have been locked down and not travelling for months. First few weeks, sex probably 4-5 times per week, lately, rather 3 times per week. And then, the last couple of weeks, since one of us have had a really bad cold, basically only once over two weeks.
This means that the last month I have been inflating 8 times instead of the usual 20-25. I.e. only a third as many times as normally. And no, I don't masturbate when at home.

What I notice is this:
I get fewer pumps in. Instead of 70 around 65. After that I just cannot squeeze a single drop.
The skin of my dick cracks! Not sure the word "crack" is what a native english speaker would use. It is not like the whole dick rips open, but just some redness and even a small, small opening where I can see a tiny little blood after a long session of sex. Will be sore day after.
So what is happening? I guess my dick shrinks. Both internally (fewer pumps) and externally (foreskin getting tighter, loses ability to stretch to the Titan girth).

Interesting find, and good to know. In my case, it seems that at this stage, 4.5 years after surgery, as long as I inflate 20 times per month, my dick maintains size (actually maybe even continues to grow a bit based on slowly increased #of max pumps), and my skin maintains girth/flexibility.
But when I go down to below 10, it doesn't work anymore. My dick needs more frequency than that. And so do I by the way...
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: My Journal

Postby David_R » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:42 am

Maybe try some body lotion (I use Vaseline for Men, a lotion that is absorbed quickly and really moisturizes my skin). Oh, and this is not a lotion to use in masturbation since it is absorbed rather than remaining on the surface for "slickiness" (in case you were wondering). ;)

(I didn't even know that some men use lotion when masturbating till one day in college -- in the late '60s -- I saw Corn Husker's Lotion in a friend's dorm room. Since this premier body lotion for men was being promoted on TV for men with hard physical jobs that were rough on their hands, I asked my friend why in the world he as a college student had the lotion. He looked at me with a kind of smirk on his face and chuckled. I figured it out.)

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Re: My Journal

Postby Echegollen » Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:47 pm

Hi Merrix,

It is amazing that you are still around giving updates and providing valuable information. It's interesting to know that even after more than 4 years, you still need to cycle on a regular basis to keep your size. I'll keep that in mind.

Although I have been following your thread since day 1, I hadn’t read all your posts. So I decided to read it all over again to make sure I hadn’t miss anything.

I must say that my favorite part is your story about when you gave yourself 15 pumps to get a firmer flaccid and than you picked up a stripper who chose you over your fat friend. Lol. She then went on to give you the most ‘’creative blowjob in the history of mankind’’ as you wrote. That was funny as hell! Hopefully you’ll write other juicy stories like this one. Mandrake had a few good sex stories too, but unfortunately he disappeared.

I just had a few questions for you that I'm not sure were ever asked in this thread and that could benefit others. If they were asked, sorry:

-You wrote that you had some issues with your implant when you did a couple of grappling classes with your boxing trainer. You wrote that it was a bit uncomfortable and that he could feel your dick. Have you ever tried doing some grappling wearing a cup? I know your flaccid is pretty big (about 6’’ I believe)”. I am wondering if wearing a cup with such a big flaccid would be comfortable…

-You wrote that you can now have sex in all possible positions. What about the cowgirl position? Sometimes, are you afraid that on her way down, she might miss your dick, bend it violently, and break your tubing?

-You wrote that the only time you ever feel your implant is either when bending down to tie your shoes, especially if wearing tight pants, and when you play with your daughter in the swimming pool and she accidentally pokes your crotch. Where is it most sensitive exactly? Directly on your shaft, your balls, or your crotch area?

-Are you more promiscuous since you have the implant? I must admit that I’ve cheated on my girlfriend a few times in the past. Something is telling me that I’ll go on a sexual rampage whenever I get a 100% reliable dick to make up for all those years wasted with my lame dick... Did that happen to you?

By the way, with the pandemic going on, I thought about you. I know your work involves a lot of travelling so it must be very hard for you to be stuck at home. I hope you'll bounce back fast whenever this is all over.
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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Re: My Journal

Postby merrix » Sat May 02, 2020 8:50 pm

Thanks Echegollen.
My posts don't come as frequent as before, but I still log on occasionally.

Not saying I need to "cycle". If that refers to pumping up my dick without using it for anything, then that is something I have done a handful of times the last two years.
What I am saying is that I think I still need to inflate it let's say every second day or more - which can be fixed by having sex or masturbate with that frequency - to maintain optimal function. I said in the last post that the number of pumps I could get in when inflating to max decreased by 5 or so after 1-2 months of less frequent inflation. This is probably meaning that size goes down. I also said my skin seems to tighten, creating an unpleasant stretch when inflating for a long time after a longer break.
In the past, I have also said that if I inflate fully for sex, it just doesn't feel as good if I have not been inflating for a long time (i.e. several days). The more often I inflate, the better and more natural it feels. This is not an issue if I inflate 40 pumps (which probaby equals around 75%), but if I want to go full inflation, 70 pumps, till I just cannot squeeze one drop of saline into my implant even with two hands and full force, then it matters. Doing this after a break for 5 days simply doesn't feel 100% ok. Which it does if I inflate e.g. every second day.
I still 100% believe in the logic that more frequent use leads to shorter life span of the implant. Anybody saying more frequent use dos not lead to more frequent revisions is in my opinion ignoring all logic.
But that is how it is, first and foremost the implant shall be used. And if I need a certain frequency of inflation to get maximum pleasure from the implant when I use it, then that's just how it is. I will use it as often as it requires to get maximum function (but no more than so, i.e. no meaningless cycling), and when it is time for a revision, then I'll accept my time has come.

Anyway, here are answers to your questions:

The grappling... First of all, I am not a dedicated grappler. I do some fighting with a PT at my gym, mostly boxing, but we have done the occasional grappling session as well. A cup would definitely work and if I was doing anything more competitive, I'd definitely wear one.

Positions and cow girl... Yes, I can have sex in all positions (or at least, the implant does not restrict me. My flexibility and imagination sets the limit). The risk you refer to is always there. Same with a natural dick, right? I think even some guys here on this site got their ED for just that reason. So that is always a risk, implant or not. It has happened to me one time. My partner was going wild and got up too high, slid out, and smashed down on my dick. It wasn' nice at all. Hurt pretty badly. But nothing broke. I cannot tell what the chances are of that happening. But I am glad I had a Titan in my dick when it happened. They have proven higher axial rigidity and the cylinders are more durable and less prone to break.
So your question is a good one. But my question is, what is worse, have this happening to a natural dick or to an implanted dick? In which case is the risk higher that something breaks? And if something breaks, what is worst? Having your great natural dick break or having your implant break..?

Sensitivity to the touch... Well, this has lessened over the years. But I would say I am still more sensitive than in my natural days. Balls, no difference, that is the same. Which is logical since I didn't have any surgery on my balls. The pump being there doesn't change anything in terms of sensitivity for me. What is sensitive is the shaft itself. Or not really sensitive, not as in sensitive to gentle touching, but simply that a poke down there will feel uncomfortabe in a way it didn't with my natural dick. Perhaps a downside of a Titan, since the material is harder and stiffer when flaccid. This is normally not an issue, since people don't poke me in my crotch. Only time it happens is really when playing with my daughter, even though to a lesser degree now as she is getting older.
And of course, if doing grappling.
But this is just what it is. Take the good with the bad... And it is not a big problem. It is not THAT painful. Just uncomfortabe when getting poked right on the shaft.

Promiscuous... Me...Well... Let me answer in general terms. Of course I think there is a risk. Let us imagine a man who has been impotent for years, only being able to have sex with help from vacuum pumps or injections - or not even that, perhaps only being able to have oral sex. He only has sex with his wife, who knows all about his issues. She knows that when it is time to do it, he needs his privacy with his pumps and needles and whatever, and that the sex might or might not hapeen depending on the form of the day.
The man, sure he is a great guy who says he would never cheats on his wife. But on the other hand, opportunity makes the thief. It is easy for an impotent man to pound his chest and say he is never unfaithful when he cannot even do it no matter how badly he wants to. He doesn't bring his vacuum pump and his needles to the bar when he is out drinking. He doesn't bring that shit when he goes to his conference or his after works. So once he is in the position where it could have happened, the opportunity is there, he cannot take it anyway because he knows he cannot complete the act without all his shit. Which is back home in his bedside drawer next to the bed where his beloved wife is sleeping.

With an implant, that obstacle disappears. Now he is ready to go whenever, wherever, with whomever. Combine that with a feeing of having missed out on all that adventurous hook-up sex, and you got a recipe for promiscuousness.

Corona... Yes, where I am, there is a complete lockdown. One of the strictest on the planet. Everything is closed. I have been working from home for months and this is the first time in 15 years I have not been on a flight for such a long time. Normally I do close to 100 flights and over 100 hotel nights per year. So this is a huge change. I am not complaining though. I never do when it comes to things I cannot change. It is what it is, and I enjoy spending more time with my daughter than I normally do, which is great.
Being in the eastern part of the world, and spending a lot of time doing business in China, I am closely following the development of the US/China relations. Just saw yesterday the sarcastic video Xinhua (state-owned news agency) posted. Basically mocking US saying they are whining idiots who don't see their own failings and just blame China for everything. We have already seen the tough stance from the Trump administration on blaming China for the situation and talking about making them pay for it.
This will escalate and I think we are entering a new era of someting similar to the days of the cold war between US and Soviet. Only this will be more multi faceted than just an armaments race. This will have more widespreading consequences on peoples life, work, economy. I am the MD of a foreign-invested company in China, and I am sure things are about to change. As always, with changing times comes great opportunities... Interesting times ahead.

Keep it up and take care.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: My Journal

Postby alibaba » Sat May 02, 2020 11:22 pm

Merrix, It is great to see you posting. The other day I told a young man to read you thread and wondered all day how you were doing with this Covid-19 mess. The Trump induced China bullshit has been a concern to me too. They are the biggest buyer of U.S. protein products and this crap hurts us here at home. Grain prices suck like oil right now. My crops are emerging from the ground this week and no idea if they will break even, lose money, or the slim chance of a profit. Besides being a soybean producer, I have been building engines in my free time being it is light work I can do a couple hours at a time using Chinese sourced parts. I learned which of their parts are crap and need to be replaced with German, Indian, Greek or U.S. parts and had a good following of satisfied repeat buyers, but now it takes 3 months for me to get parts and some sources have dried up. It has become so difficult I am afraid to put a few thousand $ into an order with no idea if or when I will receive it. World was always a better place when everyone got along w/o the blame game it is always your fault crap.

I too noticed I lose size when I don't pump often. Length mostly and the curve left the implant straightens gets quite pronounced. Possibly even worse. It may be the testosterone of spring time, but I have been putting this to use 2 times per day for the last couple weeks and there is not curve at all when I pump it now. When I pump it 2 times a week, there is a curve, which slowly straightens after several minutes. I truly thing our penis' still tend to atrophy if we do not keep them in service, much like the 2 or 3 (as I understand from a study I read) times per night natural woodies.

Take care buddy and keep your family safe. Like you say, times are changing. For those who follow commodities which I do daily; Gold has been around $1700 an ounce on the Chicago board of trade, but follow it out to the end of 2021 and there is a sudden drop in the futures price to $1400. I follow many markets, even had a monitor in the home to follow them before they were on the internet and they can be an interesting predictor of things for planning. Cheers all.
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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Re: My Journal

Postby oldbeek » Sat May 02, 2020 11:56 pm

Ali, Good to see you are still hanging in there. Had my crop ground for sale. Taking it back off the market. I have been bullish on Costco stock for years. It is the pulse of US economy. + of 10% the last 20 years.
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05, 4-18,, .07 1/19,.05 4/19, .03 11-21, .04 11-23, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20

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Re: My Journal

Postby Smetro » Sun May 03, 2020 6:42 am

G’day blokes.
Interesting discussion.
I also have noticed that I can squeeze a lot more pumps in now than I could say 2 years ago.....they tend to be sort of half squeezes but I count off about 45 rather than 25.

I’m lucky in as much as my Miss D loves sex and I probably fuck 5 times a week every week.

My biggest change has been that I have begun to ejaculate normally again over the last month or so. Since being implanted I could only orgasm by hand. Can’t say exactly why my sensitivity declined precipitously after getting implanted but it did and I also cannot say just why it has returned.

Also D loves it that I now can shoot inside win.

My size seems to be fairly constant but then as I said above, my fucking is very consistent in its regularity so I’m unable to log an opinion/comment about what occurs during periods of no activity.
Hope you’re all well wherever you are and take care :)
68,Titan Touch 22cm+1.5cm rte's op done in Melbourne Aust by Dr Chris Love-Feb 2017 Venous leakage over a 2 year period, did pills and Caverject. Length@ 3 1/2years is: 7+” erect, 6.5” flaccid and almost 6” girth. REZUM Feb 21 ejaculation now normal.

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Re: My Journal

Postby strongagain » Sun May 03, 2020 7:27 pm

Smetro wrote:Also D loves it that I now can shoot inside win.

What do you mean with "shoot inside her"? With age 65 one is hardly able to “shoot” like a young man. I‘m 70, my orgasms are excellent, very intense. However what‘s coming out is just a small amount of fluid. Trickle, trickle... Same 5 years ago. When young after masturbating sometimes I had to rinse my eyes, well that‘s history.
Born in 1950, ED since 2007 (colon cancer)
08/2015 Titan Zero Degree 22 cm + 3 cm RTE
Dr. Leiber, Freiburg, Germany
6.5" x 5.7" - Very happy with implant

Living in Freiburg, Germany

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Re: My Journal

Postby Waynetho » Sun May 03, 2020 10:31 pm

strongagain wrote:
Smetro wrote:Also D loves it that I now can shoot inside win.
What do you mean with "shoot inside her"? With age 65 one is hardly able to “shoot” like a young man. I‘m 70, my orgasms are excellent, very intense. However what‘s coming out is just a small amount of fluid. Trickle, trickle... Same 5 years ago. When young after masturbating sometimes I had to rinse my eyes, well that‘s history.

I don't know about that... I'm 59 and although it's during masturbation, I've found on occasion to shoot a full 3 feet (surprised the hell out of me too! Had to clean up my desk as a result!)

A 36" ejaculation isn't the norm for me, but it does occur under very specific circumstances. Many times I only get 1-2" distances but at 59, (or the last couple of months of 58) I did have a few 2.5-3.0 ft spurts.

This was, by the way after starting on mega-doses of Lecithin, Pygeum Africanum and Zinc.

What I'm taking:
  • 1200 mg of Lecithin each morning
  • 1200 mg of Lecithin each night
    (double or triple up on lecithin dosage a day before "performance" is desired)
  • 500 mg of Pygeum each night
  • 50 mg of Zinc each night
62yo, married 41 yrs. Urolift (x4) 8/12/19. AMS 700CX 15cm (no RTE) penoscrotal 10/28/19, Frisco, TX. PD 1995/ED 2011. Cialis helped but hinged. (1995)L:6/G:5.5+, (2019)Pre-op L:5/G:4.5, (2/2020)L:6.0/G:5.0

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Re: My Journal

Postby Echegollen » Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:03 am

Thank you very much Merrix for having taken the time to answer all my questions. You are very generous. May God bless you.
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

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