27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

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Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby Azib92 » Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:23 am

There is no cure for venous leak or bad ED. Beside for implant.
It sounds yours still works so just go with it. If it works less satisfactory than what u like try some pills. They do work very well for some people.
It’s me in the video. I didn’t have any other options.
And the results are amazing and it has some pros that a regular penis can’t compete with. I’m happy.
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

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Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby nick.young1888 » Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:12 pm

Azib92 wrote:There is no cure for venous leak or bad ED. Beside for implant.
It sounds yours still works so just go with it. If it works less satisfactory than what u like try some pills. They do work very well for some people.
It’s me in the video. I didn’t have any other options.
And the results are amazing and it has some pros that a regular penis can’t compete with. I’m happy.

i'm very happy for you and I'm glad that you're happy with your penis and erections after the surgery.

For me, more than anything I just want to make sure that my penis is normal so although taking pills may help it doesn't solve m core problem of me just wanting reassurance that the mechanisms of my penis is normal and it is just a temporary psychological issue more than anything.

With your venous leak were you able to get an erection at all while standing? would you still get morning wood with your venous leak? and also, did your doctor ever try and evaluate as to why you had venous leak in the first place?

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Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby Azib92 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:15 pm

I never had it evaluated honestly. But I knew that either way there would be nothing u can do about it.
Tbh with you. I don’t believe much in psychological affects. If u can’t get hard when with an attractive partner than it is definitely biological in my opinion.
People that excuse for psychological are a cop out. It’s cuz they don’t wanna admit there is something wrong biologically.
So if ur excising urself that things aren’t how they used to be down there. Be honest with urself. If they aren’t the same they things are most definitely going down hill biologically.
And that will eventually require treatment. The truth is brutal and it hurts. But better to fix urself than to blunder and beat around the bush.
And there is no cure other than Implant. Pills are a temporary cure sometime.
There are no supplements or vitamins that will get it back. There are no Venous burning procedures. It’s all hogwash and a scam to make money.
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Posts: 32
Joined: Sun Aug 04, 2019 5:20 am

Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby nick.young1888 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:09 pm

Azib92 wrote:I never had it evaluated honestly. But I knew that either way there would be nothing u can do about it.
Tbh with you. I don’t believe much in psychological affects. If u can’t get hard when with an attractive partner than it is definitely biological in my opinion.
People that excuse for psychological are a cop out. It’s cuz they don’t wanna admit there is something wrong biologically.
So if ur excising urself that things aren’t how they used to be down there. Be honest with urself. If they aren’t the same they things are most definitely going down hill biologically.
And that will eventually require treatment. The truth is brutal and it hurts. But better to fix urself than to blunder and beat around the bush.
And there is no cure other than Implant. Pills are a temporary cure sometime.
There are no supplements or vitamins that will get it back. There are no Venous burning procedures. It’s all hogwash and a scam to make money.

But I keep telling my doctors that I think it is a physical problem and all of them are the ones telling me it's psychological. There have been several studies done that links anxiety to erectile dysfunction so this is a studied topic so I guess there is somewhat truth to it. I can still get an erection with a partner. During the past year i didn't have intercourse but I did make out with people and have foreplay and I got a boner all the time. My problem is that when my penis is flaccid it feels a little weak and also during masturbation it feels weird. Also, i am not getting morning wood every single day like i used to before.

My doctors strongest argument is that if it were a physical problem it would not have happened suddently like my issue. It would be more of a gradual change. My story is one day I felt like my penis felt weird so I paniced and automatically thought I had ED so I went to the doctor the next day and he told me nothing is wrong and if I was having normal erections the day before then that means everything is fine. I didn't believe him so ever since then I went to more doctors and all of them told me the same thing...that everything is fine. I still haven't recovered from this but I feel like it's becuase I put that thought in my head that I had ED and now I can;t shake it off and it is resulting in stress and my body is mirroring that thought.I honestly just beg for 1 doctor to do a test. If they do a test and see everything is still fine then I will accept this and go get some therapy to eliminate my anxiety regarding erections and hopefully that will make my erections become normal again.

I'm also a hypochondriac and in the past I thought I had several other diseases like herpes, HIV, appendicitis, chrone's disease, a fractured neck, infertility, etc. and 100% of the time i was wrong and after testing the reuslts always came back normal. I am hoping it is the same with erections. I do admit, that 1 week before i had ED I realized that my foreskin had been abnormal my entire life. Basiclaly, i had a tight foreskin and never knew about it so that made me very sad and self consious about my penis so I'm guessing the anxiety around my tight foreksin caused erection issues.

with you, did you have no morning erections at all? and when u did get erections how hard were they? were you able to bend your erections or did were they so rigid that you couldnt bend them? my erections cannot be bent so I'm guessing there is nothing physically wrong with my penis but instead my mind constantly stressing over ED is causing me to think that I have a penile abnormality when in fact I don't. The more I think about it the more I realize that it doesn't make sense to have venous leak. Like...why would i have normal erections my whole life and then all of sudden at 26 years old develop a noncurable form of erectile dysfunction?

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Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby Azib92 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:54 am

The first step you need to take is get right to the source. Instead of going to doctors and psychologists.
Get in bed with a partner and see what happens.
But honestly. All ED is biological.
The only way I could see it being partially mental is if your repulsed by your partner. Otherwise no.

Also. If you watch porn can you maintain a good erection? Without physical stimulation.

If you wanna chat offsite
You can email me ozzyburke1@gmail.com
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

Posts: 32
Joined: Sun Aug 04, 2019 5:20 am

Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby nick.young1888 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:38 am

Azib92 wrote:Nick.
The first step you need to take is get right to the source. Instead of going to doctors and psychologists.
Get in bed with a partner and see what happens.
But honestly. All ED is biological.
The only way I could see it being partially mental is if your repulsed by your partner. Otherwise no.

Also. If you watch porn can you maintain a good erection? Without physical stimulation.

If you wanna chat offsite
You can email me ozzyburke1@gmail.com

I’ve gotten naked and in bed with a lot of ppl this past year and always gotten an erection.

And how can you say psychological ED isn’t a real thing when doctors have proven that it is? Lol

When I sit at my desk and think about sexy guys (I’m gay) I get an erection and it stays until the sexual thoughts go away. When I’m in bed with someone my erections stay till the end. The symptoms that caused a red flag for me are less frequent morning wood and also my erections going down quicker than before. I totally trust doctors when they tell me it’s psychological but obviously sometimes when I have a weak erection even while masturbating I go back into panic mode and think I need a second opinion.

I pretty much don’t think I have VL because first of all how can I have had normal erections all my life and then just overnight have VL? Doctors told me physical erection issues like VL happen gradually and aren’t variable like in my case. Sudden ED onset suggests more psychological issues which makes sense since I am a hypochondriac and as soon as I felt a weird sensation in my penis my mind automatically rushed to thinking I had ED and I still have not recovered from that thought. I still think about ED every second to every day. Plus, even if I get a hard morning erection 1 day out of the week doesn’t that still suggest that it’s not VL? Someone with VL wouldn’t maintain an erection for the entire night. The penis would physically not be able to do so.

The only way at 27 years old I would have venous leak all of a sudden would be literally if somebody shot several gun shots to my penis or smthing like that lol.

Plus I have been drinking a lot for the past 2 years so maybe all that excessive alcohol intake and weight gain have negatively effected my erections on top of my anxiety and porn addiction.

You still didn’t tell me what your VL symptoms were for me to see if it’s even remotely close to mine.

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Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby Azib92 » Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:13 am

For me it was ED. I don’t know if venous leak or what. I still got morning wood every now and then. But when with a partner I couldn’t get hard enough for penetration or even if I did it didn’t last.
I don’t think our scenarios are similar at all. I’m sorry if I mislead by posting on here. Your able to perform so keep at it and ignore all the other variables. Who cares about morning erections.
Also. I think porn can worsen any psychological issues you may have. Just my opinion thought
27 yrs old. Titan 25 cm. (10 cm in. 15 cm out Including 1 cm RTE) ED all my life due to venous leak.
Implanted 3/17/2020 by Dr. Kramer (the best of the best)
Link to video on YouTube : https://youtu.be/V-QtsQ_HB1Y

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Joined: Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:41 pm

Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby Fred3546 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:47 am

What was the outcome?

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Re: 27 Years Old Question About Venous Leak

Postby Hasan123 » Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:15 am

7 month ago i get sudden erectile dysfunction sundy night i masterbation and get hard in porn and Monday afternoon i watch porn i have erection but soft glan laying in my back when i stand or erection go dawn immediately and never get ere and my dick go hard and small in sitting and standing position then i wait 2 months i never get erection in sitting and standing position after i go my doctor give me vigra and some multivitamin i take multivitamins and vigra take just fir sex with my i take vigra maybe 40 tablet for sex with my the i get my erection back all position after 3 month now again i did masterbation and sex 5 to 6 time in weak after 3 month again ilose my erection again suddenly why i can't know that happened me again

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