17 years old jelqing ED

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17 years old jelqing ED

Postby SixSage » Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:44 pm

So as the title says I currently have Ed after jelqing once about 2 1/2 months ago. I have also lost most my sensation and am currently lost as to what to do. I think I might’ve given myself a venous leak because my dorsal vein looks really disfigured near the top and I have a lot of blueish spider veins on my shaft around my dorsal vein that weren’t there before. This has honestly kind of been ruining my life and I’m scared that I might’ve given myself permanent Ed from jelqing once. I never had any problems before and after reading other people’s stories it seems like no one ever recovers from jelqing injuries after years and I feel like I may be heading down that road. I haven’t gone to a doctor yet but I will be trying to soon. I’m just curious if anyone else has a similar experience or if anyone knows if this will ever get better. I really don’t want an implant I’m only 17... I wish I never tried jelqing

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby vajim1 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:42 am

Sorry about your problem. I hope you find a good doctor to help your problem. Jim
76 year old fart. Prostate removed Oct. 9, 2017,Psa 30 days after .15 next Psa .2. 37 Radiation treatments for recurrent cancer, 1 year out Psa .033 ZERO ERECTIONS, implanted Sept 5 2019 Dr. Lentz Duke Raleigh N.C. Titan 22cm.

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby Hounds68 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:45 pm

My strongest advice is to speak directly with an Urologist. He or she needs to do physical exams, specific tests to determine if there is venal leaking, and a series of pertinent tests for you. Why would you wait. Stop beating your self up. As soon as you can, despite the virus situation, make an appointment even if it is a month away. Do it. You are too young to spend any part of your life with a non functioning cock.

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby thereishope » Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:48 pm

SixSage wrote:So as the title says I currently have Ed after jelqing once about 2 1/2 months ago. I have also lost most my sensation and am currently lost as to what to do. I think I might’ve given myself a venous leak because my dorsal vein looks really disfigured near the top and I have a lot of blueish spider veins on my shaft around my dorsal vein that weren’t there before. This has honestly kind of been ruining my life and I’m scared that I might’ve given myself permanent Ed from jelqing once. I never had any problems before and after reading other people’s stories it seems like no one ever recovers from jelqing injuries after years and I feel like I may be heading down that road. I haven’t gone to a doctor yet but I will be trying to soon. I’m just curious if anyone else has a similar experience or if anyone knows if this will ever get better. I really don’t want an implant I’m only 17... I wish I never tried jelqing

Another jelqing victim... Did you bend your erect penis?

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby swisher » Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:34 am

Hey man, I had an injury that was basically caused by rough masturbation/ hand job during foreplay 2 years ago.I wasn't fully erect when it happened, and I seemed to follow the same path as many guys with jelqing injuries. Here are my recommendations: first, try to relax, worrying will only cause anxiety which is bad for erections. This is hard, I know but you must try to relax and do not read those injury forums it will only make things worse. Second, yes, definitely go see a doctor. They will be able to tell you if you have a venous leak or if you have done damage to the erectile tissue. Unless you were fully erect when you were injured it is unlikely you have done permanent damage to your erectile tissue. And even if you were erect, it's possible that you still didn't injure your penis itself. Third, do not masturbate and "test" your dick to see if it is still "working" this will only lead to a mental feedback loop causing anxiety each time you think about getting an erection. Vow to take at least a month off from masturbating, this will be hard but you must do it.

Look up deep belly breathing techniques on youtube. Do them when you wake up and go to bed. This will help with relaxation. If you have not damaged your penis, it is very likely that you have "hard flaccid" which is caused by dysfunction of the pelvic floor. Know that this is treatable. If the doctor tells you that your penis isn't damaged, believe him. Be relieved if you hear this good news. If that is the case, it is very possible that you have pelvic floor dysfunction, which, as I said, is very treatable.

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby SixSage » Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:36 pm

No I don’t recall bending it erect, and I can’t go the doctors right now because my parents don’t have the insurance right now to do so. I didn’t even realize I had injured myself until a week after it happened. I mean I kind of felt like something was off but I didn’t realize it was this bad. It’s been about 2 1/2 months with little to no improvement. It’s crazy because i jelqed one time just to try it out because why not, I thought the people that did permanent damage were being extremely stupid in how they injured it, but I literally just tried this in a shower for like 2 or 3 minutes and got bored and now it’s been broken beyond belief. I didn’t do it fully erect either, I’m just so worried :/

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby swisher » Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:15 pm

SixSage wrote:No I don’t recall bending it erect, and I can’t go the doctors right now because my parents don’t have the insurance right now to do so. I didn’t even realize I had injured myself until a week after it happened. I mean I kind of felt like something was off but I didn’t realize it was this bad. It’s been about 2 1/2 months with little to no improvement. It’s crazy because i jelqed one time just to try it out because why not, I thought the people that did permanent damage were being extremely stupid in how they injured it, but I literally just tried this in a shower for like 2 or 3 minutes and got bored and now it’s been broken beyond belief. I didn’t do it fully erect either, I’m just so worried :/

If you weren't erect and just did light jelquing for 2-3 minutes theres a good chance you didn't do any permanent damage to your penis. Just try to go to to the doctor as soon as you're able to when you get the insurance. In the mean time just try to relax. Like I said, I know it's tough. But don't masturbate, and do some deep belly breathing techniques. Give your dick a rest and see how you feel in one month. 2 and a half months is not much time. If I had to guess your pelvic floor is probably off right now and it might just need some time to settle down.

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby SixSage » Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:18 pm

Thank you! Gives me some sort of hope, I’ll try breathing exercises out, I actually was doing them for a bit but kinda stopped. Also I Jelqed with around a 60-80% erection and probably did it too hard. Didn’t like grip as hard as I could but I did it enough to see it bloat a little bit. I never felt any pain or anything. I think I caused internal nerve damage or something because it just feels disconnected now like there’s no life in it whatsoever. I’ll try to leave it alone as best I can for now though, thanks again

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby swisher » Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:48 pm

SixSage wrote:Thank you! Gives me some sort of hope, I’ll try breathing exercises out, I actually was doing them for a bit but kinda stopped. Also I Jelqed with around a 60-80% erection and probably did it too hard. Didn’t like grip as hard as I could but I did it enough to see it bloat a little bit. I never felt any pain or anything. I think I caused internal nerve damage or something because it just feels disconnected now like there’s no life in it whatsoever. I’ll try to leave it alone as best I can for now though, thanks again

Anytime man... And the "disconnected" feeling will go away. I was once in the same spot as you, it just needs time and rest. You'll be good.. play some video games, go for a walk, read a book, do whatever you need to to get your mind off of everything and relax a bit, that's the key at this point.

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Re: 17 years old jelqing ED

Postby SixSage » Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:25 pm

Wait really? How long did it take you to recover??

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