Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby oatmealkid » Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:31 pm

My T tests in the 600s range but that didn't prevent ED.
Now hgh is a different matter - I remember you could get it from GNC back before the gov started cracking down on bodybuilders.
Using hgh gave me both size and strength maybe its available outside the US.
For those who use arginine its a waste of money - it usually doesn't make it past your stomach before acid destroys it.
Citrulline on the other hand does get past the stomach and is converted to arginine by the metabolism.
70yo m Fla. Severe ED due to type2 diabetes.

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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby MK1965 » Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:07 pm

I am prostate Ca survivor and after prostate removal in 11/2016, whole year 2017 a was feeling crappy with low energy, low libido no power to exercise, pretty much just regular job and nothing else. Prior to prostate Ca , I was in excellent physical shape, exercised regularly 4-5 days a week with doing 2-3 soccer games on Saturdays, sleeping well and feeled recovered next day.
In January 2018, I was tested and my total Testosterone was 217. All other values were low. Doc started me on Clomiphene 50mg every other day, then changed it to 25 mg every other day. Now, I am on 25 mg every day. My most recent testosterone was 703 (March 2020). Since I had some tenderness in my brests, doc started me on Anastrozole once a week. Will see how it will go.
Definitely, feeling better and more energized.
IPP 9/5/18; TITAN OTR 18 +1cm RTE,Prostate Ca at 51 y/o; RARP 11/2/16, ED Post RP, Cialis, Viagra, VED,TRIMIX painful, BIMIX ineffective,lost 2+ inches of length after RP. Revision 12/2/20 by Dr Clavell, AMS 700 CX, L 21 R 21+1.5 RTE.

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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby Simbarn » Sat Apr 04, 2020 3:34 am

MK1965 wrote:I am prostate Ca survivor and after prostate removal in 11/2016, whole year 2017 a was feeling crappy with low energy, low libido no power to exercise, pretty much just regular job and nothing else. Prior to prostate Ca , I was in excellent physical shape, exercised regularly 4-5 days a week with doing 2-3 soccer games on Saturdays, sleeping well and feeled recovered next day.
In January 2018, I was tested and my total Testosterone was 217. All other values were low. Doc started me on Clomiphene 50mg every other day, then changed it to 25 mg every other day. Now, I am on 25 mg every day. My most recent testosterone was 703 (March 2020). Since I had some tenderness in my brests, doc started me on Anastrozole once a week. Will see how it will go.
Definitely, feeling better and more energized.

Clomiphene citrate is composed of two isomers, Enclomiphene and Zuclomiphene. It is the Zuclomiphene part of the mix that gives most men the undesirable side effects whilst taking these selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMS).
Clomiphene will exert some estrogen like effects because of this as well as block some estrogen receptors. Your increase of T is substantial, but whether your body will hold that on its own after discontinuation of the SERM is the big question. For many this does not occur.
A long slow taper is one of the keys to helping this.

The estrogen like affects you are experiencing in your nipples is from some of the estrogen agonist stimulation that Zuclomiphene is most likely facilitating. Be very wary of Anastrozole (Arimidex). Aromatase inhibitors are very powerful medications, especially in the male.
They can easily plummet estrogen levels far too low and this will make you feel as bad if not worse than low T. Males do need a certain level of estrogen too! The bad thing about aromatase inhibitors is that they can upset the hormonal milieu in the body and it can take some time for estrogen levels to return
If they have been thwarted to much by these medications that have been designed to treat breast cancer in women who have much greater amounts of estrogen in their bodies.

The estrogen in your body being created by the aromatase enzyme from your natural Testosterone may be at the level it needs to be. The sensitivity in your nipples is most likely being caused by the Clomiphene. Anastrozole will not block the effect of the Clomiphene. This is not how it works. It interferes with the conversion of T into estrogen. Therefore you may be trying to counter the effect of the Clomiphene by compromising the needed estrogen level your body is trying to maintain via hormonal homeostasis.

You cannot test for estrogen levels if you are taking a SERM as well. The SERM will interfere with the test result. Many doctors are completely unaware of this. Therefore your doctor cannot assay your estrogen levels whilst you are on this “restart protocol” to determine if high estrogen is causing your nipple issues, in other words it’s just a guess.

I have been on T replacement for many years. I avoid aromatase inhibitors like the plague after using them some time ago and experiencing the deleterious effects of these drugs. I only took very small amounts.

Approximately 10 years ago a company called Repros therapuetics began their journey with a new drug for secondary hypogonadism called “Androxal”. This was the single isomer of Clomiphene citrate: Enclomiphene citrate. This essentially was the isomer that exerted all the positive effects, stimulating the pituitary to produce more LH and FSH. Thus giving our testes more stimulation to do what they do. It did not have the estrogen like effect the Clomiphene citrate causes, because Zuclomiphene is no longer in the mix. This new drug went through many trials and I was watching it closely as the years went by. It raised levels of T comparatively to T gel administration in males with secondary hypo and was very well tolerated. It seemed like it was going to be a brilliant alternative for exogenous T. It would also have had great potential for restart protocols, so as to avoid exactly the issue you have with nipple tenderness and or enlargement, plus many other side effect such as eye disturbances, mood swings, ED, no sex drive and depression that Clomiphene citrate can have. Men could stay on this drug if their T levels did not maintain after discontinuation, to keep the stimulation at the pituitary level as this was exactly what Repros were trying to get the drug approved for; and alternative hypogonadism treatment. Clomiphene citrate is not suitable for HRT, it generates for most males too many side effects, those side effects cancel out the benefits of the increase of T it can generate.

Zuclomiphene works an estrogen agonist in higher dosages and builds in the system as it has a much longer half-life than the other isomer Enclomiphene, which is a relatively pure selective estrogen antagonist.
After a short amount of time Zuclomiphene’s levels in the system can compound and high estrogen like side effects appear such as tender sore enlarged nipples!

Androxal did not get approved by the FDA.
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby Simbarn » Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:38 am

kinggg wrote:For 2 years I've shown symptoms of low testosterone.. no libido, ED, no motivation, hard to concentrate on things, not feeling strong like a man, poor sleeping patterns, etc.

I got back my testosterone results this week. I show a score of 281. I read that below 300 is considered low. But the lab where I got this test done states its in normal range. It could be normal for a male in his 20s. But I'm 48 and want to know if this is considered too low for my age. Let me know guys.. thanks.

Have you only had one test for total testosterone? If it were me, I would repeat the tests a number of times in the morning to get a better idea if this is consistent. Did you do free T, LH and FSH as well?
Age 57, ED issues for 15-20 years. Testosterone replacement with Enanthate and Ovidrel. Currently using generic Tadalafil 2.5mgs and Resveratrol daily.

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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby kinggg » Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:16 am

Simbarn wrote:
Have you only had one test for total testosterone? If it were me, I would repeat the tests a number of times in the morning to get a better idea if this is consistent. Did you do free T, LH and FSH as well?

Hi Simbarn,

Very good to have received your reply. Heres the breakdown of my tests and dates:

12/2019 - 287
5/2019 - 281

I dont think I did free T, LH and FSH. Looks like I should take these tests as well. Will look into this when this outbreak relaxes enough.

Btw please read my other thread in which I talk about my ED as a mystery phenomenon. Would love to get your insight!


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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby niarceel » Wed Apr 08, 2020 12:29 pm

About the age of 25, a man's testosterone production begins to decline at the rate of ~2% per year. Multiply 2% by 25 years. By the time a man is 55 years old, he's lost half his testosterone production.

If you want to feel old, be satisfied with that.

A doctor who tells a man that a testosterone level under 400-500 is "normal for a man your age" (the word "normal" means "average"), and who does not suggest or recommend testosterone hormone replacement therapy, should not be taken as the final word on the subject.

Yes, what is considered normal for an older man is to be expected, but it does not solve your problem.

You want to have the testosterone level of a much younger man to restore your vigor, vitality, sex drive, mental sharpness, etc. The only way I know to achieve this is by having testosterone hormone replacement therapy.

When I was tested in my late 50's, my testosterone level was about 250. I'd lost my sex drive; it just wasn't there. I found a doctor who was knowledgeable and willing to treat me to raise my testosterone level.

Now, my testosterone varies from about 650-900, and my wife and I have sex...a LOT. Higher testosterone levels have been great, and not just for sex. They've positively effected every aspect of my life.

Testosterone hormone replacement therapy is not without risks. There is an increased risk of prostate cancer, which, if men live long enough, they will almost certainly get anyway. I consciously decided to take that risk. Quality of life is more important to me than longevity, plus most prostate cancers are very slow growing and they do not kill most men. Something else does.

I encourage to learn as much as you can about testosterone hormone replacement therapy and the several values that must be in balance like free testosterone, and more, for you to be at your peak. There is plenty of information about these subjects on the Internet.
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby StevensK » Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:48 am

I’m not a doctor, but I know a bit about the topic, because I struggled with low testosterone myself. At first I didn’t know I had a deficiency, I just thought I was naturally slow and prone to depressive episodes. I seemed to forget I wasn’t always like that. When I was young I was the leader of my pack: witty, energetic and had a massive success with girls. After college I started working and my life was much calmer, monotonous days made me bored. I thought: that’s what it means to be an adult, let the suffering commence. Almost ten years have passed until I went to the doc for another problem and found out my testosterone was way too low for my age. He told me to check this supplement and I’m forever grateful for it, to be honest I feel 15 years younger.
Last edited by StevensK on Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby David1973 » Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:26 am

I had the almost the same result. 285. My doc opted to start me on testosterone (injection of pellets every six months). It was a tremendous improvement! More energy, easier to maintain muscle mass, improved concentration, high libido. I am growing more chest and body hair and feel like I am going through puberty the second time.

As the effect of the pellets fade before the next injection, I notice the good effects fading. I am always eager to get the next pellet injections because the effect is so dramatic.

In my case, it has little or no effect on my ED. I am a paraplegic guy and my ED is obviously related to that. I have no expectation that testosterone will fix my spinal cord injury. But I am enthusiastic about the other effects in my case.

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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby irishguy » Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:48 pm

Interesting topic. I was recorded 2 consecutive years at 360 then 340, that’s when I was 30 and 31, doctor said it was average and I looked it up and said to him the second time that it doesn’t make sense that the range is from 30- death and I was at the lowest number but he reckons it would make no difference to my very poor sleep, concentration, muscle building.. but unfortunately my father just last year got prostate cancer and they say that us the sons have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer now. So what would yer advice be??
Age 34 Implanted with a 20cm Titan, Mar 19 2013, By Doctor David Ralph in London England,
8 years with implant and after a rocky start I’m very happy with the implant

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Re: Is My Testosterone Test Result Too Low?

Postby Stenlie_ » Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:58 pm

Hello, I wonder why no one is discussing the use of Choriomon 5000 iu shoots? It is used to naturally stimulate testosterone in the body.

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