Happy I found Frank Talk

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Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:46 pm

Happy I found Frank Talk

Postby Crazyjohn46 » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:45 pm

I'm 65 and had a radical prostactectomy in 2004 followed by 3 years of Lupron treatment. During this period I had no sex drive. After the treatment my desire came back like gangbusters but I'm now totally ED'd unless I inject myself. I never had much success with the pump, those rings are just not comfortable. I'm married to an extremely attractive woman and we've developed a new sex routine mainly so I can satisfy her orally. We both have enjoyed oral sex since we were first married. :) However she has only been able to bring me to climax a few times; it just takes too much work. Fortunately she is ok with me masturbating which is how I satisfy myself. I use a Venus 2000 device for the last several years. Before that I'd use a combination of pumps and various cyber skin type toys. The V2000 works like a champ and I recommend it even at the high price. I'm always on the look out for other toys or methods of masturbating.

I'm happy to join the community and look forward to swapping ideas. :D

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