Better Cock Rings, Better Placement

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Better Cock Rings, Better Placement

Postby niarceel » Tue Dec 24, 2019 4:24 pm

I'm an injector, fairly soon to be an implantee.

I've tried many cock rings over the years. Few have worked well because of many factors.

I'm going to suggest 2 different approaches to using cock rings that have worked very well for me:
1. Go to a drug store and buy a $1.79 package of stretchy rings that women use to wrap their hair into pony tails. They come ~20 to a pack, they are not very strong, and some are tighter/looser than others. They are nothing more than a rubber band with a cloth wrap around them. I use 1, 2, or 3 of them concurrently, as my current condition dictates, to apply pressure to the base of my penis. If I've overdone it, I remove one. If I need another, I add one. They are comfortable and allow great variability in application.
2. Placement. I place the the pony tail ring(s) around the base of my penis and under/behind my testicles/scrotum, so they apply maximum pressure right at the base of my penis, before the root of it disappears into my body. This has given me maximum increases in hardness.

That's what I use and how I use them. Your mileage may vary.
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
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Re: Better Cock Rings, Better Placement

Postby Waynetho » Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:40 pm

Be very careful using "Scrunchies" (ponytail rings) as cock rings!

That is what started me on the slippery slope to Peyronie's Disease hell! I can tell you the exact event in my memory when I knew I had injured myself in what would end up being the start of 24 years of pain and penile deformity. I was whacking off using a scrunchie for the extra tactile sensations. The next day my penis was terribly sore and over the ensuing months it was a rollercoaster ride of pain and recovery followed my more pain, etc. Then the bending and more pain, then the hourglass deformity and more pain and finally scaring at the base of my penis that caused severe painful hinging anytime I got an erection.

My advice: "DON'T DO IT!"
62yo, married 41 yrs. Urolift (x4) 8/12/19. AMS 700CX 15cm (no RTE) penoscrotal 10/28/19, Frisco, TX. PD 1995/ED 2011. Cialis helped but hinged. (1995)L:6/G:5.5+, (2019)Pre-op L:5/G:4.5, (2/2020)L:6.0/G:5.0

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Re: Better Cock Rings, Better Placement

Postby Biker60 » Wed Dec 25, 2019 6:13 am

2nd that, rings and pumps caused my PD. Can only abuse it for so long.

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Re: Better Cock Rings, Better Placement

Postby bldoink » Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:20 am

I don't have an implant.

I've never used a womans hair scrunchie.

However, I have used plenty of cock rings both medical grade and novelty as well as several pumps, also both novelty and medical grade.

No, they didn't cause my ED. I wouldn't have ever used those things if I didn't already have ED.

ANYTHING can be abused and many things that are abused can have negative consequences.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Better Cock Rings, Better Placement

Postby JimBob07 » Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:12 pm

I use a variety of cock rings - some stretchy, some tight with good success. Makes me really hard and veiny. My wife loves the extra girth. Never tried the kind that go around my balls too. If you find a good one - stick with it. Well worth the extra effort. Also allows me to go longer and give my wife multiple orgasms - usually 3-5 each time. 8 was our record! Not bad for 62-year olds!

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Re: Better Cock Rings, Better Placement

Postby niarceel » Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:50 pm

All of your warnings are well taken.

I don't do extreme things with my penis (other than injections, and making love to my wife for hours).

When the "pony tail" cock rings feel a little too tight, if my glans' sensitivity decreases, if a vein is bulging a little too much, I remove 1 or all of the rings, as necessary.
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
Hobbies: Only one, my wife.

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