What is the science behind position dependent erectile dysfunction

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What is the science behind position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby Hope77 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:42 am

Hi guys,

What is the science behind having erection in only certain positions? Is there an actual leak in our veins? Some other people with venous leak do not have erection in any position, so why is ours different?

Also was your doppler test done while sitting, standing or laying on your back?

Last edited by Hope77 on Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:51 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: For those with position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby Greg1956 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:11 am

I had the same issue beginning at age 30. I had always been able to get hard easily and stay hard a long time. Suddenly if I got out of bed with a hard dick, it was soft in seconds. When my wife got it hard for sex, I rolled over and lost it soon. As time went on my penis was more difficult to get hard, even on my back. I had to barely move to get hard and stay hard.

My issue was a Venous Leak. I finally got an implant a little over two years ago after nine if the pills, injections, etc. worked. We are all different so you may find the help you need some other way, but that is my story.
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: For those with position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby Txagq8 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:57 am

I don't think position is given anywhere near the blame it ought to receive.

The first time I had the Doppler/dye/ dick X-ray study they saw a minor amount of leakage with me flat on my back during the study but the urologist doing the testing thought it was too small to be causing the ED I (and to her credit, my wife) reported. This was 30 yrs ago.

Subsequent evaluation with me standing or on my knees demonstrated that it was a minor miracle I got any erection at all.

To the original poster: yeah,you can manage VL in many cases with pills, shots, and don't overlook the faithful cock ring. The leather strap type that encircled both dick and balls with snaps worked best for me. It helps to stay fit, eat a good diet, watch your weight.....give your cardiovascular system all the help you can.

Eventually the current remedies don't help as much but who knows what they'll do in medicine over next 30 yeas?
Age 68. Physically fit educated red neck in Texas. Very married. 23 cm (18+5) of LGX installed by Dr. Bryan Kansas 12/31/2019. I fought the ED and my wife & I won. I’m either full of shit or sound advice. You decide which.

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Re: For those with position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby Hope77 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:37 pm

So basically this condition only gets worse I guess.

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Re: For those with position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby Txagq8 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:12 pm

So basically this condition only gets worse I guess.

No two guys are alike. I’m not a doc nor can I speak for others. But from my experience it seldom gets better if it’s related to venous leakage. Here’s my theory.

Your erectile system is like a tire. A venous leak is like a nail hole in the tire.

When you’re young your arteries are like a 8 lane superhighway and can stay ahead of the slow leak.

Like it or not (I don’t) we all age. The parts don’t function quite like they did at age 18. So the leakage that caused no issue at 18 starts to show up at 30.

Pills, injections, either or, function like some of that stuff you squirt into the tire to stop a leak and allow you to air up the tire. That stuff can keep you going for a long time. Many miles or.a lot of years. But it hasn’t fixed the basic problem, ie the venous leakage.

Eventually your body gets to the point that those remedies don’t help much. It’s like when the badly worn tire has gaps at the rim and you can air it up all day but it escapes faster than you’re inflating it. That’s when I decided to start seriously discussing an implant.

When a guy will get to that point nobody knows, and no two guys are alike. Some dudes croak of old age long before they need an implant. Some of us get to 60 and are frustrated by the hit or miss effectiveness of shots or pills.

I think I would look at insurance options. Some exclude penile implants, but many allow them if the cause of ED is organic. In my case the magic words from doctor to insurance carrier were hypertension and venous leakage.

Without seeing a doc and getting a full workup all this is speculation, anyhow. There’s every likelihood that they’ll put you on an oral med and you will be able to use your dick in the Olympic pole vault event if you so desire. (Note: I don’t recommend that).

Guys have to quit looking at ED as something shameful....the same way guys who are small-ish need to quit being embarrassed about size. It’s a physical condition, you didn’t ask for it or cause it. There are fixes and workarounds. The biggest issue is to quit worrying and act decisively to get help. Worry and stress and anxiety aren’t the best bedroom performance enhancers.
Age 68. Physically fit educated red neck in Texas. Very married. 23 cm (18+5) of LGX installed by Dr. Bryan Kansas 12/31/2019. I fought the ED and my wife & I won. I’m either full of shit or sound advice. You decide which.

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Re: For those with position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby Hope77 » Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:59 am

Hello, for those with positional erectile issues, did you get your ED through an injury? It seems like there must have been actual leak in our veins so that we can get erection in some positions and not in others? Or what is the science behind this?

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Re: What is the science behind position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby notaes » Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:49 am


I too will get an erection while in bed but as soon as I sit up or stand up it’s like letting air out of my tire! I long for the day that I will have erection so hard my wife will scream when I thrust. I’m my younger years it use to be that way. Bu5 as I gotten older they have certainly changed. I ride a bike religiously seven days a week 15 miles a day. One would think that would make for a rock hard cock.
66 yr old male married 36 yrs use trimix four yrs, cilais and Viagra. trimix work well developed scarring on both sides had implant 1/9/2020 at UT Med Ctr, Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lacy.

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Re: What is the science behind position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby Hope77 » Sat Oct 26, 2019 9:27 am

notaes wrote:Hope77

I too will get an erection while in bed but as soon as I sit up or stand up it’s like letting air out of my tire! I long for the day that I will have erection so hard my wife will scream when I thrust. I’m my younger years it use to be that way. Bu5 as I gotten older they have certainly changed. I ride a bike religiously seven days a week 15 miles a day. One would think that would make for a rock hard cock.

Lucky you. I am only 25 and have this problem. I feel very sad. How long has cialis been working for you? And did you have an injury in your penis?

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Re: What is the science behind position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby notaes » Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:01 pm


I have used cialis for a number of years. It never did a good job for me. I am using trimix and cialis now until I get an implant in early January. The injections are giving me scare tissue on both sides of my penis. Slight curvature to left from injecting trimix in penis. No injury just side eff3cts of sticking needles in penis.i should have know there would be,some side effects of injecting meds in penis. I was not told about these or I don’t think I would have ever started using it. We all live and learn. Neither viagra or cialis ever did a good enough job for me as I have had to do whatever I needed to be,have sex. What we men do to our bodies just to have sex. Sex is very important to me. Best of luck to you,
66 yr old male married 36 yrs use trimix four yrs, cilais and Viagra. trimix work well developed scarring on both sides had implant 1/9/2020 at UT Med Ctr, Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lacy.

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Re: What is the science behind position dependent erectile dysfunction

Postby Hope77 » Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:51 pm

I mean did you have injury before you noticed your erection declining?

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