In Quest for an Impant... It's happening ... It's on again...

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In Quest for an Impant... It's happening ... It's on again...

Postby spirit » Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:04 pm

Second post. I have been reading everything here and elsewhere about implants, procedures, surgeons and what can go wrong. I am really ready to move forward but have been having issues getting to first base here.

I am outside of Chicago and even though I can travel to a surgeon, I still need to find a local urologist for an official diagnosis if going the insurance route unless I want to travel for that as well correct? It does seem that my BCBS of Illinois Silver plan will cover this if Diabetes and Peyronie's is documented.

1. Anyone have experience with a similar dilemma as I am having a very difficult time finding a local urologist who does not have a bias against implants or at least will answer a few questions. I don't want to just blindly start going to a string of Uro's who will not give me what I need.

2. I am a what bad can happen guy and used to be paid well for that trait. In this quest, I have read so much about what can go wrong, I need support in what can go right. Please feel free to chime in and share a few post recovery success stories. I am really tired of the depression this permanent state of ED has caused and need something to look forward to.

Any other suggestions welcome. Thank you all so much!
Last edited by spirit on Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
58 YO, Married, T1 Diabetes, 5'10". 160. Stage-fright ED for years, did fine with pills, Penis Fracture in 2016 ended ALL erections. Used VED for 4 months prior to surgery. Implanted with 20cm Titan on 12/11/2019.

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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby oldbeek » Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:41 am

I just went shopping for my implant surgeon. No dr to refer me. Dr Boyd at USC university hospital was known to be very experienced at it. Just made an appointment and went to see him. He scheduled the implant on that day. Most implant drs are UROs. Why do you need to see another to refer you?
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05, 4-18,, .07 1/19,.05 4/19, .03 11-21, .04 11-23, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20

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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby Bushpig » Thu Aug 08, 2019 3:56 am

There is much more good about getting an implant than bad.

It is no different to than any other surgery - there are risks. That said the percentage of infection is very low and to be fair the majority of Guys on this site seem to be happy with theirs.

I think a lot of the negative talk surrounds loss of size ( Mainly length ) - The enormous positive is that you will have a weapon that can pump your partner at any time and for as long as you like.
55 yo Aussie. E.D all my life. Used Viagra for years but. Went on to Injections which worked well but very inconvenient and didnt work sometimes. Implanted Jan'18 with Titan one touch 20cm/ 1.5RTE by Pro Chung in Brisbane.

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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby Dave52 » Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:24 am

Call Dr. Eid's office ask for a phone consult with him it will cost you a couple a hundred bucks. Be prepared with a list of questions he will answer each and every one. The office will send you a package of info to fill out they will contact your insurance company and get you pre approval. Get your medical clearance then your appointment you will have an office visit for testing two days before your surgery, doppler, stretch test, injection, more questions answered. You get to play with models of both brands of implant you can choose or let him. You have the surgery three days later you go back to his office get activated. Go home recover cycle 2 times a day in a hot bath tub. Three weeks later take it for a test drive.Oh and if you need to contact him at anytime he gives you his private cell number and he answers his calls and texts very promptly.
Born 52
Prostatectomy 6/1/18
Viagra worked before RRP
Trimix painful Bimix both Ineffective
Titan 20CM 1CM RTE
10/26/18 Dr.Eid

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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby Dave52 » Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:27 am

Forgot to mention size wise you get all the size back no floppy head.
Born 52
Prostatectomy 6/1/18
Viagra worked before RRP
Trimix painful Bimix both Ineffective
Titan 20CM 1CM RTE
10/26/18 Dr.Eid

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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby Quincy » Thu Aug 08, 2019 10:35 am

Glad your asking questions. Some guys just sail right into an implant never questioning which doctor, which implant, or which procedure and find out too late things that would have made their experience better. And this is a great place for answers, I got a ton of help from these blokes.

1. To find the best surgeon in your area, I'd start with a look at the ones that do the most implants. I called AMS to get local rep and then called him to find out which doctors to look at here. He was reluctant to give "preference" to a specific doctor but told me who does the most procedures, and indicated that this doctor was excellent. That guy is my urologist, and he was the one that suggested I think about an implant. Quantity does not always equal quality, however, and you might see if he could suggest another great surgeon in your area. I eventually travelled for the surgery, but I'm glad that I know my local uro is considered excellent by AMS and he's done a lot.

1b. You still may want to go outside your area for the surgery and most good implant surgeons will do a phone consultation. You also might want to interview more than one. I visited two local surgeons to interview them and then called the expert that I finally asked to do the procedure. I don't know how it will work for your insurance. All 3 visits were covered for me. I had to pay from travel expenses, of course. The phone consultation with the guy I finally chose was free. FWIW, I picked Edward Karpman in the SF Bay Area. Once I decided on him the pre-op visit was covered by my insurance, as well as all of the other costs for the implant. My total costs was just the travel and hotel.

2. The "what can go right" category is immense and much stronger than the "what can go wrong". With a good surgeon doing good work, you'll never need to worry about erections again. No more getting started and excited only to fail. No worrying about whether it will stay up only to find that worry makes it go down. I'm at least as big in both length and girth as I was before. I think a large part of the men that lose length lost it to surgery for prostate cancer or Peyronies before the implant was even discussed. Some also lost it in their memory of what they had before. Not true for all, but many.

With an implant, everything feels "right". Arousal, excitement, the feel of the skin, grabbing hold, sex and all its wonderful movements, all of that is perfect - at least that's the way it is for me. The one and only thing I miss from before is that fun experience of feeling and seeing your dick slowly respond to increasing arousal. The feelings behind it are there, only the mechanism has changed.

Add to that the fact that you can use it as long as often as you want. We've done some 1 hour plus sessions. You can enjoy more than one orgasm without ever losing your erection and you can meet your partner's needs no matter how long it takes, even if you've already climaxed. There's still a refractory period, but it can be shorter because you're still hard. All of the positions are available, not just the ones you're hard enough for. And you can even vary the rigidity - some things are better when you're rock hard others can be enjoyed more with just a little bit of give.

There are indeed some negatives and you said you know all about those. Most can be controlled or eliminated with the right surgeon. I could probably have used my local guy for the surgery but chose to go to an expert. It was scary work on one of my most tender parts, after all. I'm ecstatic with the outcome and wish I'd done it 15 years ago. I do know some guys here that have had bad experiences. It's most often the fault of the surgeon, imo. So get the right one.

Now I'm not a doctor and none of my post should be considered "advice", just my thoughts. If you want more info, there are lots of posts in these forums. My overlong recovery journal details my experience and you can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10295&hilit=bionic

I come to FT to help others the way I was helped by so many. If you think I can answer further questions or be of more help, drop me a PM.

Best wishes for your decision.

71, Boise area, Married
ED from type 2 diabetes and PCa radiation.
AMS LGX surgery 6/5/18 with Edward Karpman in Silicon Valley, 18cm+3RTE

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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby spirit » Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:37 am

Thank you all. I have been using BCBS website to see who is listed under my plan. So far I have found Kramer, Perito in Florida and another recommended surgeon, the closest one, in Madison WI. As for Dr. Eid, I did not find him but have emailed and left a message to find out about my BCBS Silver 203 PPO which does seem to cover it if deemed needed due to Diabetes or Peyronies.

Perito sent me instructions on what to get tested for and diagnosed with if I did not want to travel to FLA twice. This diagnosis is all about insurance. Perhaps some that used Kramer can tell me how that worked with insurance being approved (still awaiting a call back from his nurse).

Any other world class surgeons that I should look for? I will indeed travel for a new cock.

Yes, I don't want to be a Guinea pig or a lab rat, I want someone that knows what they are doing. My Wife and I are very ready to reclaim what we had before. We are very much non jealous and all the little games we played have stopped like seeing a nice looking woman, out shopping for instance she would say, "I would love to watch you fuck her with your thick cock" and that would lead to a night of erotic sex. Vice versa was true, but now we change the channel when any action heats us. This permanent ED has really messed things up. Needless to say, I miss my Wife in that way and the erotic sex we had. To have my cock turn off like a light-switch was a pretty cruel and devastating event.

As for size, I was 7+ and 6" around. I care more about keeping the girth if I can come close to prior length. The VED gets me almost there but girth only fills halfway up the shaft and gets thinner where I "broke it", (semi hard, I bent it to see how stiff it was and heard an audible pop... 3 years ago... big oops).

More positive experiences are welcome as I have filled my brain with what could go wrong!

Thank you all again.
58 YO, Married, T1 Diabetes, 5'10". 160. Stage-fright ED for years, did fine with pills, Penis Fracture in 2016 ended ALL erections. Used VED for 4 months prior to surgery. Implanted with 20cm Titan on 12/11/2019.

Lost Sheep
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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:11 pm

I live in Alaska and seriously considered flying to Baltimore or to New York for the two physicians mentioned most favorably here. I contacted them as well and exchanged some emails. THey were both VERY helpful and kind.

Dr. Eid wrote to me, "Find a surgeon in love with his craft." Such a surgeon will put the welfare of his patient above all other considerations and work to the utmost to produce an optimal outcome.

I found such a surgeon locally (Dr Shaw). When discussing with him, I mentioned the potential for going to the East Coast. He replied, "You will be overflying a lot of good surgeons if you do." He was not advocating for himself, but simply telling me the truth.

I found Dr. Shaw to be personable, accepting of my attitude (I think, even glad to have a patient as participatory as me) and dedicated to restoring (lost) male sexual function.

A local surgeon will be able to handle followup easier than a remote one, so if you can find one you trust and WILL BE ABLE TO WORK COMFORTABLY WITH, I believe you will be well served by that choice. Having said that, be assiduous in vetting said surgeon. I met with two other local surgeons who were skilled enough and flew to Seattle to meet with another of good repute. Ultimately, Dr Shaw fell into my lap (figuratively as well as almost literally) and he was local. Win-win.

Travelling to a World-class surgeon of high reputation is a viable option. The distances make for more work on your part. Staying local involves more work to find the "right" surgeon because you have to establish the surgeons qualifications yourself. Your choice.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby spirit » Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:21 pm

I have spent the last week trying to contact a few big name surgeons with widely varying degrees of success. I have been waiting about 7 work days for responses from a couple "Rock Star" Surgeons with one exception. That one exception to date has been Dr. Kramer and his staff who have been right on top of it. The gist of it to this point is that his assistants have given me everything needed to get my insurance in order and will be working with my primary care doc to have every test needed for my official diagnosis. I am scheduled for surgery with Dr. Kramer on the 27th of September with my consultation the day before. It would seem that barring any disasters, I will be joining the Bionic Brotherhood very soon. My Wife will be flying with me and we will stay a few days in MD to recover. I am now officially booked and the countdown is on and it seems that a Titan is likely in my future.

I am relieved and excited at the moment more than worried and hopefully the insurance deal all goes well as I will seemingly have the official diagnosis of ED, Diabetes and "Broken Penis Syndrome" (Peyronies) covered.
58 YO, Married, T1 Diabetes, 5'10". 160. Stage-fright ED for years, did fine with pills, Penis Fracture in 2016 ended ALL erections. Used VED for 4 months prior to surgery. Implanted with 20cm Titan on 12/11/2019.

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Re: In Quest for an Impant, more questions.

Postby disapointed2 » Tue Aug 13, 2019 7:43 pm

I am glad you have chosen Dr. Kramer. I have had a bad implant and eventually was able to get an appointment. I find that he has a class a staff. They have been patient and helpful with all of my inquiries. I have not talked with Dr. Kramer himself but dealing with his staff has really shown me that I am dealing with
a well qualified staff. I have had problems with my insurance as they keep telling me he is not in network. He is in the network. The office staff has handled this problem problem quite well.I am impressed.
My appointment is next week. Aug. 19 and surgery on the 20th if all goes well. I will let everyone know how it went. The best of luck to you.
67yrs old. ed for 8yrs. Implanted 5-29-2019

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