Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby Lunatech » Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:15 pm

Hoping wrote:It looks like most people here have LGX, I have a titan. Got implanted on Friday, unbelievable how much length I've lost. I know there's some swelling but does anyone know if I should be gaining back length with the titan when I start pumping it up? Or is that only an lgx thing. I'm feeling the what have I done thing due to the size

Maybe someone with experience with the Titan will chime in but I'm thinking you'll see positive results with your Titan the more you cycle and use it also (I'm pretty sure I've read it here somewhere)
49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby Hoping » Sun Jul 14, 2019 11:32 pm

So I took a picture to better explain the sizing concern. If you look at the picture right below the head of my penis I literally have loose skin even. It is 4" long from base to tip. I was 6.25" bone pressed before. I know I didn't measure bone pressed yet but I know there isn't 2 inches hidden from being swollen. I can tell by my shaft veins etc that the cylinders themselves are too small. Does anyone with a titan know when swelling goes down and when you first fully inflate will I gain length from what this currently is? Apparently its 60% inflated but I heard titan does not increase in length at all. Maybe it's a little shorter because I just had my surgery a few days ago? I'm freaking out tbh hoping someone can offer some advice or something. I'll probably call my surgeon tomorrow and ask. He said at most I'd lose 2 cm. Anywhere from 0-2 cm. This is like a solid 4 maybe 5, pretty defeated right now
rsz_20190714_221921.jpg (305.06 KiB) Viewed 1878 times
28 years old, single, implanted 7/12/2019 Coloplast Titan 22cm +1cm rte, surgeon Dr. Tobias Kohler at Mayo Clinic Rochester

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby Gt1956 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 11:51 pm

In a different thread I talk about my circumcision. Nothing done to my penis other than the foreskin. My penis played hide & seek for quite a while. Mainly hide. Don't ask me to explain because I can't. But in my experience a penis doesn't like to be messed with & definitely goes into turtle mode. Not much help to you other than I think it's normal & should resolve itself. Good luck.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby andrew1959nj » Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:38 am

I got my implant May 16, 2019,8 weeks ago and I am in the "OH YEAH" space. I too, questioned my decision the first week post-op and that again when I started to work the pump and the deflate switch as my boys didn't like having a third brother and were never fond of being handled hard. That has mostly past and I'm loving my new cock.
60 years old. MS and Severe ED 10+ years. Pills and injections never worked well. Implanted 5/16/2019 by Dr. Sadeghi. Titan 20cm + 2cm RTE.

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby mikestap » Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:42 am

Hoping wrote:It looks like most people here have LGX, I have a titan. Got implanted on Friday, unbelievable how much length I've lost. I know there's some swelling but does anyone know if I should be gaining back length with the titan when I start pumping it up? Or is that only an lgx thing. I'm feeling the what have I done thing due to the size

Hoping wrote:So I took a picture to better explain the sizing concern. If you look at the picture right below the head of my penis I literally have loose skin even. It is 4" long from base to tip. I was 6.25" bone pressed before. I know I didn't measure bone pressed yet but I know there isn't 2 inches hidden from being swollen. I can tell by my shaft veins etc that the cylinders themselves are too small. Does anyone with a titan know when swelling goes down and when you first fully inflate will I gain length from what this currently is? Apparently its 60% inflated but I heard titan does not increase in length at all. Maybe it's a little shorter because I just had my surgery a few days ago? I'm freaking out tbh hoping someone can offer some advice or something. I'll probably call my surgeon tomorrow and ask. He said at most I'd lose 2 cm. Anywhere from 0-2 cm. This is like a solid 4 maybe 5, pretty defeated right now

Hoping, you're definitely at a much too early stage to worry about length. Give it time. Months and months of time. I personally think the posture from sitting on a toilet will result in a whole lot of swollen tissue and fat enveloping a good piece of your 6.25 inch dick, anyway.

I have a 22 cm Titan and assuming various body positions can affect the visible length of my inflated dick. Loose skin too. At 19 months post surgery, I have everything I had in length, veins and all. See viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8524&start=540. I am at the lower portion of the page.

There is understandably a lot of anxiety over penile length after our surgery. I was anxious, too.

It may be too early to try this, but a good way to ascertain your implant is sized properly is feel for the tips in your glans. Where are they? You don't want them just below the surface of the skin, but the tips should be substantially within the glans.

I wish you the best, Hoping.

64 Years. RALP 2013. Received 22cm Titan Dec 20, 2017 by Dr Hakky. See results at download/file.php?id=5320 and download/file.php?id=4754
Revision 3-25-21 24 cm XL No RTE

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby Happy Toy » Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:55 am

GIVE IT TIME! I am one year post implant and have gained back all of my pre-implant length, 5.5". 3 weeks after my implant I was 4.75", and the only thing I have done since I was given the green light to use it has been to pump it up every day and leave it that way for an hour or more. I am VERY happy with my Titan. One of the best things is that flaccid, I went form less then a one inch turtle dick to almost 4" shower. I really like that!
erect left.JPG
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flaccid left.JPG
flaccid left.JPG (146.48 KiB) Viewed 1821 times
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 80 yrs., married 57 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby Hoping » Mon Jul 15, 2019 1:22 pm

Okay I will try to calm down and breath. I did not know people with titans gradually got length back. I'm hoping I can get an inch back? Maybe that's asking too much. But currently have lost a solid 1.5". I talked to my doctor's assistant and he sounded like a titan rep without giving any specifics, said that we should know more in 3 weeks when they first cycle it. I guess I'll try not to think about it as much and see what happens. If anyone else has had a similar titan experience where they thought they had lost a lot of length only to get most of it back from cycling I'd love to hear it. This has been stressful as hell.
28 years old, single, implanted 7/12/2019 Coloplast Titan 22cm +1cm rte, surgeon Dr. Tobias Kohler at Mayo Clinic Rochester

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby ViaSwiss » Mon Jul 15, 2019 2:52 pm

I've seen plenty of guys post here that they gained back 1 or even 2 inches over the months as they pumped up more and more. Give it time. Make another thread here in a few months and update us!
Age 37. Venous Leakage & Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) since age 18.
Original Implant | June 25, 2021 | 20cm Titan w 1.5cm & 1cm RTEs
Revision | November 16, 2021 | 26cm | Dr. Hakky

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby Lunatech » Mon Sep 30, 2019 9:16 am

Hey everyone. I thought I'd update this a bit. I'm still LOVING my implant. Figured I'd finally post a pic from right after activation (mid April) and now (end of Sept.) to show the difference. Both pics are of me FULLY pumped but not aroused. The first pic will show why I had "buyers remorse" and the second will show you why I'm happy now.

Image Right after activation

Image Now

As you all can see, there's a big difference. I usually pump at least twice a day for 15-30 minutes or longer (as much as time allows). I pump to max (hard pump bulb), wait for 5 or so minutes and try to pump again. Don't He-Man it when pumping a hard bulb, be gentle but FIRM. Sometimes I don't feel the pump bulb compress any but will feel an slight increase in pressure in the rods in my penis, AKA feeling the stretch. I will do this over and over while I'm pumping for regaining length/girth (stretching). I'm almost back to my original 7" length (only about 1/4" to go). Hang in there everyone, it does get better.
49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

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Re: Went from "What did I do" to "OH YEAH!!"

Postby Lunatech » Mon May 10, 2021 9:04 am

Just checking back in for an update to bring this back up if anyone can find this post helpful. I'm still loving my implant and use it often (and my wife is still loving it too). It's not as good as my erections when I was in my 20's but it's pretty darn close but the biggest advantage I see is once pumped, I'm hard till I DECIDE not to be. That took some time to sink in and let my mind get used to not going soft (when I could actually get hard) during sex. Now we can do what we want, pause if needed and just enjoy it. Again, it took time to get to where I'm at now so hang in there and keep cycling.
I've somehow lost all my old pics of before and after so here's a current pic.
49 years old at time of implant, Suffering from ED 10+ years, Implant surgery 2/28/19 AMS 700 LGX 18cm with 4cm RTE by Dr. Terlecki at WFBMC in Winston Salem NC

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