If Implant is inevitable - Are P-SHOTS and Gainswave-SHOCK a useless pursuit?

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If Implant is inevitable - Are P-SHOTS and Gainswave-SHOCK a useless pursuit?

Postby QuestionGuy » Fri May 24, 2019 12:54 pm

I’m doing P-SHOTS and Gainswave-SHOCK (2 of each so far), and while I’m not likely to put Ron Jeremy out of a job any time soon, I do think my dense peryronies scar tissue is softening up and perhaps thinning out. If I did not have the peyronies, I would think that P-SHOTS and Gainswave money could be better applied towards and implant. But if in the end, they don’t give me a satisfyable erection, but do soften up the scar tissue….then it seems like it may still be worth it as a precursor to the surgery (as this will give the surgeon less dense matter to “hack his way through” with the scalpel).

Does anyone have any knowledge of anyone proceeding this way?
I'm 55. PostFinasterideSyndrome/Peyronies . Initially had good erections but numbness. Now erections are compromised, but good sensitivity. I see Dr. Irwin Goldstein and do : TRIMIX-Clomiphene-Arimidex –Cabergoline -Cialis -Traction-VED-Pshot-gainswave

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Re: If Implant is inevitable - Are P-SHOTS and Gainswave-SHOCK a useless pursuit?

Postby ED2013 » Fri May 24, 2019 1:02 pm

Are you still using trimix?

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Re: If Implant is inevitable - Are P-SHOTS and Gainswave-SHOCK a useless pursuit?

Postby Grayfox » Fri May 24, 2019 1:48 pm

I was at the point where my choices were Gainswave or an implant. Hoping to avoid surgery, I did a great deal of research on Gainswave. The general conclusion of almost everybody who has tried it is that its a waste of money. Even those who have had success are now reporting that it didn't last. Anywhere from 6 months to 2 years and they have to do it again. I've decided to pass.
Bear in mind that I have not tried it and am only reporting what information that I have found on the internet. But its enough that I won't spend my money on it.
In your case as you've reported it, the P-shots may be of some value. I'd suggest that you see a good Urologist and talk to him about it. Don't just take the word of the guy selling you those shots.
Developed ED after Heart attack and by-pass in 2000. Used pills for years, but they don't work anymore. Shots don't work. Used a VED for several years. AMS 700 LGX installed 8-7-19.

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Re: If Implant is inevitable - Are P-SHOTS and Gainswave-SHOCK a useless pursuit?

Postby QuestionGuy » Sat May 25, 2019 6:18 pm

ED2013 - I've only injected TRIMIX half dozen times in 2019. At this point, I will likely only do it a few more times to evaluate the experience and help me "call the ball" on the implant.

The TRIMIX scarring is in the same category as my hearing loss. The lions share of the damage has been done, so there isn't much point worrying about the negligible damage happening currently. I already had scarring pre-TRIMIX, and when i started injected BIMIX, I got 4 hour erections, which were great. When erections started lasting less time, I began injecting more and increasing dosage. I also seldom compressed the injection site every long because I was in the bathroom with a woman waiting in the other room, so I did a 1 minute compression and then returned to her. I eventually developed a technique of performing cunnilingus, while my right hand was secretly compressing the injection site, but this was after having let go of it for a couple minutes, so it was probably useless.

The lesson may be: only inject a few times a week and always compress the site for 5 minutes. If I had it to do over again, I also would have fessed up with the long term lovers (as this would have made the 5 minute compression more reasonable). I'm sure some women must have thought i was doing cocaine in there, or had irritable bowl syndrome (or some such thing), so knowing I was injecting would not have been any worse.
I'm 55. PostFinasterideSyndrome/Peyronies . Initially had good erections but numbness. Now erections are compromised, but good sensitivity. I see Dr. Irwin Goldstein and do : TRIMIX-Clomiphene-Arimidex –Cabergoline -Cialis -Traction-VED-Pshot-gainswave

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