
What are your fears? Ideas? Hints? to coping with ED. What helps you with your mental game? How are relationships affected?
Lost Sheep
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Re: Depressed

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:46 pm

In case you missed it, this thread's initial post suggests sentiments similar to what I have found (and posted here).

Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: Depressed

Postby ChosenOne619 » Sun Mar 31, 2019 10:42 pm

I'm in the same predicament as you but younger and except wanting kids and a wife yet but I feel you. I'm looking to getting a VED although it's not a perfect solution, I hope to find a gf sometimes. I currently feel down about not having fun with life. Please if you need someone to talk to you can talk to me and a lot of people would be happy to talk with you.
22 year old male with Ed since I could remember. Tried sildenafil 20mg per pill went up to 4 pills didn't work and side effect were getting to me. San Diego, California where I reside


Re: Depressed

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:15 am

jamesedwards wrote:I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this depression stage. I bet some folks on here has or is dealing with even deeper depression issues than me. I'm curious how are you guys making it day by day?

As far as solutions I've tried, I've tried the usual (pills, therapy, vitamins) and probably other things I'm missing, but these are just the main things that everyone with ED issues has tried. Currently I'm looking into Trimix, but I'm just reading up on it now and if I happen to come across a lady that I'm getting to know then I might look further into the Trimix.

But right now I've about given up on finding someone only because I'm scared of the same routine repeating itself. Meet someone, fail, then lose someone. It's been a repeating factor.

But as of now, I'm just trying to deal with my depression. So being at work a lot helps and visiting this forum also helps a lot. But often times I think about all the missed opportunities of a potential partner I've missed out on due to my ED. That's what's the toughest to clear from my mind.

Good morning James;
You should look into trimix (or whatever treatment you desire) now for two reasons. First, most, if not all the FT members will tell you that after they found a treatment be it pills, injections, VED, implant, once it started to work they were either less depressed or not at all, had much more confidence and were ready to hook up with someone. Secondly, if you meet someone and one thing leads to another, you will want to know that your treatment is going to work and not be let down yet again. Trust me, you won't be sorry. :)


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Re: Depressed

Postby disapointed2 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:31 pm

I can give you my experiences if you care to read it; I was married 16 and a half yrs dated the same women for 5 before that. Went home and caught her with another man. Left. She called me and asked me to come home and for 6 weeks tried to make a go of it. It failed. I was extremely depressed to the point of suicide. Some where deep down inside I pulled myself together stopped taking anti depresants and quit drinking. It was a tough fight. Help from a councilor and going to the doctor helped. No more meds to fight the depression.
I did things to make me, happy. Although at the time I did not have E.D. Meeting girls was difficult. I dated a little was never really sure about my self.
I remarried after 3yrs to a good wife. Then the E.D. started after 16yrs. I was as depressed all over again. I sought help from a few doctors and as you pills, ved, shots. I found a doctor that recommended implant. I am now 7days pre op. The fear is there, I will not let it defeat me. This story is not like your own.
You have to reach deep down inside yourself and grab a hold of your inner strength. Decide what you want, and attain that goal. If you get your problem fixed see a councilor that will help.It is not easy. Nothing in life is. If you make your self happy about getting the problem resolved, You will be a little more happy and then your confidence will increase and that will show when you start dating and find a GF. Help is always out there and sometimes its is difficult. Never give up. Put your faith into GOD. That helps also. There is always more to life than we see. Depression is a road block. Get around the road block.If you need help you can find me somewhere on FT. we can set something up. Take good care of yourself.
67yrs old. ed for 8yrs. Implanted 5-29-2019


Re: Depressed

Postby Larry10625 » Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:41 pm

disapointed2 wrote:I can give you my experiences if you care to read it; I was married 16 and a half yrs dated the same women for 5 before that. Went home and caught her with another man. Left. She called me and asked me to come home and for 6 weeks tried to make a go of it. It failed. I was extremely depressed to the point of suicide. Some where deep down inside I pulled myself together stopped taking anti depresants and quit drinking. It was a tough fight. Help from a councilor and going to the doctor helped. No more meds to fight the depression.
I did things to make me, happy. Although at the time I did not have E.D. Meeting girls was difficult. I dated a little was never really sure about my self.
I remarried after 3yrs to a good wife. Then the E.D. started after 16yrs. I was as depressed all over again. I sought help from a few doctors and as you pills, ved, shots. I found a doctor that recommended implant. I am now 7days pre op. The fear is there, I will not let it defeat me. This story is not like your own.
You have to reach deep down inside yourself and grab a hold of your inner strength. Decide what you want, and attain that goal. If you get your problem fixed see a councilor that will help.It is not easy. Nothing in life is. If you make your self happy about getting the problem resolved, You will be a little more happy and then your confidence will increase and that will show when you start dating and find a GF. Help is always out there and sometimes its is difficult. Never give up. Put your faith into GOD. That helps also. There is always more to life than we see. Depression is a road block. Get around the road block.If you need help you can find me somewhere on FT. we can set something up. Take good care of yourself.

I wish you well on your surgery, you deserve a break. :)


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Re: Depressed

Postby Flavio » Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:03 pm

We've all been there and we all know how you feel but, believe me, ED is easily treatable.

I've battled sexual performance anxiety for many years: my 20s were a disgrace and I barely had any sex, I wrongly believed that I simply wasn't good enough in bed. It was only in my 30s that I started to do some research on the subject of ED and my sex life improved tremendously. Now that I'm 42, my sex life is completely normal and ED is no longer an issue.

I suggest you do a lot of research: read books, talk to doctors, visit reliable websites. The more you know, the less anxious and depressed you will be. In my case, oral medication (Cialis, phentolamine, apomorphine) was very effective but everyone is different and only a doctor (urologist) can say what's best for you.

Good luck!
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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Re: Depressed

Postby Martin6469 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:49 pm

jamesedwards: Have a doc measure your testosterone, simple blood test. Too low will cause ED and depression. Synthetic testosterone is easy to do and a complete fix.
Age 78 in 2023. On testosterone replacement due to hypothalamus malfunction. (Attention depressed guys: low testosterone is a cause.) Healthy health nut but ED due to getting old. Like to keep enough cardiovascular ability to thrust for 30 min.

Posts: 894
Joined: Wed May 19, 2010 4:56 am

Re: Depressed

Postby Flavio » Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:12 am

Dopamine is a hormone that improves both erectile function and depression, I suggest you do some research on that.

Next week, I will finally get my order of a dopaminergic drug called apomorphine from I will keep you guys posted on the results.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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