2nd Post op visit results.

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2nd Post op visit results.

Postby georgie » Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:03 am

I was implanted Nov 12 with an Ams 700. The first visit was at 6 weeks. I expressed to the Dr that my pump felt too high. He agreed and said he should move it down but wanted me to wait until the next visit 3 weeks later to reassess it.
Since then the pump has moved higher and now sits between my legs at the top of my balls and has turned so the bulb faces out. I sit on it on hard chairs and its uncomfortable. The only way I can pump it is from the sides. To deflate it I have to push the button against my pelvic bone because I can't get my finger under the body.
I had my first sex with my wife 3 days before the 2nd appointment. Those hard ends at the end of the tubes hurt me, and she complained my penis felt like a piece of wood. The next day we tried again and I had to release enough saline to make it somewhat flexible, about 6 or 7 pumps which was better for both of us. It only takes me 10 pumps to fill the implant to rock hard status. There's hardly any give to it even with 6 pumps, it just feels like skin with a hard object inside it.

On the 2nd visit I told the Dr about the tip pain which came from me bottoming out, The wife had a hysterectomy when she was in her late 20s. Also that the pump had moved up and I couldn't get my finger under it to inflate it, but he said he could, so it shouldn't be a problem also having to push against my pelvic bone to deflate it was ok also. I supposed he forgot that he suggested it was also too high and blamed it on a tight scrotum. I also told him that on the underside around the head it felt like my skin was abrassed. It looks like those tips are stretching my skin and it looks shiny like the skin is pulling apart. I also said I really couldn't tell exactly where those spots are and looking in a mirror it looked like tiny blisters about pin point size. To which he said maybe I should consult a herpes Dr. although he didn't see anything. (I was mistaken about this, nothing but shiny skin, no blisters). The skin is on each side of the Frenulum.
When flacid, I have large dog ears at the base, also just under the head It is hard as a rock all the time and is the same size as when hard, I'm pretty sure the cylinders are too big and stretching my skin 24/7. My circumference flaccid is 3.5" at the narrowest point which is only a 1" part of my penis below the tips before it gets to the bottom of the tubes and 3.75 at the tips of the tubes and 4.25" in length.
Hard I'm 3.75 in circumference at at the middle and 4.25 in length, maybe 4.5". Not much difference. When flacid It bends at the dog ears and points down to about 4:00 I also told him that the tubes from the cylinders that come around the left side burn almost constantly at the connection and when pumped up one tends to arch up and if I push it down I can feel the pump trying to move down. I can also place my fingers under them. To this he replied that they come pre assembled and that the way it is. He then said some of my complaints could be addressed and said he has done implants for 30 years but suggested I consult a Dr that does nothing but implants. My Dr is a urologist. He also said he didn't want to do the revision, he would rather the new Dr do it if necessary. Maybe I expected too much but he never discussed any other implant except the AMS 600 and I didn't find this fourm until after. My neighbor used him and is satisfied and there was no other Dr within 200 miles. I now have an appointment with a implant specialist 200 miles away next month.

Are any of my problems normal? I tried pulling it down with no luck. I posted pictures in another post and from pictures it doesn't look that bad. Does everyone get hard tips at the end of the cylinders into the head? It seems I would have been better off with a pump and no reservoir. Right now I feel like a flexible rod system would have been almost the same. I hate the thought of going through another implant.
Found prostate caner April 2010 Had prostate removed July 2010. ED went down from there. Had implant AMS 700 Nov 12 2018.
Age 73. Married 51 years.

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Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby spinal13 » Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:59 am

Georgie, I would definitely see a specialist if I were you. Since you're in North Alabama I would probably go to Birmingham and see Dr. Christine. I'm in North Alabama also. If you don't mind me asking, who did you use?
Married. 55 yrs. old. Tried pills, injections quit working. Implanted 1/09/19 with Coloplast Titan. Dr. Paul Zbell.


Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:44 am

georgie wrote:I was implanted Nov 12 with an Ams 700. The first visit was at 6 weeks. I expressed to the Dr that my pump felt too high. He agreed and said he should move it down but wanted me to wait until the next visit 3 weeks later to reassess it.
Since then the pump has moved higher and now sits between my legs at the top of my balls and has turned so the bulb faces out. I sit on it on hard chairs and its uncomfortable. The only way I can pump it is from the sides. To deflate it I have to push the button against my pelvic bone because I can't get my finger under the body.
I had my first sex with my wife 3 days before the 2nd appointment. Those hard ends at the end of the tubes hurt me, and she complained my penis felt like a piece of wood. The next day we tried again and I had to release enough saline to make it somewhat flexible, about 6 or 7 pumps which was better for both of us. It only takes me 10 pumps to fill the implant to rock hard status. There's hardly any give to it even with 6 pumps, it just feels like skin with a hard object inside it.

On the 2nd visit I told the Dr about the tip pain which came from me bottoming out, The wife had a hysterectomy when she was in her late 20s. Also that the pump had moved up and I couldn't get my finger under it to inflate it, but he said he could, so it shouldn't be a problem also having to push against my pelvic bone to deflate it was ok also. I supposed he forgot that he suggested it was also too high and blamed it on a tight scrotum. I also told him that on the underside around the head it felt like my skin was abrassed. It looks like those tips are stretching my skin and it looks shiny like the skin is pulling apart. I also said I really couldn't tell exactly where those spots are and looking in a mirror it looked like tiny blisters about pin point size. To which he said maybe I should consult a herpes Dr. although he didn't see anything. (I was mistaken about this, nothing but shiny skin, no blisters). The skin is on each side of the Frenulum.
When flacid, I have large dog ears at the base, also just under the head It is hard as a rock all the time and is the same size as when hard, I'm pretty sure the cylinders are too big and stretching my skin 24/7. My circumference flaccid is 3.5" at the narrowest point which is only a 1" part of my penis below the tips before it gets to the bottom of the tubes and 3.75 at the tips of the tubes and 4.25" in length.
Hard I'm 3.75 in circumference at at the middle and 4.25 in length, maybe 4.5". Not much difference. When flacid It bends at the dog ears and points down to about 4:00 I also told him that the tubes from the cylinders that come around the left side burn almost constantly at the connection and when pumped up one tends to arch up and if I push it down I can feel the pump trying to move down. I can also place my fingers under them. To this he replied that they come pre assembled and that the way it is. He then said some of my complaints could be addressed and said he has done implants for 30 years but suggested I consult a Dr that does nothing but implants. My Dr is a urologist. He also said he didn't want to do the revision, he would rather the new Dr do it if necessary. Maybe I expected too much but he never discussed any other implant except the AMS 600 and I didn't find this fourm until after. My neighbor used him and is satisfied and there was no other Dr within 200 miles. I now have an appointment with a implant specialist 200 miles away next month.

Are any of my problems normal? I tried pulling it down with no luck. I posted pictures in another post and from pictures it doesn't look that bad. Does everyone get hard tips at the end of the cylinders into the head? It seems I would have been better off with a pump and no reservoir. Right now I feel like a flexible rod system would have been almost the same. I hate the thought of going through another implant.

Good morning Georgie;
I am sorry to hear about your problems. IF your cylinders are too big AND you can tolerate them, if it were me, I would not change it. Because you have the AMS LGX, you will get length and girth size increase's. It is still early and you MAY stretch enough that it doesn't bother you anymore. As for hardness, there are a few guys on here who have said that their wives did not like the baseball effect so they just don't pump as hard. As for your pump... in order to get anything out of it, you will have to pull it down several times a day. Pull it down and hold it for a 10-15 seconds. One possible reason it is uncomfortable is because there is enough tubing for it to go to the bottom of your scrotum and because it's not there, the tubing just bunches up at the base. Now, for the tips... I am not a doctor but my career was in the medical field (Paramedic) I think I know the answer about the tips... there have been several complaints on here. I wonder if the shape of the head has something to do with it... here's why I think that... Some guy's glans are shaped more like a triangle. If you try to push 2 cylinders tips up into the glans, it is likely that one will rise up further than the other because it is moving more towards the tip of the triangle. Other guys are shaped more like a mushroom and the tips can easily stay even with each other. I am sure that size would have to come into play here. You can likely reclaim any length and girth you have lost over the years due to atrophy from ED. Those nocturnal erections are doing the same thing that we do when we cycle. My advice to you is to get into a nice hot bath (as hot as you can stand it. Give it 5 or 10 minutes for the rubber pump to soften up and then cycle. In order to get any results and give the implant and all of it's components time to acclimate you should be cycling 3 times a day (30 minutes each if you can). The problems you have are very common post op. It will get better in time. Keep your surgeon apprized of significant concerns. It gets better buddy, it really does. In 4 or 5 months you and your wife will be loving your implant and your wife ;) ;)


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Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby MK1965 » Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:57 am

I just want to mention, I had same problems with dog ears at 2 and 3 months. I am now 4.5 since implanted and dog ears effect is starting to improve, I have about 50% less comparing it to 3 months time.
Just recently, I had big increase in length of about 1 inch when scar tissue broke and my implant expanded in length. I reached magical 5” in length for which I am very happy. Intercurse after this point is way better and both; my wife and I agreed on that. My flaccid look improved a bit and now might be at around 45 degrees or4:30 o’clock.
My progress was and still is very slow but, at least, it is moving in right direction.
As for pump, I never had issues with it. It sits at the bottom of my tightened scrotum. I also had ventral phaloplasty with my implant.
Don’t be discouraged, it will start improving. For peace of mind, seeking second opinion is not bad idea.
I was so discouraged in the first few months that I wrote on this forum, I am going to wait 6 months mark and if no improvement, will ask for implant to be removed.
IPP 9/5/18; TITAN OTR 18 +1cm RTE,Prostate Ca at 51 y/o; RARP 11/2/16, ED Post RP, Cialis, Viagra, VED,TRIMIX painful, BIMIX ineffective,lost 2+ inches of length after RP. Revision 12/2/20 by Dr Clavell, AMS 700 CX, L 21 R 21+1.5 RTE.

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Location: Erie, PA

Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby justanotherdrumber » Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:55 pm

The tips feel hard because, ... well the tips ARE hard .

On an AMS700lgx, 18cm implant the tip diameter is 13mm [?] in diameter × approximately 1-1/2 inches long to the junction of the soft inflatable cylinder. The "Tips" are made of hard plastic. Pumping up does N0T change the firmness of the tips at all, they are unaffected; other than being pushed forward toward the glans.

On a 4.25 inch errection your 1.5 inch hard tips equal 35% of the total length. The remaining 65% of (viewable) length simply supports the tips. Remember that more inflatable cylinder exists below those.

Considering all your complaints a second opinion would seem to be a good idea, although; like others have said, "you probably haven't reached optimal results YET".

My personal experience has been that most Urologists won't generally consider a revision until 6 months after the original surgery.

What concerns me is your original surgeon "preferring" you enlist a different doctor to correct the situation.

My personal experience there, with limited exceptions; is that very few urologists will be critical of anothers work and even fewer desiring to RISK correcting botched results of another.

There seems to be an unmentioned "prognosis", so to speak; to steer you back to the original implant surgeon to accept their responsibility.

My personal Journey has encompassed 10 months so far and has not been resolved yet.

Please keep us informed.

Good luck.
Age 64 - g/f 34
Implanted ams700 lgx, 18cm+1cm RTE
March 2018


Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:06 pm

justanotherdrumber wrote:The tips feel hard because, ... well the tips ARE hard .

On an AMS700lgx, 18cm implant the tip diameter is 13mm [?] in diameter × approximately 1-1/2 inches long to the junction of the soft inflatable cylinder. The "Tips" are made of hard plastic. Pumping up does N0T change the firmness of the tips at all, they are unaffected; other than being pushed forward toward the glans.

On a 4.25 inch errection your 1.5 inch hard tips equal 35% of the total length. The remaining 65% of (viewable) length simply supports the tips. Remember that more inflatable cylinder exists below those.

Considering all your complaints a second opinion would seem to be a good idea, although; like others have said, "you probably haven't reached optimal results YET".

My personal experience has been that most Urologists won't generally consider a revision until 6 months after the original surgery.

What concerns me is your original surgeon "preferring" you enlist a different doctor to correct the situation.

My personal experience there, with limited exceptions; is that very few urologists will be critical of anothers work and even fewer desiring to RISK correcting botched results of another.

There seems to be an unmentioned "prognosis", so to speak; to steer you back to the original implant surgeon to accept their responsibility.

My personal Journey has encompassed 10 months so far and has not been resolved yet.

Please keep us informed.

Good luck.

Now you know why I was so shocked when not one but two surgeons were highly critical of the botched job that the urologist and plastic surgeon did on me. I am so glad I went to them. :)


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Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby justanotherdrumber » Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:46 pm

Larry10625 wrote:
justanotherdrumber wrote:The tips feel hard because, ... well the tips ARE hard .

On an AMS700lgx, 18cm implant the tip diameter is 13mm [?] in diameter × approximately 1-1/2 inches long to the junction of the soft inflatable cylinder. The "Tips" are made of hard plastic. Pumping up does N0T change the firmness of the tips at all, they are unaffected; other than being pushed forward toward the glans.

On a 4.25 inch errection your 1.5 inch hard tips equal 35% of the total length. The remaining 65% of (viewable) length simply supports the tips. Remember that more inflatable cylinder exists below those.

Considering all your complaints a second opinion would seem to be a good idea, although; like others have said, "you probably haven't reached optimal results YET".

My personal experience has been that most Urologists won't generally consider a revision until 6 months after the original surgery.

What concerns me is your original surgeon "preferring" you enlist a different doctor to correct the situation.

My personal experience there, with limited exceptions; is that very few urologists will be critical of anothers work and even fewer desiring to RISK correcting botched results of another.

There seems to be an unmentioned "prognosis", so to speak; to steer you back to the original implant surgeon to accept their responsibility.

My personal Journey has encompassed 10 months so far and has not been resolved yet.

Please keep us informed.

Good luck.

Now you know why I was so shocked when not one but two surgeons were highly critical of the botched job that the urologist and plastic surgeon did on me. I am so glad I went to them. :)


I'm on my 4th, going on my 5th; one step at a time.
I may finally be gaining some support.

From the beginning I knew that, "Removing the device and returning back to the way I was previously"; as suggested prematurely was NEVER an acceptable option !
Age 64 - g/f 34
Implanted ams700 lgx, 18cm+1cm RTE
March 2018

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Location: Erie, PA

Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby justanotherdrumber » Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:34 pm

@ Georgie,

Do you presently squeeze the extra saline out of the lower inflatable portion of your implant [below the hard tips], after depressurizing at the pump; to help return it to the reservoir ?
Age 64 - g/f 34
Implanted ams700 lgx, 18cm+1cm RTE
March 2018

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Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby tomas1 » Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:38 pm

I really don't know for sure, but I was under the impression that the hard tips are in the back end of the cylinders.

I'm getting mine in 19 hours and will ask my doc.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:09 am

Re: 2nd Post op visit results.

Postby LeRoastBeef » Mon Jan 21, 2019 3:38 pm

Good luck Tomas!
Implanted with AMS 700 lgx, 2021.

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