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One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:05 am
by Melbourne1
Been suffering with slowly worsening ED over the last 10 years, normal story, tried the cheap easy pills and meds from supermarket and chemist, vacuum pumps and mustered up the courage to go to doc and get viagra, Cialis... these worked ok for a little while... stumbled across some info and started some research into implants... at first the idea was quite shocking, but reading other people’s rwsults and seeing for the most part results are good to fantastic, I’m picking what do I have to lose (plenty, but odds on my side)...researched options for surgeons and found one I deemed to be specialist in implants and appears to be high volume.... saw GP to get referral and had consult with surgeon (Dr Katz) always been a private person and not so good exposing my self to others so the consult was a little unnerving for me.... found Dr Katz to be very reassuming and felt as easy as I could of, it was useful having pre researched the shit out of implants and understanding the risks and mechanics of how it works....

confirmed booking for surgery today for Titan on 9th April.... scared and excited, not looking forward to the pain and discomfort, certainly looking forward to 6 months down the track and having new, better, working fittings!... can’t wait to have fearless relations with my wife!

Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:44 am
by RecentImplant
Best of luck, my friend. I'm three months in, and the early days are really up and down where sometimes you think 'what the heck have I done', but now after 3 months I'm so happy I took the plunge.

Best of luck to you. It's an exciting road ahead.

Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:11 pm
by radioradio
I love your phrase, “having fearless relations with my wife”. That’s the deal....
Stay focused on that, and all the rest will be just a memory.

Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:25 pm
by Melbourne1
Thanks.... can’t wait!

Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:34 pm
by Greg1956
Best wishes to you. I got my implant 5 1/2 months ago and it has been great. Let us know if you have questions. Always happy to help.


Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:28 pm
by Melbourne1
Any advise pre op? Anything you would have done before surgery if you were doing again?

Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:39 pm
by Vagabond127
Melbourne I can tell you are a bit nervous. I'm in April so I feel your pain. I am proud of you for making your decision. My ED is going downhill fast as well. Believe it or not, since I started jerking off I have very rarely missed out on JO even at the start of ED 2005. The trick was I had very sensitive nipples. That's not even doing the trick anymore.

I look forward to updates from you as well as questions. BEST OF LUCK!!

Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:56 pm
by Smetro
Love and Katz were my team.....awesome happy with the outcome.......yes it’s uncomfortable for a while but it is 150% worth it.
I wasn’t on here and knew almost nothing.....went in blind.....
Now I can do what I could do when I was 20.
Don’t fear just believe

Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:05 am
by Melbourne1
Time flies, this time next week I will be post op... nerves and excitement building, seem to have developed a addiction to reading posts on Franktalk, not sure I would feel so sure of the pending surgery if it was not for this resource!.. thanks everyone.

Re: One Month to Surgery—- Bionic Pending..

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:35 am
by Anonymous3
Good luck. Follow your DR orders even on something as small as underwear. Take very baggy pants with you to wear post op. You are not pretty post op. You stuff is parially inflated, wrapped up like a mummy, sticking out, you have a catheter and a blood drain bag. And just for fun still have some anesthesia in your system