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VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:00 pm
by hard drive
First I'd like to say thanks to everyone here. I recently lost my job and some fine members here helped me by making sure I got a decent penis pump.

I have been approved for VA medical assistance and have my first appointment tomorrow morning for a full physical. I'm going to ask them for assistance with my blood pressure, blood sugar and Crohn's surgery. I believe they will cover every medical need including a prostheses so I'm hoping this would include an implant.

Since I have a fairly long list of medications needed and related health issues, I'm wondering how I should approach the implant issue. Keep in mind that this is a VA clinic and I'm being seen by my new primary care doctor. I'm afraid if I hit the guy with this request right off the bat he'll deny my request just as quickly. How should I proceed with this?

I'm concerned also that if the implant is approved, how can I make sure I don't get a procedure whereby an inexperienced doc makes it too short and gives me the floppy head syndrome? Any advice on this matter would be for down the road, but greatly appreciated.

Thanks for a great service guys. I'll keep you posted on the out-come of the visit.


Re: VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:38 pm
by jackpTenn
Great to hear that you are going to get the care you need at the VA.

As for the new GP just be open and up front with him. Do not knock him down at first by insisting on an implant, explain your problem to him and make him your advocate.

Before you get to the urologist send me an email and I will forward you the information you need to get the AMS 700 LGX. Go in with knowledge and you should come out with the outcome you need.

Glad to hear you got your VED. Use the exercise daily for the best outcome.


Re: VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:01 pm
by hard drive
jackpTenn wrote:Great to hear that you are going to get the care you need at the VA.

As for the new GP just be open and up front with him. Do not knock him down at first by insisting on an implant, explain your problem to him and make him your advocate.

Before you get to the urologist send me an email and I will forward you the information you need to get the AMS 700 LGX. Go in with knowledge and you should come out with the outcome you need.

Glad to hear you got your VED. Use the exercise daily for the best outcome.


Thanks Jack, so instead of pushing for the implant you think I should just tell him all about my history and let him try other methods first? I kind of expected it would have to go that way so that the DOC can see for himself that the other methods don't work for me.

I'm using the VED twice daily now. I can tell that my girth feels fuller as it did in years past. My only disappointment is that I still have a floppy drive even when pumped to full size. The expansion is there but there is no firmness.


Re: VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:25 pm
by franglais

Re: VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:06 pm
by PK Man
Good for you. I am glad that your VA is going to do something for you. I agree that what you want to do is present your story in such a way that your Dr. will want to become your helper, not just a guy helping VA case # XYZ. Let's face it, every guy understands the importance of a real erection. Once he understands that you do want an active sex life, he will want to give you every help he can. This may be a bit of a process, but it will happen.

I went through the disappointment of being turned down for an implant, but now have my specialist on my side. He will get me the implant if my next phase of treatment doesn't work. Problem with me is I want it NOW :D

Good luck!

Re: VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 9:06 pm
by hard drive
Thought I'd drop in and post an update. The pump has helped me regain some size so tissues are more healthy I'm guessing. I've had no luck however obtaining a usable erection even with rings and restriction bands. I've had 3 visits to the VA so far but other health issues are being addressed at this point.

Taking medication for high BP now.

Taking medication for high Blood Sugar.

Lab work finds me with low T, but TRT can't be prescribed due to high red blood cell count and other unhealthy readings.

They tested my eyes, and I'm getting new glasses on the house.

Next week I'll prolly be getting a hearing aid (not joking). I have a service connected hearing loss.

On the 15th I have my first Uro appointment regarding ED.

On the 7th of next month, I have an appointment with the Gastro doc. He is going to treat my Crohn's disease and remove the remaining carcinoma from my colon.

I just hope somewhere in all this, I can get my implant.

Re: VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:00 pm
by hard drive
Had my 1st visit with the URO doc at the VA today. He read my file, asked what I had done previously, and in the end he stated that it looks like I need a prosthetic implant.

He told me I will be hearing from the VA appointment office to schedule me with the head URO / Surgical doctor at the hospital. His word as I parted were, you need an implant. Don't worry, the VA will take care of you.

Things are looking up so far.


Re: VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:39 am
by regain-is-the-aim

Looks like you won't be floppy much longer. You may need to change your moniker. I just wanted to respond and say Great for You! As a fellow vet, it is nice to know the VA is taking of you (us). Having served, this is just part of the return on investment. The USA is still a great country.

Best wishes as this journey continues. Keep us posted and all of us will keep fingers crossed that progress continues; you deserve a good ole fashion "hard-on" when ever you want- thanks to Uncle Sam and the American people!!


2/17 Arty- Nam II Corp

Re: VA Clinic Tomorrow, suggestions

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:31 am
by hard drive
regain-is-the-aim wrote:Drive:

Looks like you won't be floppy much longer. You may need to change your moniker. I just wanted to respond and say Great for You! As a fellow vet, it is nice to know the VA is taking of you (us). Having served, this is just part of the return on investment. The USA is still a great country.

Best wishes as this journey continues. Keep us posted and all of us will keep fingers crossed that progress continues; you deserve a good ole fashion "hard-on" when ever you want- thanks to Uncle Sam and the American people!!


2/17 Arty- Nam II Corp

Thanks for the encouragement Dick. I hope I get to change my username soon. Normally I don't like time to pass quickly but in this case it can't go fast enough. I love VETS and yes, the USA is a great country and I was very privileged and proud to serve. I'll keep everyone posted as the saga continues. Thanks for responding.