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How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:57 pm
by Cigar56
I have a tiny amount of cancer cells in my prostate. For those of you who know about these things, here are my stats:

Diagnosis: 1-29-16
Last recorded PSA: 8
Highest tested PSA over several years: 11
Gleason: 3 + 3 = 6
Enlarged prostate? Yes
Current strategy: Active surveillance.

My urologist and I had settled on active surveillance following three prostate biopsies -- one in her office (ouch!) and two in the hospital under anesthesia. The tiny amount of cancer cells popped up on the third biopsy but have been napping with no signs of aggression. The urologist left it up to me to stay with the active surveillance or consider radiation or removal. I decided to get on with it, but not radiation. She referred me to a surgeon for nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy surgery.

I visited with the surgeon fully prepared to select a surgery date for the end of the year (2017). He spent about 15 minutes looking at all of my charts as well as the results of my biopsies and PSAs. Then he measured my prostate.

"One problem," he said. "Your prostate is extremely enlarged. It's intruding on your bladder. If we remove the prostate now your bladder could be damaged and require additional surgery. If we have to operate on the bladder you could suffer incontinence and be wearing diapers (Depends) the rest of your life."


The surgeon convinced me to continue with the active surveillance while we try to shrink the prostate using a drug called Finasteride. I have an appointment next month for a follow up. I will have another PSA before seeing him and we'll decide how to proceed.

So that's the backstory. I have no problems with safe removal of my prostate, but I don't want a lifetime of incontinence. Before seeing the surgeon I was all set to have the surgery and then move on to the implant. So, sorry for being so long-winded, but those of you who have had prostate surgery, how long did you wait before having the implant?

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:03 pm
by Anonymous3
A signiture would help.
There are several procdures to reduce prostate now. The procedure I had uses water vapor to shrink it. Mine was 59 vs normal 20. Finf a urologist that is well versed in the newest procedures not just things that worked 10 or 15 years ago

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:11 pm
by radioradio
Yikes! Is right. Tough decisions.
I only waited as long as it took to satisfy myself and the insurance company that nothing worked. PCa diagnosis 1/8/17. Robot RP 3/1/17. Started VED 4/1/17 for the health of my penis, not for sex. Injections sometime in May -- very painful and ineffective. Called to schedule pre-op and surgery mid June. Implant 8/2/17.
FT and guys I got to know through FT were instrumental in helping make my decision, stick with my decision and heal. The recurring theme I kept seeing was that most guys' only regret was waiting so long to take the plunge.
Happy to chat any time. PM me if you'd like. But there are many many guys who are further down the path with much more knowledge than I have.
Bob 2.1

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:51 pm
by Oldcrohny62
I have taken more time than most with the implant decision. With RP in 2013 and incontinence as result the dr thought I would improve, but still have moderate incontinence and use Tena pads. Not good for active person. Have tried pills, trimix and Xiaflex with little results for erection.
Current Urologist in Kansas City said a pelvic sling could greatly help incontinence and can be put in at time of penile implant in Dec. 2017. I am actually looking forward to the surgery even realizing there is discomfort afterwards.
Even with all the issues I am thankful for PSA of 0.01 at nearly 5 years.
Not sure I helped much, just know the PC and effects are difficult.

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:38 am
by LMCatman
After RP, I thought my sex life was over. My doctor showed me an implant and I thought "OUCH"! I waited 2.5 years after RP and, along with the frustrations of no erections, believe my dick atrophied somewhat over that time. My advice would be implant as soon after RP as is practical.

Incontinance was really only a problem immediately after RP and has not really been a problem after my implants. I do sometimes leak a tiny bit but not much and not often. During extended "pleasure sessions", I do get up to "pee just a little", sometimes more than once. Tuesday I had a 2 girl session than ran nearly 3 hours and probably got up to "pee a little" 5 times. Sometimes I remember to drink less coffee in the mornings......

As you can see through my posts and through my signature, I'm a real believer in implants. I can hardly believe the sex life I am currently experiencing. Good luck man!!!

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:59 am
by Cigar56
Holy cow, Catman!

You're 66 years old and knocking off those chicks two at a time? I wanna be like you when I grow up. :D :lol:

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:17 am
by Tybeeman
Cigar, I was ion the same boat as you. Mine finally jumped up to a Gleason 7 in November of 2015 It was sin the same location as your but it covered 25% of the prostrate. Very tough spot. I elected to go to the Global Robotics Institute in Celebration Florida and Doctor Patel. He does a 1000 prostatectomy a year. He said he has done over a 1000 of the location of mine. I would call them and send them you records and fine out what they think. He will have one of his doctors on staff call you.

I got to Celebration on Wednesday at 7:00 am and meet with Dr. Patel. He operated on Friday took my catheter out 4 days Tuesday, released me the next day and I was sitting at my desk days after surgery.

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:58 pm
by LMCatman
Cigar56 wrote:Holy cow, Catman!

You're 66 years old and knocking off those chicks two at a time? I wanna be like you when I grow up. :D :lol: my "miles of fun" post....I could NEVER have done all this with my "original dick".....)))

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:13 pm
by Cigar56
Tybeeman wrote:Cigar, I was ion the same boat as you. Mine finally jumped up to a Gleason 7 in November of 2015 It was sin the same location as your but it covered 25% of the prostrate. Very tough spot. I elected to go to the Global Robotics Institute in Celebration Florida and Doctor Patel. He does a 1000 prostatectomy a year. He said he has done over a 1000 of the location of mine. I would call them and send them you records and fine out what they think. He will have one of his doctors on staff call you.

I got to Celebration on Wednesday at 7:00 am and meet with Dr. Patel. He operated on Friday took my catheter out 4 days Tuesday, released me the next day and I was sitting at my desk days after surgery.

Hey Tybeeman, how you been? Yep, you left room for me in your boat. :D ;) I have heard good things about Dr. Patel. His office is only about 25 minutes from my house. The thing I like about him is that he has tremendous experience with more than 1,000 surgeries a year. The one thing I don't like like about him is that he performs more than 1,000 surgeries a year. Clearly, he is focused on generating revenue and is almost always apt to advise surgery immediately. On the other hand he is obviously good at what he does.

We'll see what happens when I visit with my current surgeon in a few weeks. Decisions, decisions!

Re: How Long for Implant After Prostate Surgery?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:23 pm
by Cigar56
hturner12 wrote:A signiture would help.
There are several procdures to reduce prostate now. The procedure I had uses water vapor to shrink it. Mine was 59 vs normal 20. Finf a urologist that is well versed in the newest procedures not just things that worked 10 or 15 years ago

Thanks Hugh! I will ask my surgeon about this. Appreciate your insight.