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Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 5:19 pm
by Funny9097
Hi all,

I am happy to say that I am getting close to officially booking my appointment for an implant

The only big concern I had was whether the implant could impact ability to climax/orgasm and it seems from people's posts that this should be fine

I want to ask what might be a final question to members of thr implant side.

I exercise a lot. I go for runs almost daily and enjoy hiking up mountains. I also lift weights and do yoga. This has kept me in good shape and ed aside feeling/looking youthful. It's a huge part of my life and I would say exercise/physical activity is what I like to do socially

Questions for you guys are:

1- do you guys avoid excercising as much as you used to?

2- do you think execising A LOT will impact the life of the implant?

(For the record I don't bike ride haha)


Re: excercise

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 5:44 pm
by bob1138
Funny9097 wrote:Hi all,

I am happy to say that I am getting close to officially booking my appointment for an implant

The only big concern I had was whether the implant could impact ability to climax/orgasm and it seems from people's posts that this should be fine

I want to ask what might be a final question to members of thr implant side.

I exercise a lot. I go for runs almost daily and enjoy hiking up mountains. I also lift weights and do yoga. This has kept me in good shape and ed aside feeling/looking youthful. It's a huge part of my life and I would say exercise/physical activity is what I like to do socially

Questions for you guys are:

1- do you guys avoid excercising as much as you used to?

2- do you think execising A LOT will impact the life of the implant?

(For the record I don't bike ride haha)


Hi Funny,
Like you, I have been an avid exercise enthusiast all my life, .
I was implanted with the Coloplast Titan IPP in 2007 and, to date, it has never interfered with any of my exercise routines, which include weight lifting,
hiking and swimming (both in a pool and open water).
I definitely exercise as much as I used to and this has had absolutely no negative impact on my Titan Implant.
It stil works great at 9 years and counting.
I wish you all the Best with your upcoming Implant.
Hope this has been helpful.

Re: excercise

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 10:03 pm
by zlsej9218
How often do you use implant?? Once a week or twice a week??

Re: excercise

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 10:58 pm
QUESTION: 1- do you guys avoid excercising as much as you used to?
ANSWER: implant has no impact on exercise ability. I exercise a little more now because I care more about getting my body in shape. The implant has zero impact on my exercise ability or frequency or intensity.

QUESTION: do you think exercising A LOT will impact the life of the implant?
ANSWER: no impact. Per my research, the coloplast failure point is the tubing that attached to the pump bulb. Anything that makes the pump bulb go continually up and down to bend the tubing leads to tube fatigue. Thus, avoid things that jiggle your implant ball (so I suppose a jock strap during athletics is a good idea to keep the scrotum and pump steady ?). My Dr tells me to try to keep the pump ball steady when squeezing (ie, minimize the vertical up and down motion). Of course, for AMS, failure mode is in the cylinders at the hinge point, so again, maybe a decent jock is the solution to keep your shaft from bouncing up and down ?
QUESTION : How often do you use implant?? Once a week or twice a week??
ANSWER: I am , on average, 2 times per week

Re: excercise

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:47 am
by Funny9097
Cool - just letting you know guys I have finally, after about 2 years, made the decision to get this done :) fingers crossed about results on the other side !

Re: excercise

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:36 pm
by sliphill
Funny9097 wrote:Cool - just letting you know guys I have finally, after about 2 years, made the decision to get this done :) fingers crossed about results on the other side !

Good for you Funny, I'm getting one next Friday, and I will have my fingers crossed. I only took me about 6 months to make the decision. Maybe I'm hastily going into this, but nothing else is working, so I bit the bullet. Good luck to you. We'll be bionic brothers.

Re: excercise

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:06 pm
by dirtman1993
Took me over nine months and only wish I had known sooner about implants. My late wife and I would have used a lot.

Re: excercise

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:02 pm
by hopeful_future
One of the questions I asked my doc was about weightlifting, since I do heavy barbell lifts regularly, along with circuit training. He said once I'm healed up, I should be able to go right back to all of it. I would have seriously considered whether or not I wanted the implant if I would have had to give up lifting. Exercise is a big contributor to my mental health.

So far I'm 3 weeks out, and I'm just starting to think about lifting again. It's not super comfortable tucking away my titan, and some types of bending do cause the pump to get a little aggressive with my testes, so I'm not diving in quite yet, but I'll probably start mobility drills again to start warming up. Either way, the recovery is going well, and I do expect to be able to get back in shape pretty quick.

Re: excercise

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:58 am
by JiminFL
I started light weight training 3 weeks after surgery. I'm still avoiding core training & ab work as I'd experienced some discomfort rather quickly when I attempted it. 4 weeks now & just yesterday I went on a 3 mile hike. Some minor pain on both sides of my groin afterwards. Let your body be your guide & if there is any doubt, error on the side of caution.