Urologist in Des Moines, Iowa

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Urologist in Des Moines, Iowa

Postby Bohemian32 » Fri May 26, 2017 1:34 pm

A while back, I read a note from someone near Des Moines, that was indicating that his urologist in Des Moines did a very good job of installing his implant.
When I tried to contact him, I see that he has not been back on Frank Talk for a couple of years. He was on the Show and Tell area.
Anyone with any information, would greatly be appreciated.
Looking to see if the VA in DSM, will fund an implant for me at a private Clinic.
Want to know before what sort of reputation these Urologist might have and their track record.

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Re: Urologist in Des Moines, Iowa

Postby GiRn56 » Fri May 26, 2017 6:44 pm

I am from DSM, there are 2 main urologist groups, Iowa Clinic and one from Lakeview Med center, Iowa Clinic I was going to use until the office nurse stated the AMS tech would be in town to help him with his surgery, no thanks, red flag, inexperience, I choose to fly to New York to Dr Eid. I can't speak to the other urologist/ group. As far as VA to pay, check with member lost sheep, he is locked in with issues trying to get done what you want with the VA. Multiple road blocks and issues. Best wishes in getting yours done...

I do know from experience that VA Dsm contracts with Iowa Clinic for specialties / procedures not available at the DSM campus...
Severe Degenerative Disc Disease L5-S1
Major Depression
Chronic pain patient and Meds
Titan OTR 20 cm placed 4/12/17 per Dr Eid.

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Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:22 am

Re: Urologist in Des Moines, Iowa

Postby Bohemian32 » Wed May 31, 2017 11:34 am

I am still waiting for an appointment for the DSM campus, this is all so new to me.
I am still not sure just what I want or need to do, I can get an erection by masturbation, but when it comes to intercourse, that I loose my erection. Muse sometimes works for a short time, I have injections and they seem to work. My thoughts are am I ready for an implant. Seems so final, once it is installed, normal erections are a thing of the past. Would like to chat with others about the feelings one gets with the implant compared to what I have known all my life with normal erections.
I do not know if it is time for me to consider an implant, afraid I will not be more satisfied with the new version. Still very undecided about the whole business.
Time will tell when I get more information, also not sure I would trust someone to do surgery on my penis.

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