Well- I Finally Got It Done

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby Freddyboy » Fri May 12, 2017 3:35 pm

So its been over a year since my non nerve sparing prostatectomy and I haven't posted for ages but the journey continues. I underwent radiation treatments last fall and so far the psa reading is still nil. Then in January I got a call from the urologist with a date for an implant procedure, and that procedure was 2 days ago. Apparently it all went well. Had the procedure done in Victoria BC (Canada). Paid for by our provincial medical plan. No high volume surgeons here- the province allows only 7 per year per surgeon because of the cost :shock:. So I guess I'll know in a few weeks whether or not she did a good job. Yes- she. I got the AMS Lgx 15 cm w/2 cm tip extenders. 15 cm is kinda short but then I lost a good inch or so from the prostate surgery. Still pretty sore obviously but a couple of Tramadol every few hours helps. One thing is puzzling me however. According to the hospital discharge instructions I'm supposed to keep the whole package wrapped snugly in a gauze dressing (changed daily) essentially just hanging down. Yet much of what I've read says that post-op the dick is usually left pointed up and taped to ones belly. At the moment it's too swollen to point it up but I'm thinking of doing so after the swelling decreases. It seems every surgeon does things differently. Just wondering if anyone else received similar instructions to mine?
70 yo, Living on Vancouver Island in BC, Canada. Venous leak, Then a PSA of 19.6, gleason 4+5. Radical non nerve sparing prostatectomy in Jan 2016 +radiation therapy fall 2016. Finally implanted with 15cm AMS LGX 700 w/2cm rte's, May 10, 2017.

C coggin
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Joined: Thu May 11, 2017 6:13 am

Re: Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby C coggin » Fri May 12, 2017 3:47 pm

day of surgery 05/02/2017 i was scared as hell, certainly this will be the most terrible pain i ever experienced. The anticipation as i awaited the surgical team to come get me was pure anguish! I was awakened in recovery room after recieving my AMS 700LGX feeling like i had an urgent burning need to pee, Nurse assured me it was just the catheter making me feel this and to just lie down, appearently i was slightly combative trying to get out of bed and go to rest room lol. Hey when ya gotta go you gotta go! :lol: My pain level on a 10 scale at this point was to my pleasant surprise was only around a 6 to 6.5 (much less than a previous abdominal hernia repair)

Day 2 my pain was only around 4.5 to 5, surprisingly this surgery wasnt near as horrible as i phsyced myself up to believe. Nurse came in to remove my IV and Catheter, sucker burned like a mother when they pulled it out and i was ready for it to be gone! Went to urinate about an hour after and went to restroom to finally relieve my urge to pee i had for last 24 hours and it burned like crazy from catheter irritation. got discharged from hospital and had a very difficult time climbing into our full nsized ford F150 supercrew, note to others... take lower and smaller car!

Day3 Pain down considerably to roughly 2.5 to 3.5 still keeping ice on scrotum continually decided at this point no longer needed narcotic pain meds so from this point on only extra strength tylenol (4 at a time) this surgery has been remarkably easy on me. from day 4 on to day 11 i was basicly pain free somewhere between a .5 to a 1 no longer using any meds or ice, hot showers feel so good and help relieve the minor discomfort remaining. As of today on day 11 i am 100% pain free, the scrotal pain is nearly gone just feels like its being stretched and heavy. Hope this helps someone

C coggin
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Joined: Thu May 11, 2017 6:13 am

Re: Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby C coggin » Fri May 12, 2017 3:48 pm

my dr left me inflated partially and told me to keep it pointed upward throughout healing so as not to create a downward curvature to the healed organ

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Re: Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby Freddyboy » Fri May 12, 2017 5:34 pm

I had similar experience to yours. I wasn't too concerned about the surgery as I've watched every YouTube video there is on the subject. However apparently I tried to climb out of bed in the recovery room too and had to be restrained, hah! Pain was around 6/10 so another shot of whatever and I went back to sleep. Just now walked (or more like hobbled) to the local coffee joint. The exercise is good and the pain isn't any worse for it. Now its nap time again :!:
70 yo, Living on Vancouver Island in BC, Canada. Venous leak, Then a PSA of 19.6, gleason 4+5. Radical non nerve sparing prostatectomy in Jan 2016 +radiation therapy fall 2016. Finally implanted with 15cm AMS LGX 700 w/2cm rte's, May 10, 2017.

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Re: Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby Donnie1954 » Fri May 12, 2017 5:42 pm

Welcome to the exclusive bionic brotherhood. Take care heal well. We're here for you.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby Freddyboy » Wed May 17, 2017 1:38 am

Ok so its a week postop for me tomorrow. So far so good I think. The swelling has reduced somewhat but still plenty of bruising- looks like I got hit in the groin with a baseball :o. Still uncomfortable but the pain has mostly gone so I'm managing with a couple of Tylenol now and then. The spot where the reservoir was placed is still really sore. I'm pretty slim so there's not much space in there plus the fact I had hernia mesh repairs on both sides years ago. The surgeon couldn't place the reservoir via the peno-scrotal incision so had to make an incision over the pubic bone to get the reservoir placed. As for the pump, I can locate it easily and don't think I'll have any problem keeping it pulled down during healing. The one thing that does concern me however is I can feel the tips of both cylinders and they stop at the base of the glans. My understanding is that if they don't extend at least partially into the glans it results in the so called "SST" or "Concorde" profile. Anyone have any comments on that or am I overly oncerned? Its obviously to early to activate- but will the cylinder tips extend further into the glans when I inflate?
70 yo, Living on Vancouver Island in BC, Canada. Venous leak, Then a PSA of 19.6, gleason 4+5. Radical non nerve sparing prostatectomy in Jan 2016 +radiation therapy fall 2016. Finally implanted with 15cm AMS LGX 700 w/2cm rte's, May 10, 2017.


Re: Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby Larry10625 » Wed May 17, 2017 4:36 am

Freddyboy wrote:So its been over a year since my non nerve sparing prostatectomy and I haven't posted for ages but the journey continues. I underwent radiation treatments last fall and so far the psa reading is still nil. Then in January I got a call from the urologist with a date for an implant procedure, and that procedure was 2 days ago. Apparently it all went well. Had the procedure done in Victoria BC (Canada). Paid for by our provincial medical plan. No high volume surgeons here- the province allows only 7 per year per surgeon because of the cost :shock:. So I guess I'll know in a few weeks whether or not she did a good job. Yes- she. I got the AMS Lgx 15 cm w/2 cm tip extenders. 15 cm is kinda short but then I lost a good inch or so from the prostate surgery. Still pretty sore obviously but a couple of Tramadol every few hours helps. One thing is puzzling me however. According to the hospital discharge instructions I'm supposed to keep the whole package wrapped snugly in a gauze dressing (changed daily) essentially just hanging down. Yet much of what I've read says that post-op the dick is usually left pointed up and taped to ones belly. At the moment it's too swollen to point it up but I'm thinking of doing so after the swelling decreases. It seems every surgeon does things differently. Just wondering if anyone else received similar instructions to mine?

Hi Freddy. I was given no such instructions. He did, however, pump me up to 25% and leave it that way did your surgeon do that with your implant?

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Re: Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby TallTexan » Wed May 17, 2017 10:43 am

reservoir goes I had mine placed differently too because of mesh from hernias. I can easily feel my reservoir at my belt line on the right side of my abdomin. It feels obvious and makes a crinkle feeling when I play with it. I had my implant done in dec 2016.
surgery on 12/13/16
coloplast Titan Touch
RTE 2cm R & L
18 cm
Houston, Tx.

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Re: Well- I Finally Got It Done

Postby ShopMan » Thu May 18, 2017 9:58 pm

My experience is exactly like yours with the same implant. I also had a second incision just above the penis because of hernia repairs with mesh. It's been over 2 years now and all is going well. There was a brief period when my pump stopped working but all is well now.
My extenders don't reach into the glans until I pump it up. Then they go almost to the tip of my penis.
I can relate to how it felt when they removed your catheter. It's been two years and when I think about it it still hurts. Oh, I was also left pointing down with a gauze wrap. Just depends on the surgeon I guess.
Best of luck. You will soon be screwing up a storm.

80 yrs. Married 60 years. Hypertension but under control with meds.

ED since 1995. Viagra then switched to Cialis. Both quit working.
Was on Trimix. Tri-Mix quit working. Implanted by Dr. Novak Grand Rapids, Mi 12/16/2014 AMS LGX

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