Surgery Set

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Surgery Set

Postby Dionnfr » Wed May 10, 2017 12:55 pm

Surgery set for July 10th. Being performed by my urologist and the WNY Urologist Center which is a Center of Excellence for the AMS.

I guess I'm in the planning and question stage.
Implanted 07/10/2017 by Dr. Rambarran, Buffalo, NY. AMS LGX 18cm and 2cm rte. Great surgeon and really cares about his patient.

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Re: Surgery Set

Postby ThePlumber1964 » Wed May 10, 2017 1:27 pm

I am copy and pasting what I wrote to Brian1:

1- First, do go to surgery on YOUR terms.
2- Second, be very selective of the surgeon you use. Do not get mystified by the glitter and big promised some offere but cannot deliver. This is more common than you think.
3- Make sure that you have the 500% assurance from the surgeon that they will be there for you, not just to guide you throughout the process, but also willing to accept responsibility over any undesirable results and address them and any issues that may arise after activation and beyond.

This is a big step, so doing your homework is essential. Part of the homework is to create a list of all your questions and concerns, and make sure the surgeon answers all of them to your full satisfaction
54 years old, happily married for 30 years to a beautiful & outstanding lady. Onset ED at 49. Finally fixed on 11/08/2017 by the master Dr. Eid with a Titan XL 26, no RTEs! Previously had 3 AMS implants (LGX & CX), all botched.

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