Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Mr stuby
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Re: Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

Postby Mr stuby » Fri Jan 11, 2019 9:11 pm

Na the frog gust posted the other week
74yr.old married 54yrs pc11/13 rad seed implants started ved 1/14 .implanted 11/20/2016 ams lgx 18+1 11 up 8 down 6 1/2 flaccid 7 5/8
local uro sanford health,

s. central N.D.

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Re: Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

Postby QuestionGuy » Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:49 pm

I have to say that I’m concerned that some of the generalizations here regarding women and their behavior could lead to some disappointment (or worse). I just saw that 3500 people have read this post, so I felt I should respond here with some of my own experience with woman. Frequently women are painted as “paragons of virtue”, who will “love you for you” and don’t care about the physical aspect of the relationship. I think the situation is different for the guys here in long term committed relationships, with a partner with whom they are "in this together"..... But for the guys in the singles scene, it is different, and some of the concerns men have with respect to ED and implants are valid. I fear that when their own experiences don’t scale to this “rosy characterization” of women, it may be quite disheartening (to say the least). ED and all penis issues can be the source of great depression and even suicidal tendencies, and there isn’t much support out there. These things are more likely to be the “butt of jokes”, rather than taken seriously by most people outside this community, so I think it’s important to deal with the situation “the way it is” and not the way we “want it to be”.

My experience with women is that they are transactional in their mating strategies. They tend to look at romantic relationships similarly to the way men look at jobs. A number of factors are a consideration when it comes to who they become involved with. Since I started having ED issues 10 years ago, I have been asked to leave, and been ghosted by 6 different women when I could not perform. Contrast that to 20 years ago, when just as many women told me they thought “we were soulmates”, because I could have sex all night long and routinely “knocked the ball out of the park”. I think this “being upfront approach” some of the guys are talking about, could be an effective way of reducing everyone’s anxiety and discomfort, and honesty is generally a good policy, but also understand that this is not the non-issue that we might hope it would be. If the women could just realize what a “great guy we are”, they will surely work with us. Women fall in love with men who give them great sex. They are usually also on the lookout for long term provisioning, and therefore will overlook some of the physical elements, if there are other positive attributes in play. We have all seen women supplicate themselves, and literally “walk on hot coals” for some dirt-bag who treats them horribly, (but gives them great sex). We have also all seen women “destroy” good men, who seemed to do everything right and abided by all the rules.

I don’t mean to discount the analysis of the other people on this board, and I don’t hate women for their inborn nature, but I do think a dose of reality is in order. I do not have an implant, so I can’t speak to how to best navigate incorporating that into “your act”, but I have dealt with ED, and pills and injections, …..and I know that “at the end of the day”, it was up to me to determine who, when, how and “if”, I talked about any of this, and how I would incorporate the extra maintenance into “my routine”. The good news is: it sounds like you can be a great lover with an implant. I know you can be a great lover, when you need to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom (for an inordinate amount of time) for an injection …..and you can even be a great lover without an erection at all. (Casanova or some other legendary lover used a “foot to vagina” technique when he lost his penis function later in his life).

My point is this: although the sex you bring to the table is only “one of the arrows in your quiver”, don’t take it personally if you have some growing pains with all this, and if women don’t react/behave exactly as you had hoped they would. Expect some growing pains, learn from each experience, and find an “order of operations” and a methodology that WORKS FOR YOU, (and whatever partner you happen to be dealing with). Again: I don’t mean to disparage anyone else’s experiences, and I wish you all well. I just want to make sure that the younger men reading these posts will not feel like it’s the “end of the world”, if they don’t have the kind of “team effort” reaction to all this, with their future love interests. I hope someone was helped by this.
I'm 55. PostFinasterideSyndrome/Peyronies . Initially had good erections but numbness. Now erections are compromised, but good sensitivity. I see Dr. Irwin Goldstein and do : TRIMIX-Clomiphene-Arimidex –Cabergoline -Cialis -Traction-VED-Pshot-gainswave

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Re: Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

Postby dg_moore » Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:50 am

And the time does come when none of this matters any more.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

Postby QuestionGuy » Sun Jan 13, 2019 12:09 pm

dg_moore : I agree. There is a time when none of this matters. I'm 55 and much of it already does not matter, as I have had a full life prior to ED and anything I get from here on out is "extra innings", but some of the guys here are quite young and some have always had ED, and based on some of the questions they ask regarding women I feel they are looking for some guidance from the more experienced guys. If I always had ED, I would also have a hard time knowing how to calibrate some of my life decisions regarding women, as I would not have a frame of reference to understand some things about their nature.
I'm 55. PostFinasterideSyndrome/Peyronies . Initially had good erections but numbness. Now erections are compromised, but good sensitivity. I see Dr. Irwin Goldstein and do : TRIMIX-Clomiphene-Arimidex –Cabergoline -Cialis -Traction-VED-Pshot-gainswave

Lost Sheep
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Re: Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:16 pm

QuestionGuy wrote: If I always had ED, I would also have a hard time knowing how to calibrate some of my life decisions regarding women, as I would not have a frame of reference to understand some things about their nature.

Talking to this gal about the current dating scene might be interesting.


"Cosmopolitan Magazine" staff writer (columnist, I think"" seekng to interview young men with E.D. for an article.

And, yes, Questionguy is right. I have been dumped for inability to have PIV (penis in vagina) sex and also know of at least one gal particularly interested in a sexual relationship with an impotent man on the theory that he would know how to use his tongue and fingers (or feet, as suggested maybe) better than a "regular" guy. I do not know how young women these days feel about it, but I do know that some (older) women (maybe maturity brings a more considered approach to sex) have responded with interest to my post on a dating site BECAUSE of my candor about E.D., courage about revealing it and gumption about getting it treated. And my current girlfriend REALLY REALY like to have PIV sex with me because of the staying power my implant gives me. But she is WITH me because I am nice to her both in and OUT of bed.

Women are mysterious, though, and I cannot REALLY say how she would feel about me if I did not have a solid erection on demand.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

Postby Captain1117 » Sat Feb 01, 2020 7:08 am

QuestionGuy wrote:I have to say that I’m concerned that some of the generalizations here regarding women and their behavior could lead to some disappointment (or worse). I just saw that 3500 people have read this post, so I felt I should respond here with some of my own experience with woman. Frequently women are painted as “paragons of virtue”, who will “love you for you” and don’t care about the physical aspect of the relationship. I think the situation is different for the guys here in long term committed relationships, with a partner with whom they are "in this together"..... But for the guys in the singles scene, it is different, and some of the concerns men have with respect to ED and implants are valid. I fear that when their own experiences don’t scale to this “rosy characterization” of women, it may be quite disheartening (to say the least). ED and all penis issues can be the source of great depression and even suicidal tendencies, and there isn’t much support out there. These things are more likely to be the “butt of jokes”, rather than taken seriously by most people outside this community, so I think it’s important to deal with the situation “the way it is” and not the way we “want it to be”.

My experience with women is that they are transactional in their mating strategies. They tend to look at romantic relationships similarly to the way men look at jobs. A number of factors are a consideration when it comes to who they become involved with. Since I started having ED issues 10 years ago, I have been asked to leave, and been ghosted by 6 different women when I could not perform. Contrast that to 20 years ago, when just as many women told me they thought “we were soulmates”, because I could have sex all night long and routinely “knocked the ball out of the park”. I think this “being upfront approach” some of the guys are talking about, could be an effective way of reducing everyone’s anxiety and discomfort, and honesty is generally a good policy, but also understand that this is not the non-issue that we might hope it would be. If the women could just realize what a “great guy we are”, they will surely work with us. Women fall in love with men who give them great sex. They are usually also on the lookout for long term provisioning, and therefore will overlook some of the physical elements, if there are other positive attributes in play. We have all seen women supplicate themselves, and literally “walk on hot coals” for some dirt-bag who treats them horribly, (but gives them great sex). We have also all seen women “destroy” good men, who seemed to do everything right and abided by all the rules.

I don’t mean to discount the analysis of the other people on this board, and I don’t hate women for their inborn nature, but I do think a dose of reality is in order. I do not have an implant, so I can’t speak to how to best navigate incorporating that into “your act”, but I have dealt with ED, and pills and injections, …..and I know that “at the end of the day”, it was up to me to determine who, when, how and “if”, I talked about any of this, and how I would incorporate the extra maintenance into “my routine”. The good news is: it sounds like you can be a great lover with an implant. I know you can be a great lover, when you need to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom (for an inordinate amount of time) for an injection …..and you can even be a great lover without an erection at all. (Casanova or some other legendary lover used a “foot to vagina” technique when he lost his penis function later in his life).

My point is this: although the sex you bring to the table is only “one of the arrows in your quiver”, don’t take it personally if you have some growing pains with all this, and if women don’t react/behave exactly as you had hoped they would. Expect some growing pains, learn from each experience, and find an “order of operations” and a methodology that WORKS FOR YOU, (and whatever partner you happen to be dealing with). Again: I don’t mean to disparage anyone else’s experiences, and I wish you all well. I just want to make sure that the younger men reading these posts will not feel like it’s the “end of the world”, if they don’t have the kind of “team effort” reaction to all this, with their future love interests. I hope someone was helped by this.

Great post and the reality of life for men who are not in long term relationship already.
I have experienced both aspects of can relate to its accuracy.
However there is one fundamental mental aspect that I would like to add for the benefit of others, specially younger men.
I think its beyond debate that women are turned on by confidence in a man more than money, looks etc etc. I believe having the confidence to rock her world in bed is a strong confidence factor.
" The greatest benefit of an implant is that a man stops thinking about ED."-Dr.Eid

48, healthy, straight, single.ED after turning 40. AMS LGX implanted by Dr.Yonah Krakowski in June 2023.

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Re: Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

Postby trlewis35 » Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:01 am

My experience is really no reaction from the women I’ve told except one. She’s a beautiful, sexy 30 yo that I talk with often on a forum online. When talking about my implant she asked if I could really stay hard as long as wanted and I replied yeah. She replied, “I can’t believe women aren’t busting down your door!” That’s the only interest I’ve received so far.
51yo type 1 diabetic 24 years ed issues started at about 45 pills only help a little now I use a vacuum pump to get erect enough for sex married 27 years. Implanted 7-24-19 with AMS 700 MS by Dr. Aaron C. Lentz

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Re: Any offers for sex from intrigued girls?

Postby LeRoastBeef » Sat Feb 01, 2020 9:05 am

Questionguy's post is great, because It's reality unfortunately.

I've been rejected because of ED, she went and told the world, cue humiliation and social rejection. Lost a huge chunk of my friends that i was too embarrassed to be around. Some friends were supportive. Women who were previously interested in me avoided me. Self esteem hasn't recovered. Alcoholism, suicidal ideation, dropped out of life, social isolation. All the fun stuff.

Major trust issues after that. Haven't bothered with sex since, this was years ago now. I won't until I'm implanted. I'm not going through that again. I accept she was a sadistic thing, but I won't risk that happening again.

Took me a long time to accept that the disney princess view of women that we are raised to believe in is a lie. Women are transactional in relationships, we all are. If you're not good enough in bed, and she has options, you get chucked and replaced with the guy that is.
That's life, men are no better, we're generally worse. People are good and bad.

My experience with ED is that women are not at all accepting of it. Having said that, if a women could not provide you with sex would you stay with her? I wouldn't. So I can't blame them. Having said that I wouldn't humiliate her. That's the bit I don't understand. Anyway, less whining.

I also accept that many men have been accepted with ED.
That's what pisses me off when we are dismissive of other's experiences. They lived it, what they are saying is true. It happened. My experiences are the polar opposite of Lostsheep's for example, and when I see his positive posts I can't help but think ....bollocks....but it happened to him. He's not lying, that was his experience and i respect that, I respect his insights and opinions.
It's so easy to put the blinkers on and believe that only your opinion is right, that the other is therefore wrong.
I have been so bad for that in the past, I also accept that I'm still wrong about so many things, I haven't handled things well at all. There's a balance between realism and optimism. Unrealistic optimism isn't good. But being a whiny bitch like I was/am isn't good either.

I wandered a lot there in self pity, bitterness, reflection and then a bit of hope...maybe not so stoic after all. Time to stop whining and go lift.
Implanted with AMS 700 lgx, 2021.

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