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How many

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 7:43 pm
by alibaba
How many of you have skin color changes after your implant? 10 months 12 days later mine still looks like a big bruise on the shaft. Saw a dermatologist and he said the only time he has ever seen this is due to extreme surgical trauma and sometimes it never resolves. At this point only the one doctor's opinion.

Re: How many

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:04 pm
by Lenny1965
Alibaba, i don't know anythin about discolorization issues... but i wouldn't worry about it b/c i hightly doubt your girl would care.

Re: How many

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:55 am
by Electrician
Alibaba, I'm 10 months out as well and still have discoloration .It has improved but I'm starting to think it's permanent. DOESN'T seem to affect anything just looks like I lost the fight.Wish they video tape my surgery to see what really happened. Happy pumping.jim

Re: How many

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:58 am
by beachbum
I'm just under 3 months and I too have discoloration. But mine started from very aggressive pumping before surgery. I think the surgery may have added to it too. Seems to be getting a little better but not a lot. Doesn't seem to be an issue though. Just may take a very long time to go away.

Re: How many

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:52 am
by DaveET1
It appears you are circumcised. When a penis is circumcised, they often leave far too much behind, and it bunches up behind the glans and looks a different color than it really is. Then, you get an implant, and it is now stretched to almost erect length all the time, so the bunched up skin is not so bunched. That will cause an apparent color change.

Just an idea.

Re: How many

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:23 am
by LMCatman
Mine usually looks a little "blue-gray" around the edge of the head.... Lack of adequate circulation after two implants... Gets more circulation and normal color just after sex.....

Re: How many

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:32 am
by billylee
I agree with headout that the wrinkled up skin that was there is stretched out more with implant revealing this color change. I definitely had it but with time it gradually disappeared to point I might can slightly see it but doubt others, which would be so few, would notice it.

Re: How many

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:29 pm
by alibaba
As far as wrinkled up skin, I had no loose skin before as I was circumcised very tight. Tight enough when I was young that a raging hard on would tear the skin sometimes. Did not like that but had no choice in butchering at birth. After losing length from the prostatectomy and now the implant I have enough loose skin cover it half again after it is pumped up hard. Dr. Lavine said don't worry about it as it will shrink to fit after a few years. Did not seem to get it that my concern was making my penis fit the skin it originally wore, not getting the skin to fit a smaller penis. Cheap camera and flash does not do it justice. Color is like a severe beating bruise and more pronounced to see if you pull the skin tight.