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Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:03 pm
by Seeking
I'll be having an implant operation done soon in London and I have one final thing I'd really like to be clearer on before taking the plunge.

I'd love to hear from all our implanted members concerning the state of their head/glans; specifically, whether they feel it is adequately firm after pumping themselves up, or if they have to rely on other means (PDE5s, glans engorgement during arousal and foreplay) to get an adequate erection.

I really want to know:

i.) If your pumped-up glans is floppy, do you have any problems with penetration? I'd assume not due to the shaft being hard as a nail, but some posts on here have made me concerned that this might actually be a possibility; and
ii.) does this present a difficulty when putting on a condom, or hypothetically do you imagine it would?

Regardless of your situation I'd really love to hear from members who are 100% happy with both shaft and glans and also those who have some issues down at their business end.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:25 pm
by FlaDon

It's been my experience that there is very little difference in the appearance of the glans before or after my implant surgery. When pumped up, the tips of the cylinders are about 3/4 of the way into the glans, providing good support and no sign of floppy head or "SST syndrome". It is not as firm as before, but then neither was any other part of my penis, so with the implant it is MUCH better than before.

I do still have some residual erectile function in the glans, particularly when sexually aroused and just prior to still swells and gets firmer just before I cum, very much like it did before. I don't use anything to assist it, no Viagra, Cialis or anything else. But that is always an option.

As such, there is no problem with penetration or condoms. If your doctor aggressively sizes the implant, you shouldn't have a problem either.


Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:53 pm
by KarlB1706
Fladon has described my experience to a T, I agree with everything he has said.


Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:59 am
by dirtman1993
The head and shaft still have swelling and every morning my head is with blood flow and the shafter is thicker but will relax after being awake for a few minutes unless I play with myself some. Hope you have the same.

Picture shows early morning head and about 6 pumps. I was just wanting to play a little,

Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:40 pm
by billylee
Ditto K and F.

Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:30 am
by Donnie1954
My implant goes well into the head (awesome surgeon) so glans is soft but not floppy. 8-) My wife prefers that soft head on my hard dick. VED made head rock hard and intercourse uncomfortable for her. :?

Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:52 am
by alibaba
Yes, soft glans. Recently I can milk blood into it (squeeze between thumb and forefinger from base and slide to glans) and after a few strokes have it plumped up though smaller than it used to be but it immediately goes back flat. I can also fold the glans over at the top since it is soft.

Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:43 pm
by strongagain
Ditto F and K

Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:09 pm
by jonbaldbg
My surgeon made sure to get the cylinders far enough into the glans. I'm guessing 1/2 to 3/4 the way in. Because my surgeon is too far away for me to want to fly back for follow up, I went to a respected surgeon an hour away and he checked the position of the cylinders in the glans and was pleased.

I wouldn't say the glans is hard or soft. It seems about right to me. I definitely didn't want the "floppy glans" I had read about.

Re: Implanted Members: Do you have a soft glans post-implant?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:42 pm
by merrix

More important than anything in terms of answering your concern, is what a few others above have mentioned as well.

Your glans should stay the same after an implant surgery.

If you have poor or no glans engorgement now, you will have poor or none after surgery as well. No implant surgeon in the world will improve your glans blood filling capacity. This could theoretically happen I guess if problems were partly psychological and the implant gave you a confidence boost, but this is a long shot nobody should hope for I think.

If you have good glans engorgement now, you should have so after implant surgery as well, unless your surgeon screws up and destroys something (e.g. nerves) during surgery. Pick a good one...

In a majority of cases, I think people who have the level of ED which force them to have implant surgery do have poor or no blood flow and keeping ability to all of the penis, Shaft and glans (or cavernosum and spongiosum).
That means that most people with implants do have no glans engorgement, but rather a soft glans. This doesn't seem to stop people from being happy with their implants. If full glans engorgement was a requirement for satisfaction with implant surgery, satisfaction rates would be very, very low. And they aren't.
Since glans will be soft in most cases, it is imperative that the surgeon gets the sizing right. If the cylinders go all the way 2/3 or3/4 into the glans, it will be soft, but not 'floppy'.

In my case, I am lucky to get a totally hard glans. I think my erection quality would be much worse without the hard glans. My wife thinks there is an enormous difference as well. My glans basically works like a normal erection today. Meaning it depends on how tuned on I am, if I am drunk etc, and it needs some time to get hard if we go a second time right after I have orgasmed.
She thinks it is night and day in terms of her pleasure when my glans is hard or soft. And so do I.
So I find it a bit hard to understand the total nirvana reported by people with a soft glans, but on the other hand, we all live in our world, with our frames of reference. And if one didn't have a proper erection for years, and now can get a hard shaft and have sex anytime for any duration, then maybe the soft glans issue fades in comparison to the problems of the past.

Good Luck.