AMS 700cx - help needed please

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AMS 700cx - help needed please

Postby Mimsy8 » Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:15 am

Thanks for reading my post.

I'm in desperate need of help from users of the AMS 700cx. After my first week post op meeting my surgeon said he'd deflated my device fully and told me to come back in a month after everything was healed. But he's left me with 10% rigidity. The pain is almost unbearable.

I've been looking online for an idiots guide to using the AMS 700 cx but the internet is purposefully quite on the subject. I guess they expect the surgeon to communicate the methods of operation to the patient. I have to wait 4 weeks for this, in pain.

As I understand it the pump is about the size of a marble, I can feel the pump quite clearly now, although it does move about a bit, joined to the top of the pump is a rectangular block with a single release button in the centre of it. I assume the side of the rectangular block with the button on it faces forward. As oppose to the block facing left or right, in whch case the release button would face your leg.

Ive been fumbling around trying to locate the release button, I can feel something that could be a button, but I'm not sure what I'm touching. I'm quite reluctant to start squeezing hard when I don't know I'm in the right area. Also I'm unsure how to hold the device to stop it from moving when I apply pressure? Should there be an audible click when the button is pressed? How much pressure do you need to apply to activate the release valve/ button.
Presumably you have to keep it pressed in and then at the same time bend or squeeze the fluid out of the cylinders?

Please could you talk me through the deflation process since I'm in a lot of pain. :roll: Thanks..

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Re: AMS 700cx - help needed please

Postby dg_moore » Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:07 am

Last edited by dg_moore on Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
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Re: AMS 700cx - help needed please

Postby dg_moore » Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:09 am

Mimsy8 wrote:... The pain is almost unbearable...

I don't know where you are located, or who your doctor is, but a principal duty of any doctor is to try to alleviate patients' pain. I think you should contact his/her office, explain that you are in great discomfort, and insist on being seen. Don't take "no" for an answer.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: AMS 700cx - help needed please

Postby psyched123 » Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:01 am

I have the 700 CX and it was implanted via a lateral scrotal incision - lots of pain and swelling for the first couple of weeks. I think you'll see lots of advice here on using plenty of ice. Ice is how I got through my first week.

It sounds like you think your pain is coming from the 10% inflation, but most surgeons will leave the implant somewhat inflated so that scar tissue won't build around the implant and restrict causing more pain later. Mine was left about 30% inflated after the surgery and stayed that way for 6 weeks. If the pain is in the scrotum, your testicles will take some time getting used to their new company. Again, ice is your best friend. Also, I wouldn't be afraid to ask for some strong pain drugs for that first week or two.

Definitely, you should be discussing this with your surgeon. His job is to help get you through this. Make him finish is work. If he's hard to get help from during your recovery, you should let this forum know who he is so that others can avoid using him. That would definitely not the kind of doctor anyone should put up with.
Implanted AMS CX 700 11/15 by Dr. Morey in Dallas (botched). 6/16 - Surgery by Dr. Kansas in Austin to correct the mistakes. Works great now. Very pleased!

Anonymous 3

Re: AMS 700cx - help needed please

Postby Anonymous 3 » Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:33 pm

Ouch! You have hit upon the hardest part of getting used to your implant, deflation!! I recall the problems I had with finding that darned deflation button but I can now deflate with one hand and it takes mere seconds, literally. It does improve. I spent a lot of time comparing what I could feel in my scrotum to what I could see and feel on the mock pump I was given in the hospital. Eventually it made sense when I realized that the button was not that big and was in the very center of a long side of the block. Do not assume that the long flat side of the pump body with the deflate button is facing outward, it might not be. Mine is turned sideways with the button facing my right side. I find that It is actually easier to operate that way for me, but it took me a while to figure out the orientation.

Here is a link to the AMS 700 series prosthesis with the MS (momentary squeeze) pump. It is a pdf file. ... MSP_en.pdf

Pages 30 and 31 have the inflate/deflate instructions.

If you do go ahead with trying to deflate the cylinders, when you do get to squeeze the button (it is NOT just a press, it is a squeeze and hold and it will hurt!) you should feel/hear a buzzing vibration. This is the saline returning to the reservoir. Continue to hold the button until this buzzing stops, about 5 or so seconds. To further deflate the cylinders squeeze and hold the button again and use your other hand to gently squeeze the sides of your penis. If there is any saline left, the buzzing will start again. The buzzing will stop when there is no more liquid to be removed or you stop squeezing your penis. Keep squeezing the button on the pump all the time you are squeezing your penis.

See if your doc can give you some more effective pain relief. They are very reluctant to prescribe any type of opiode these days but sometimes it is the only thing that helps.

Good luck with this. I hope you get some relief.

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Re: AMS 700cx - help needed please

Postby oddjob » Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:25 pm

I am concerned over the lack of support from your surgeon...mine gave me a mock-up pump to practice on when I left the hospital...and the surgeon deflated me to about 25% when I left so that the scar tissue would not prevent painful pumping once everything had healed the surgeon and get more pain meds...that and ice will be your best friends until about the two week post op mark.
Implanted with AMS 700 LGX on July 29, 2016 by Dr. Stackhouse Tripler Army Medical Center
59 yr old type II diabetic with artificial aortic heart valve

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Re: AMS 700cx - help needed please

Postby roninhouston » Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:44 pm

oddjob wrote:I am concerned over the lack of support from your surgeon...mine gave me a mock-up pump to practice on when I left the hospital...and the surgeon deflated me to about 25% when I left so that the scar tissue would not prevent painful pumping once everything had healed the surgeon and get more pain meds...that and ice will be your best friends until about the two week post op mark.

I agree with oddjob, you should not be in any pain. Call you doc and get a different med or he should increase the dosage.

There may have been some discomfort, but had no pain as the meds took care of that. You do not want to deflate because scar tissue will keep the cylinders from fully inflating OR you will feel some real pain when you start inflating as you try to breakthrough the scar tissue.

From the time I got released to the time I was inflated, 31 days, had no pain. Inflation is a different story as full inflation you are tearing the scar tissue apart. I was off meds when this happened, but saved a pain med and take it a hour before my appointment.

Hope by now you have received some relief.

Welcome to the Bionic Brotherhood. I remember the walk, we waddle along for the first few weeks post-op.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

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Re: AMS 700cx - help needed please

Postby Stricck » Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:04 am

oddjob wrote:I am concerned over the lack of support from your surgeon...mine gave me a mock-up pump to practice on when I left the hospital...and the surgeon deflated me to about 25% when I left so that the scar tissue would not prevent painful pumping once everything had healed the surgeon and get more pain meds...that and ice will be your best friends until about the two week post op mark.

Should that be "so that the scare tissue WOULD PREVENT painful pumping once everything had healed up". ?!?! I imagine it's gonna be uncomfortable but I thought the reason I am in a little bit of discomfort today is so it would be better when its activation time.
Implant AMS 700CX MS (21cm x 12mm with 3 RTEs) on Nov 21st 2016. Activation date Dec 22nd 2016

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