How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

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How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby P-fracture » Fri May 13, 2016 12:10 am

I had an AMS 700 CX implanted in September 2014. Its leaking now and I'm scheduled for surgery in June.

After I was activated in 2014, I made it a habit to cycle the device every morning for about 15 minutes to stretch the tissue out. As a result, I gained a couple cm's in length back. My wife thinks that I may have cycled it too frequently by cycling it once a day, and that contributed to the leak. I'm curious to hear, however, how frequently others are cycling their implants.

If you don't mind, can you reply with the number of times per day, week, or month you cycle the device? And which device you have? And if you've had any mechanical problems?

Thank you!
40s, Maryland, penile fracture, AMS 700 CX in Sep 2014, device failed; Coloplast Titan in Jun 2016, both with Dr. Kramer

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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby RugbyDave » Fri May 13, 2016 12:28 am

I'm at almost 3 years with my LGX700 and for the first couple of years I was inflating to the max almost everyday and believe I have achieved the maximum size I am physically able to. Now I cycle 4 to 5 times a week depending on time.

Given the circumstance I am really happy with my implant and would if needed have another in a heartbeat.

Diagnosed at 49 with PC - Biopsy Gleason 3+4=7
Radical Prostatectomy 14/07/08 - PSA now undetectable
ED since op
Implanted with AMS 700LGX - 26/07/13 @ UCLH London

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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby merrix » Fri May 13, 2016 7:41 am

I inflate 0-2 times per day. Totally around 10 times per week.
I think your question is highly relevant.
Many say daily cycling increases size. But in fact, nobody can say that based on their personal experience. My case is a good example.
Pre op I was 16.5 cm. Post op when starting inflating I was considerably shorter. Don't remember now, but let's say 14.5-15.0.
Now (5 months post op) I am marginally longer than pre op, 16.8-17.0.

So what was my gain from the cycling? 2 cm (compared to immediately post op) or 0.4 cm (compared to pre op)?
And how do I know the cycling helped? Maybe I would be same length if only inflating 2-3 times per week when using it?

The famous report claiming >2cm growth from post op from cycling 2*30 mins per day for 24 months has flaws.
It measures growth from post op, not pre op. Maybe the initial loss post op will return very easily, only with inflating from sex? And maybe the gains in the study are just gaining back to pre op size?
There is no control group measured who did NOT cycle twice daily.
Maybe there is a size advantage from this cycling protocol. But I don't think their study proves it.

And for sure, there must inevitably be a negative effect from the frequent cycling on the implant's length of life.
It goes without saying that a device frequently used wears out faster than one used infrequently.

Regarding cycling to gain size, I have another point.
i just don't understand what exactly it is that will grow, and where that extra tissue will end up. For girth, I can see it happening. But for length? With a Titan or CX?
The cylinders don't get longer. So if the dick gets longer, the dick must outgrow the cylinders and make them sit not as high up in the glans anymore. I trade a longer dick for a floppy head..?
Would appreciate your wise ideas and theories on my his case.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby strongagain » Fri May 13, 2016 8:14 am

I inflate twice a day, rarely once a day. Sometimes when inflating in bed I fall asleep when fully inflated. Then I'm inflated for a couple of hours but I don't believe that can cause any damage.

The thumb of my right hand isn't very strong, so I thought I'm fully inflated when the pump felt hard as a rock. Wrong! A couple of days ago I used the thumb of my other hand as well, I mean both on top of each other and what a surprise: I could easily do some more pumps. Afterwards my penis felt much harder and wider plus it was a bit sore, but only for a short while. So from now on for cycling I use two thumbs, for sex one thumb is plenty enough.
Born in 1950, ED since 2007 (colon cancer)
08/2015 Titan Zero Degree 22 cm + 3 cm RTE
Dr. Leiber, Freiburg, Germany
6.5" x 5.7" - Very happy with implant

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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby dg_moore » Fri May 13, 2016 8:44 am

I've had my Titan since 2008 but have never used it due to a stroke. Dr. Kramer advised me to cycle it "every now and then" to keep the tissue stretched and healthy. I inflate it for a few minutes every 4-6 weeks - I see no sign of any problems with it.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby dirtman1993 » Fri May 13, 2016 3:17 pm

I also cycle twice a day and leave for about one hour. If I pimp 10 times and gets very hard I wait about 10 minutes and try to pump again until I feel the burn (muscle burn) as I am trying to stretch back to what was there before. Only 2 months out from implant and very pleased with length and girth.
Implanted March 2nd by Dr. Kramer with AMS/LGX. Had a problem lower left (scar tissue) and he placed a larger (thicker) implant as you can here on the YouTube video. Got all back, ED over 10 years before Implant.

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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby woodturner » Sat May 14, 2016 8:46 am

I got my Titan about 16 months ago. I cycle every day. I had assumed that I had lost a 1/2 inch or that I was just fooling myself from the pre-op measurements I had made on my VED.
Starting about 4 months ago I would cycle till I got a bit of burn and leave it that way for at least 15 minutes. It wasn't my imagination, I got that last 1/2 inch back.
I do not believe the daily cycling will make you bigger, but it will help you get back your pre-op size.
I am big enough that the extra 1/2 inch didn't matter other than for ego.
Total ED since a 6/2010 RPA. Pills and injections didn't work. 2nd revision with a Coloplast Titan (24CM w & 2CM RTEs)on 12/15/2022. 68 years old

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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby roninhouston » Sat May 14, 2016 11:40 pm

My best estimate is 45 minutes a day, this does not include any time for use during sex. :D The below prior post describes my routine. Have had no mechanical problems and have regained Pre-OP length.

This is from one of my prior post.............
Dr. Dineen in his paper describing the VED Protocol, he stated he starts his patients inflating at 9 to 12 days after the op. However other papers found most patients were not comfortable [read painful :o ] inflated that soon. One paper said the average person started the inflation per the VED Protocol Therapy was 43 days.

I started the VED Protocol weeks before my IPP. I believe this conditioned me for post-op inflation. Dr. Cornell activated me at 33 days, was able to pump to the max two days later and continued going for a total of 60 minutes for several months. This means I would do 30 in the morning and 30 at night, do to time constraints. At nine weeks post-op and somewhere around week 7 to 8 weeks it became less painful to pump to the max, i.e. the pump is flat. Since you are breaking the scar tissue you will have some discomfort for brief periods of time. You can always push the deflate button if it is too painful.

The pump will get easier to use the more your inflate it. I use a curled indexed finger and push my thumb against it. Am right handed, pump with my right and deflate with my left. At about 10 weeks I started pumping with my left hand, come to find out the pump rubber had not been soften for that position. So I had to work on pumping with my left to soften up the rubber.

Cycling: At inflation my doc wanted me to recycle three times a day, each time going one more pump than the last. Don't remember how long. After a couple of days I was comfortable enough to hold for an hour with the pump flattened. Then I followed the VED Protocol Therapy, the paper suggest 60 minutes a day. The paper suggests at three months you will have gotten the maximum benefit (length). However others on FT and online blogs have said additional length can be reached up to 18 to 24 months. I made it a habit of always pumping to max in the shower and continue through morning grooming with a Fleshlight (Stamina Training Unit) Shower Mount attached to my bathroom sink top.

I think I was able to pump to max because 1. had done the VED Protocol Therapy Pre-Op and 2. I was further along in the healing process than you. I don't see the advantage of rushing to inflate if it is painful as I think you should be able to flatten the pump each time (maximum). At eight months post-op and had reached pre-op length.

In a previous post I discussed with the AMS 700 CX once you are able to expand the cylinders to the max, i.e., once you have broken the scar tissue your length can't be any longer than your cylinders. I think this is true for the Titan. The AMS LGX has the ability to expand in length. The CX does allow girth expansion.

Welcome to the Bionic Brotherhood
Bionic@68 AMS CX 8/2015. Inflated September Dr. Robert Cornell.
69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy & Post-Op VED Therapy: 6th month Pre-Op length. 76 Prostate Cancer(12/22). HormoneRT & Radiation Treatments. PSA of 0.01(6/2023)

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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby Electrician » Tue May 17, 2016 10:52 pm

I'm 100 plus days out I use to pump 2 X per day for 1 hour but due to my crazy work schedule. Some time's working days then nights .I have went to pumping up to about 70 percent and sleep till morning no pain seams to work better and I not wearing the pump out.Seams to help with girth expansion.
Implanted 01/2016,AMS Cx at 56 had Ed for years ,On the pills (18yr) and injection (5yrs) married 37 years .Hope to use this inplant for years to come.

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Re: How many times do you cycle your implant a day or week?

Postby roninhouston » Sat May 21, 2016 12:17 am

I have went to pumping up to about 70 percent and sleep till morning no pain seams to work better and I not wearing the pump out.

I got lazy and did not pump to max for a few days and when I did it was uncomfortable. Since then I always pump to max in the shower. It is is uncomfortable you can always deflated some.
Bionic@68 AMS CX 8/2015. Inflated September Dr. Robert Cornell.
69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy & Post-Op VED Therapy: 6th month Pre-Op length. 76 Prostate Cancer(12/22). HormoneRT & Radiation Treatments. PSA of 0.01(6/2023)

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