Gym Restrictions

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Gym Restrictions

Postby Lebanese » Sun Mar 13, 2016 5:14 am

Hello brothers,

I am almost 6 weeks post operation. I used to go to the gym before the operation 4-5 days/week and do all kinds of moves and machines at the gym.
I have lost around 6 kg (Mostly muscle mass). I have a questions for the brothers who went to the gym after their surgery. What are the restrictions ? What are the moves which are dangerous or may damage the implant ?


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Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby merrix » Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:09 am

Anything where you create intra-abdominal pressure. Squats, deadlifts, leg presses.
And of course anything that causes discomfort.
If it doesn't feel right, then it is probably bad for you and you should wait.
You are young and you think the world ends if you must take a break from your squats. But it doesn't.

I stopped working out heavy a month before surgery. I had trouble sleeping (nervous?) and stopped heavy workouts to avoid getting ill.
I did nothing in the gym for 6 weeks after surgery. Then I started light with girlie exercises like leg extensions, cable flyes, etc.
at around 10 weeks I started doing weighted chins and dips. Did 5*5 with 92 kg bodyweight + 30 kg added weight today. Felt great. Still 10 kg behind pre-op but who cares.
I tried deadlifts first time at 12 weeks post op. Didn't feel right. I did one set and quit.
Tried squats for first time today. First time since mid-november - 4 months! I was weak like crap. Did work my way up to a 6-rep at 120 kg. 20 kg less than pre-op. But I felt no discomfort. Great feeling.

My advice is just to take it slow in the gym.
You know it really doesn't matter if your break is 8 weeks or 10 weeks. You will gain it back within a couple of months when you start.
What is important is that you have taken a huge step to fix your ED with an implant. No workout in the world is worth to risk some complications with your implant for. Your implant shall last for 10-15 years.
Be smart. Take your time.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby Lebanese » Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:30 am

Thank you Merrix. Always ready to reply and help.
I will take it easy as suggested... Of course the implant is more important than everything.
It is great to find some older bodybuilders to advise about gym also 8-)
Cheers my friend

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Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby alibaba » Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:44 pm

Yes, I agree take it a bit easy. I am 60 days post op today and find I can do nearly everything I did before. If I over do it, then things will ache mainly in the lower abdominals or perineal and I may take off a day. Early on I did a lot of leg an upper body work that I could do laying down without building pressure in the lower abdomen. I lost 9 lbs within a week of surgery but have gained all that back plus a couple. Now have a thin layer of fat that I do not like as it hides the nice groves and valleys of my ab muscles but with summer coming on the fat I gained by my inactivity will soon be gone. It took me less time to get where I had been than I expected. Yesterday morning after workout I was dressing in front of the mirror and was still pleased. Told myself damn fine. Sometimes it seems odd to be old but still be able to maintain a fine body but the implant should not hold you back but for a bit. Yesterday I came in late as I have the last few days and it crossed my mind that I did not notice my implant all day except when using a public restroom. I seem much more aware of it there now as it is stiffer. Damn thing never gets hard but leaves the impression I am peeing with a hard one and has gotten some odd looks the last few weeks.
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby danny1553 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:28 pm

Lucky you guys who loses weigh when not doing exercises. Mine is opposite - if I do not exercise I start gaining weight... sometimes it looks like I gain more in weight than the weight of food I consume :)


Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby PFracture » Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:09 am

Merrix: i was thinking about this for sometime now, and glad lebanese created the thread. I am curious... are you worried by any chance about the auto inflation of the implant? i mean, a couple of weeks after the surgery i understand the need to take it gently, buti am talking afterwards. Because, i also do bodybuilding, and i thought if we had to stop especially with squat and deadlift. Did Dr.Eid mentioned any things on this?

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Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby merrix » Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:32 am

Yes he did. As I stated above, he said at least 6 weeks for those types of exercises. For me, 6 weeks was nowhere near enough. I needed 12 weeks to feel comfortable, plus I wanted to be on the safe side.
Yes he said there is always a possibility of some degree of auto inflation when exerting high pressure on the reservoir.
But I haven't experienced that yet. At least not noticeable.

And for the records: I don't label myself a bodybuilder. My conception of a bodybuilder is an oiled up, solarium tanned guy who walks around with large, pumped muscles and no bodyfat. Worrying more about his serratus anterior definition than about his health, his family and his career. In my world as a business excecutive, he would look like an idiot and having a hard time to be taken seriously. In his world he might not, but in mine he would.

I just like to work out. I focus on lifting some good weights in the basic lifts 2-3 times per week just to stay fit, strong, and to look masculine. Which for me has nothing in common with a Mr. Olympia stage. I never took steroids. I want to look good in a suit. Good posture and broad shoulders. Not look like someone connected an air compressor to my ass and blew me up close to bursting limit. Walk with my arms vertical, not like I had a football in each armpit.

Lifting heavy squats and deads, weighted chins and dips etc. also helps me release some stress and get rid of the frustration/agression built up during a day in the office.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby alibaba » Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:56 am

Amen brother. I will also get on a bulldozer and damage the earth for a few hours or split wood, then come home in a better mood.

"Lifting heavy squats and deads, weighted chins and dips etc. also helps me release some stress and get rid of the frustration/agression built up during a day in the office."
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby KMeister » Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:18 pm

Lebanese wrote:Hello brothers,

I am almost 6 weeks post operation. I used to go to the gym before the operation 4-5 days/week and do all kinds of moves and machines at the gym.
I have lost around 6 kg (Mostly muscle mass). I have a questions for the brothers who went to the gym after their surgery. What are the restrictions ? What are the moves which are dangerous or may damage the implant ?


I eased back into my exercise routine bit by bit after the surgery. The only action that reminds me I have an implant is when I do leg raises. Nothing serious. I just have to adjust my penis so that I don't push against it when raising my legs.



Re: Gym Restrictions

Postby PFracture » Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:56 pm

But is it something you can do no problem at all? I mean, twist it sideways left or right whichever you prefer? That whole question about the flaccid implant positioning is something which is not clear to me...

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