Considering implant

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Considering implant

Postby JohnSmith » Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:14 pm

One week ago I wouldn't believe I’d be here, but life changes quickly I suppose, and I'm glad to find somewhere with as much support and help as this place.

It all started on Saturday when I took cialis in the morning to help with some performance anxiety (outside of that I had no ED issues) which I’ve done on occasion to no ill effect. But this time I also used pt-141 for the first time. Anyway fast forward to 2 am, I lie down to go to sleep and get a super hard erection with no arousal, that was kinda painful. It didn't go away by getting up so I masturbated and it did. 10 mins later the same thing, so I just masturbated again and it went away. I wish that it hadn’t, otherwise I would have looked up the problem and realized I a)need to go to a hospital, or b) just do anything but fall asleep.

But fall asleep I did, and at 7am I woke up with a super hard erection that took 20mins to go away (after masturbating again). I fear I suffered a 4 ½ - 5 hr priapism, and developed some scarring/fibrosis. Since then my penis looks a bit discolored, my erections (morning wood and aroused) are incredibly weak and soft/swollen looking with dark spidery veins, and when flaccid it’s a bit turgid with a tendency to curve to the right. Added to which I have a near constant groin pain, and this morning I had another priapism incidence where it took 30 mins for my now sad excuse for an erection to go away

Fortunately I have an appointment with a good urologist on the 4th of November but I'm worried the fibrosis will get worse. I also don’t know how long it will take to get the necessary diagnostic tests to confirm damage.

This would have been an amazing week but now it’s been the worst of my life. The first few days were constant thoughts of regret and wishing I did anything else but use that stuff/fall asleep. I’m going to have to break things off with the amazing girl I just started seeing, and look forward to who knows how long of impotence and no intimacy before I get this fixed.

Viagra did nothing but give me the weakest erection (typical of fibrosis damage), and I don’t ever want to do injections for a multitude of reasons. Fortunately there are implants which gives me a bit of hope, but I’m in Canada so the wait will be long, and I hear with cases of fibrosis the sooner the better. I also hear urologists here are resistant to implants (especially for young guys) so I’m not sure how to convince him I want to initiate the process as soon as possible.

It’s hard to find motivation at work, gym, playing guitar even, now that this has happened. I can’t listen to music, and the idea that I’m going to be alone for the next couple of years when my biggest problem last week was a bit of shoulder acne is crazy. I would say I’m doing OK considering I would rather loose an arm then castrate myself, but I expect the depression to come in waves, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to enjoy life again.

I realize I typed way to much here, but it helps to get it out. Can't tell anyone right now.

Anyhow I guess my question would be how to talk to the urologist about not wanting to even try injections, and putting the implant process in place so if it miraculously heals in a year I can not go through with it, but at least then I'm not waiting two years to see if anything changes before getting on a waiting list. I think because I'm so young he might be resistant, but I think it makes more sense to go the implant route at my age.

Another question is what are peoples experiences with implants at a young age? And getting an implant in Canada?

I'm fortunate to have the ability to talk to you guys about this. It's super helpful.
Last edited by JohnSmith on Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby dg_moore » Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:19 pm

Maybe you should be seen a lot sooner than November. It sounds like there may be a lot of trauma going on - why not visit your PCP and see if they can get you seen by a specialist quicker if that's what's warranted? I don't see why you "have to break it off with an amazing girl." If you think she's only interested in sex with you then maybe the long term outlook is not so great anyway. In any case, don't get too far ahead of yourself. Get some good medical advice and see what the situation really is.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby JohnSmith » Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:41 pm

Thanks for the reply, I went to my pcp the next day and they got me the referral. They examined it but said it looked normal, though it wasn't as turgid before for sure. They said to give it a few weeks to heal, but from my research the damage would be done. If I have any more priapism episodes though I'll go back in for sure though.

True, we're hanging out tonight so I'm going to be as honest as possible. Not sure how to broach the subject, this could be an issue for a long time. It's tough to deal with the emotional aspect of this especially because I can't really bring it up with family at this point.

Anyhow yeah, I won't get too far ahead of myself. Hopefully they can do diagnostics not to long after the appt.

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Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby charlesr » Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:32 pm

First: The girl. Don't second guess her, but I will admit that you know more about the dynamics than any of us. It's just that, as said previously, any girl who would break up with you for your situation would not be a long term prospect anyway. So - no breaking up with her is needed. The situation will pretty much take care of itself.

Second: The penis. Watch out what research nets you in the internet. It will tell you anything from sound medical advice to the fact that this occurred when you were abducted by aliens. I would take the opinion of you urologist. It very well could heal. Don't jump the gun in an implant. Have this monitored extremely regularly until a solution is at hand (no pun intended). If it is permanently damaged to the point of requiring an implant the urologist will know immediately. As an implant user (otherwise known as bionic brother) I can tell you that you will first regret having the procedure for the first three months and then be extremely satisfied and a happy camper after that. If you read some blogs, there are men who wrote that their girlfriends PREFERRED the implanted penis. You can have a painless erection FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE if you so choose with no damage.(Most likely that first day at the beach may change your mind about that; maybe not).

So hang in there. It's all good. Keep your girlfriend, wait for results and stay in touch with this great community called Franktalk.
Born 1951. Radical Robotic Prostatectomy on October 6, 2013. Bionic with Titan Touch with Bioflex Zero Degree 18cm w/ (1) rte Implant, Infrapubic, on July 13, 2015.

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Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby JohnSmith » Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:18 pm

Your support means a lot, I'm certainly not feeling as hopeless right now. I'm going to try to not research too much more and try and take my mind off it (Is that even possible? haha), but I just want to have an idea about what diagnostic tests would be a good idea based on my symptoms, and an idea about what's happening. But yeah, my case is a rare one (esp. the residual groin pain) so I know only a specialist can tell me what's up. I don't think he'd let me jump the gun on an implant, but I'll let him know it's something I'd consider, especially over injections.

Regardless of whatever way this goes I'll for sure stay in touch with this community and let you know how it goes, hopefully I have a happy story to share in time. I've had some embarrassing performance anxiety ED issues in the past as well so It's cool to know I'm not alone in dealing with this stuff.

Unlike most here I brought this upon myself, so I'm learning what I can from this, but forgiving myself is going to be the hard part.

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Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby kidder » Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:52 am

John--just a few notes. It really does sound like you need a specialist--soon. You sure that's all there is to the story? Because the way you described it, it sounds like a ruptured penis, which is what I experienced with my lady. Sometimes they actually break (google It), but if that happened you'd be in much more pain. Uro's? I can't recommend mine. On this forum, I've heard a lot of good things about Kramer, I think in Philly. In the meantime, you should be taking sudafed, if not all the time, at least before you think you'll be boning up. It closes down some of the blood flow, I think. I've had priapism several times, when I was injecting, for at least 5-6 hrs. They say to go to the ER if over 4, but the sudafed bailed me out. Even though you're young, I think more ladies would be turned on, rather than turned off. It means that she's gonna get a ride as long as she wants, with the implant. Really. Word will get around that you're a stud in the sack. Good luck.

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Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby KMeister » Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:33 am

JohnSmith wrote:Your support means a lot, I'm certainly not feeling as hopeless right now. I'm going to try to not research too much more and try and take my mind off it (Is that even possible? haha), but I just want to have an idea about what diagnostic tests would be a good idea based on my symptoms, and an idea about what's happening. But yeah, my case is a rare one (esp. the residual groin pain) so I know only a specialist can tell me what's up. I don't think he'd let me jump the gun on an implant, but I'll let him know it's something I'd consider, especially over injections.

Regardless of whatever way this goes I'll for sure stay in touch with this community and let you know how it goes, hopefully I have a happy story to share in time. I've had some embarrassing performance anxiety ED issues in the past as well so It's cool to know I'm not alone in dealing with this stuff.

Unlike most here I brought this upon myself, so I'm learning what I can from this, but forgiving myself is going to be the hard part.

Brought this yourself? Perhaps. but what's done is done. You haven't done anything that needs to be forgiven. You have a medical condition, and medical conditions need medical attention from a skilled physician. I recommend you go see one at your earliest convenience. You'll be glad you did. Best wishes.


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Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby JohnSmith » Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:31 am

Thanks for the advice, I will probably go see someone before the 4th. Not sure who though, my PCP? Urgent care centre? ER? I definitely need to see someone though, the veins look darker and I haven't had slept more than two consecutive hours since the incident due to the fact I get a priapism whenever I lay down to rest. It's wearing me out. I tried sudafed last night as you suggested kidder, but it didn't do anything....

Dealing with the ED is one thing, but now I have erections when I don't want them. The worst of both worlds haha.

I'm in Toronto actually so I'll be sticking to the Canadian healthcare system, I believe it's covered by OHIP. If anyone has any advice on Canadian surgeons or experiences that would be much appreciated though!

Anonymous 3

Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby Anonymous 3 » Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:51 am

JohnSmith' you need to get yourself to the ER TODAY. It's embarrassing, I know, but you have a medical emergency and need to be seen immediately. You cannot afford to wait until November 4th. The fact that you are still having erections may mean that you still have some function but you don't want to cause any further damage. Get the current situation sorted out and see what the long term outcome is before jumping into last resort measures. Get thee hence to the ER today. BTW, I am in Canada and was implanted in May, in Canada. More on that later if necessary. Good luck, oh and it is much much much too soon to break off your relationship with your girlfriend or to even consider spending the next 2 years alone.

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Re: 22 years old and considering implant

Postby JohnSmith » Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:17 am

Followed your advice. Unfortunately they couldn't really do anything and said that I should wait till the 4th and to come in if it won't go away on its own. Maybe it will improve a bit by then, but that's a bit optimistic. I'll update then on how it's going.

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