My implant observations so far

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My implant observations so far

Postby matt_in_fla » Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:47 pm

After reading this forum for several months, I found all the encouragement and information to finally take the leap of faith. I was implanted by Dr. Robert Cornell in Houston on August 14, 2015 and it couldn't have gone any better so far. He is a great doctor, highly experienced and conscientious.

The first two days were the most severe pain but manageable with the prescription meds. By day six, I was just taking Advil. Now at day 19, no pain. Still walking around partially inflated. Getting a feel for the pump. I am having a hard time identifying the deflate button. I have the keychain as a visual guide, but it is different when you're blindly searching the sack for it. Do you guys have any tips?
60-year old male. Struggled with ED for many years. Tried the pills, pumps and injections with varying and diminishing degrees of effectiveness. Implanted with the AMS LGX by Dr. Robert Cornell in Houston on August 14, 2015.

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Re: My implant observations so far

Postby roninhouston » Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:26 pm

Dr. Cornell did five operations on August 14, I was number two of the three IPPs. You were either the first or the last.

I have posted my experiences at "Friday 14th, Joining the Bionic Brotherhood".

All my swelling has gone down, it is still tender in spots. Using Neosoporin on the incision every time I pee. Peeing is a new experience, almost like he partially sewed up the hole, kind of unpredictable spray. I like you, can not locate all the parts to the pump. My pump hangs lower that the other two guy and seems to occupy most of my scrotum. The first week are so I was at 3 o'clock, but now that the swelling has gone down I am about 4.

I had followed the pre-op VED protocol for 9 weeks prior to my IPP. This was suppose to lessen the pain and to minimize/maintained the length. If you read my posting my first couple of hours was painful until the got the correct pain meds. My nurse was very attentive, that are I was on the call button a lot. I think after several meds I ended up on morphine. Whatever it did the trick. Dr. Cornell came in the morning, told me to take a deep breath and pulled out the catheter. Then he deflated it. Within minutes I was peeing.

Dr. Cornell and his staff have been great and they have answered all my post op questions. Have stop taking the pain meds "tamo...." and switched to tylenol, two are three a day as needed. During the first couple of weeks I would get a shooting pain every once in a while. Nothing serious but enough to remind me I had done something to the little guy. As the pain lessened I only took the meds when I felt a tiredness/aching pains in my scrotum area.

I was will start two new threads : What I Know Now: Pre-Op and What I Know Now Post-Op.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

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Re: My implant observations so far

Postby matt_in_fla » Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:00 pm

Hi Ron. I went to surgery that day around 9 am, so not sure where I was in the lineup. I have no soreness now. I use the neosporin too on the stitches. Seems to help the healing. My scar is much less visible now.
60-year old male. Struggled with ED for many years. Tried the pills, pumps and injections with varying and diminishing degrees of effectiveness. Implanted with the AMS LGX by Dr. Robert Cornell in Houston on August 14, 2015.

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Re: My implant observations so far

Postby jelizondo12 » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:39 pm

I was implanted by Dr Cornell with AMS 700 CX 6/1/15 and I had pain for two weeks before I finally got where I didn't have to ice my balls. I to have noticed my pee stream is different, it comes out in two streams and I end up peeing on my foot more then the toilet. A bit of advise before you go for the activion take a pain pill. He grabbed my pump and pumped me up full speed, I had a curve to the right so he grabbed my penis with both hands and cocked straight. He then deflated me a bit on the rough side, my poor penis has never been handled like that before. I was given the key chain with the dummy pump and when I got home I closed my eyes and memorized the feel of the pump, then I practiced on the deflate button till I got it right. I takes strong hands to inflate and deflate so you may be pushing on the button just not hard enough. I was pleased with the results, Dr Cornell is a very good surgeon and really knows his craft, I would recommend him to all you guys wanting a implant living in the Houston area.

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Re: My implant observations so far

Postby roninhouston » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:35 pm

Matt, I was told Dr. Cornell did five ops that day, 3 IPPs and 2 shpinters(sp). My op was 12;30-1PM.
Did not know they were going to coat every thing in dark iodine(?) looked like I had been in a tanning salon. :D
Have a nice incision and kind of ugly the first time I saw it. It is still stitched up pertty good. Use lots of Neosporium, needed to buy the biggst tube. :D
I guess you get the keychain at pump up. I am saving back a pain pill for pump up day. I was told by Dr. Cornell"s IPP patient, he did not need it, he may not but I will. Would not want to drive off any new patients.

Have posted my comments under WHAT I KNOW NOW:POST-OP on cylinder put in.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

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Re: My implant observations so far

Postby matt_in_fla » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:06 am

My incision was really scary looking in the beginning, but is dramatically better now and really blending in nicely. I didn't know about the iodine. I just thought the redness was from the swelling and the ice. Saving a pain pill for the activation is a good idea.

Regarding the ice, one of the smartest things I did was keeping the ice bag that was used in the hospital. Much better than a ziplock bag or a bag of frozen peas.
60-year old male. Struggled with ED for many years. Tried the pills, pumps and injections with varying and diminishing degrees of effectiveness. Implanted with the AMS LGX by Dr. Robert Cornell in Houston on August 14, 2015.

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Re: My implant observations so far

Postby jelizondo12 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:09 am

I don't know about you guys but my incision is directly on top of my deflate button, so when I deflate I have to maneuver the pump and incision so when I squeeze the button I am not squeezing on top of the incision.

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Re: My implant observations so far

Postby roninhouston » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:20 pm

Am two weeks out from pushing anything and may need the full time to heal. :)

You can tell Dr. Cornell is very confident in the quality of his work by the way he handles your penis. He knows that it js going to hang together and not fall apart. We on the other hand have not had our penis treated like a mechanical device.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

Anonymous 3

Re: My implant observations so far

Postby Anonymous 3 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:37 pm

For me, deflating is now the easiest part of cycling my AMS LGX implant although it sure wasn't in the beginning. It takes all of maybe 30 seconds for me to deflate.
Finding the deflate button is easiest if your scrotum is warm and the skin is loose. Tips: find the landmarks. The pump is the easiest of course. find both sides of the block and the top flat surface containing the button. This will help you to know how wide the assembly is and where to find the mid line The pump is located in the middle of the assembly (side to side that is) as is the deflate button so starting in the middle of the pump bulb start feeling along the midline of the flat surface towards the back where the tubes are attached. At first it helps to be holding each side of the block with one hand while feeling with the other hand. It helps to orient you. The button is quite close to the back edge where the tubes are. Refer to your model. It feels like a small cylinder sticking up from the flat surface. If you are still swollen it may be harder to feel through the tissue. To operate the button I have found that using my fingers on the backside of the block for support while squeezing the button with my thumb works best for me. It takes some pressure to depress the button. If you have pressed it far enough you should feel a buzzing in your thumb. This is the saline flowing back under pressure to the reservoir. Keep pressing until the buzzing feeling stops. I usually press the button again while squeezing my penis and pushing inwards. More buzzing as the saline in the cylinders is forced out. And that's about it. As I said, deflating is quick and easy now. You will develop your own system over time, but it becomes just second nature after a while.

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Re: My implant observations so far

Postby roninhouston » Fri Sep 04, 2015 1:19 am

Thanks will refer back to your information after I have been inflated on the 16th and start cycling regularly.
I don't think you get the key chain until you go for your first inflation.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

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