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I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:09 pm
by Anonymous5
I am glad to finally find this site. I am 56 years old. I had prostate cancer in 2009 at around age 50 and had it robotically removed at Mayo. PSA has been good since. I had nerve sparring and erections were ok but I always used Viagra to give me a boost. I discovered at least for me long term use of Viagra is expensive and very unhealthy. About 2.5 years ago I was sitting at work and I peed myself (a first since cancer) and my penis (originally about 7 inches even after PC) pulled back into my groin and left all this skin covering the head. I thought that was odd but sort of thought maybe I was going to start leaking from my PC. What I soon discovered during sex was I had a 90 degree hinge in my penis and I could feel an hourglass in there. It was like I was missing part of penis. Had a top and bottom but seemed to be nothing in the area where the hinge was. Went to my urologist who has been treating me since PC and he said it appears that I had suddenly developed Peryones. the curve was over 60 degrees they wanted me to be stable before doing anything further. Sex was ok during the time but painful from the difficult curve.

During the stable period I lost about 50% of the length and encountered a few other issues like peeing, slight leak started up and overall just a smaller looking and acting penis.

I was sent to Seattle August 2014 and was to undergo surgery at the university of Washington men's center. My DR is an amazing specialist in this field and would highly recommend him. He is tough to see but worth it if you can wait. Of course insurance denied my first visit and refused to pre-auth anything that included an implant. I appealed and finally got the go ahead.

I had my surgery June 8th 2015 in Seattle. It was actually a very complex deal for me. The surgery lasted 7 hours from start to finish. They cut the plague first that freed up everything. They then did Penile Plication Surgery and grafted over 3 inches. My Dr also likes to do the implant at the same time so he can be more aggressive on treatment. They did move the nerves away (common) did the Plication then inserted the AMS 700. I do not know the model yet, the demo and card I got to not specify. His team for 3 surgeons described the 3-inch graft as very large. (yea good)

I stayed in the hospital overnight with a cath and then the removed the wrap and holy shit it was like a beer can got inserted. LOL that thing was swollen and bruised but seemed to be extremely LARGE.. I left the hospital with the implant pumped up 100%. My wife drove me home the following day (7 hours in the car with my beer can and a sore ass). I was cut in 3 spots, abs for the reservoir ( first 8 days this one kept me in bed) since I could not move without this mother hurting. Also standard ball sack area for the pump and implant and at the base of the head the entire top was cut the whole way around for the plication and DR said while I have all the skin on your penis pulled away it allows us to be aggressive in what model beer can we insert. So it is really a second circumcision for me, and the most challenging incision to tend too. Still healing up a bit.

2 weeks after surgery I went to my local uro who deflated me. I grabbed his arm when he touched the pump. Balls were still swollen and hurting and generally not happy with the new roommate. He deflated it with no issue and it was still very large. I got home and deflated it more and sort of rolled my penis up at bit to drain it out. Since then I still have a little pain and I think it is the implant rubbing against the graft inside. Not terrible and taking two codeine per day, which is much better than the 8 I was on. Two of the three incisions are in great shape and the one on the head is about 90% healed and I think in time you will never even notice any of it.

At the 4 week mark which is coming up in 5 days I am to inflate it if possible for a few minutes and then deflate it. I see the dr in 14 days in Seattle and he will go over details of surgery and how to use the pump and stuff.

I know this is a lot to read on a great site with LOTs of other good stuff to read. I feel good reading some of the articles and see I am not alone.
I am sure I missed many details and am more than happy to discuss it further. Maybe I am a bit unique in that fact I had PC, not really ED, Peryones, grafted Pication Surgery and implant surgery and how my DR approached it.

As far as size i am deflated, most of swelling gone and feel like i will get my 7 back. t never goes and hides when cold anymore.


Re: I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:17 pm
by Anonymous5
One suggestion i have is do not push returning to work. If you have time off then maybe week 2 go back 1/2 time. Most of the wounds associated with these surgeries are in bad, brutal locations and they require time to heal up properly.

Day 25

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:57 am
by Anonymous5
Yesterday I felt pretty pain-free so I tried to cycle it a bit. A few things i "think" i recall in my doped up visit after surgery were
1. do not soak until you see me in 6 week and
2. No SEX of any kind until I tell you
3. 10 days have your urologist deflate you.
4. Try to practice if you can.

I am like most others with the ams, the bulb feels hard and the nuts are still tender. Actually my entire Epididymis is still healing. I watched and read some stuff about how to do this. One video the guy uses his whole right hand and squeezes like he is working out with a heavy grip and the other I saw was using thumb and a finger. I did not try the thumb and finger since I got sort of sore for the rest of the day.

Most of my pain is on left side, inside my dick and right where the bend was prior. Pretty sure the implant is resting or rubbing on the graft. I do go to surgeon on july 15th. My wife finally was able to give me a nice loving stroking this am with lotion. Prior few weeks i was afraid of terrorizing her. :D :D

Re: I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:42 pm
by JerGeezer
Holy cow! With all you've been through, I suggest taking it real easy and not rushing anything.

Re: I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:00 pm
by KMeister
I agree with the brothers, Carl. Take your time and don't rush anything.

By the by, who was the doctor who did your surgery? Sounds pretty impressive.

Welcom the club. Wait until you see our secret handshake!


Re: I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:36 pm
by Anonymous5
It has been a real long tough road. Glad to have a loving, understandable wife. I am taking it real slow at this point. Dr. Wessells did my surgery.
Thanks for replying. I am afraid of the handshake LOL

Re: I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:32 pm
by robnine
Thanks Mr Chorton for your very detailed description of your journey.

Even though we pour our hearts out and send our posts to an unfathomable ether, we know that the men who read them, perhaps on the other side of the world, are deeply interested, having gone through something resembling similar mental and physical anguish.

I think this is very therapeutic.

We say things here to each other, and unload things that we may not disclose to even our closest loved ones, because we feel it might be "too much information" for them, and we clam up stoically.

Secret mens business in detail only for the eyes of those who understand !!

Re: I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:49 am
by Anonymous5
Day 27 today. Yesterday on the 4th I was up and around a decent amount. I got new sweat pant shorts so i can just let stuff hang and not have to wear undies for now. They work great for bed and walking around. Not too good when sitting since it lets the pump down and sitting on that thing is a bitch still. Stitches are all gone now and the area around the head is somewhat tender. A misguided shower will sting a little bit but not too bad.

I do well in bed and spent so much time here over the past few months I realize we need a new bed so we ordered one. I shop a LOT on codeine. Walking our 3 dogs is fine now. Picked up the weed eater and also ran the vacuum but still no heavy lifting. As I write this i have only taken a few advil so far today. About 16 hours since last codeine and do not really feel like I need pain meds at the moment. That tends to change a little throughout the day depending if I sit a lot.

Re: I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:26 pm
by Anonymous5
It has been 4 weeks today. I went for 2 days with no pain meds. I have been working about 4 days per week and no more than 6 hours per day. Sitting on the pump can get bothersome. It was a long 4th of July and I was off the pain meds for 48 hours which is good. Pretty much pain free, i do not think i am 100% deflated and am a side sleeper and my junk seems quite large so putting it away not to offend my office mates is causing some rubbing in the jeans.

I wake up about 4am to a low throbbing pain. It seems like I roll over on my dick and it is revolting. If i get up and go to bathroom and switch sides it goes away. With my surgery I had 3 kinds of pain. inside where the graft is when it was fresh that was like a burning that felt like and open wound. I also had a pain around the tip and other impact areas that were like cuts. Then I just have some aching pains to go along with the rest of it.

Did not do much except lay and site for first 8 days. I have been pretty active since day 10 and carry on my daily routine including working as much as i can stand. My job has been very accommodating, and they are aware of why I am missing work.

I never bathe, i ony shower but we do have a tub in the house so I went over there today and soaked and messed a little bit. Still seems inflated but i "think" I was able to get some fluid out. I might be auto-inflating since I sit for hours on end but not too concerned since I see my dr in a week. I did give it a few good squeezes with both hands and then deflated again. I am around 5 inches at this point deflated. I have been so challenged over the past 6 years and consider myself to be a young healthy 56-year-old with no other real med issues that I am just thankful to get back to having sex soon. My wife met me 2 months after my prostate surgery so she has only known me as challenged so she is really looking forward to me getting healed.

Re: I am new here and this is my 6 year journey

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:13 pm
by Anonymous5
Today is day 32. All pain is pretty much gone.
I had my first good squeeze this morning and it works.
I found that if i get the bulb up high like right under release then i am able to squeeze it pretty easy. I was laying down too but most likely that will not matter.
I am going to cycle it later this weekend.

The other news and question i have is surrounding the ED part. I never considered myself to have ED since cancer, but it seems I can get and maintain a much firmer erection without even pumping. I will ask my DR next week if he fixed that issue which would be amazing bonus.

Has anyone else seen this?