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Tineys gone but....

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:03 pm
by farmallfarmer
Had surgery on Tuesday. Surgeon discovered a problem and fixed it but installed only one of the cylinders.I was sent home with a catheter that I need to leave in for a week and then go back in 6 weeks for the other cylinder. Thats not what I had planned for but if thats what it takes for a better result I am ok with it.

Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:09 pm
by anotherguy
I'm sure everything will be fine. Keep us updated.

Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:15 pm
by dg_moore
Richard, I'm sorry to hear your procedure ran into a glitch. I hope the second cylinder goes in with no problems. Keep us posted! Good luck.


Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:15 pm
by stringerbell
Sorry to hear things were slightly sub-optimal. I honestly think there's an experience or high volume high out there who had do a little work on you, and perhaps get that other side sorted out. Check in with Kramer or Eid, my guess is they'll utilize what you already have but be able to pop the other side in too.

Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:28 pm
by farmallfarmer
catheter is out (did it myself with no trouble), swelling has gone down considerably, (never took any prescription pain meds), still having some trouble with the new item in my scrotum but its getting better as the swelling goes down. When the time comes to get the other cylinder put in all of these pains will not be a problem.
I am glad that they didnt rush the procedure. I would sooner have the surgeon use his experience to leave one of the cylinders out until things are right than to have an unsatisfactory result.

Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:37 am
by Slayer1962
I was 3 hours on the table because they had complications. I had scar tissue from injections. Glad they got it done in one shot hope everything works out for you. I only did injections for a year (less) so I cannot imagine if someone had been doing it say for 5 years?

Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:18 pm
by pockie
Slayer1962 wrote:I was 3 hours on the table because they had complications. I had scar tissue from injections. Glad they got it done in one shot hope everything works out for you. I only did injections for a year (less) so I cannot imagine if someone had been doing it say for 5 years?

There are many stories like this. That's why I skipped the injections part and went straight for an implant after the pills stopped working.

Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:19 am
by chiali09
pockie wrote:
Slayer1962 wrote:I was 3 hours on the table because they had complications. I had scar tissue from injections. Glad they got it done in one shot hope everything works out for you. I only did injections for a year (less) so I cannot imagine if someone had been doing it say for 5 years?

There are many stories like this. That's why I skipped the injections part and went straight for an implant after the pills stopped working.

Happened to me too. Wish to God I had never touched those injections (Did em for less than a year, so it doesn't take much).

Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:59 pm
by saytar
When it got to not affording the pills tried injection ONCE in Dr. Office................................. :cry: Screw that. Went straight to looking for implant.

Re: Tineys gone but....

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:55 pm
by LGX_Man
Unfortunately, most doctors will require that you use injections for awhile before considering an implant.

Lots of it makes no sense. Lots of things make no sense. Thank goodness there are some forward thinking doctors out there nowadays, at last! (good luck finding one)