Implant for ED and Peyronies (PD)

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Tom Jones
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Implant for ED and Peyronies (PD)

Postby Tom Jones » Wed May 27, 2015 8:13 pm

Due for my implant in 2 weeks. Still worried: Have ED since Radical Prostatectomy 16 months ago. Developed Peyronies about 7 months ago. (45 degree bend up) I've gotten 3 doctors opinions and they all expect that the Titan will fix the ED and also correct the PD by over powering the scar tissue affect. Doctors say modeling should make things straight. modeling= bending the penis back against the curve, breaking up the scar tissue. If it does not , then a plication surgery along with implant. I don't see how modeling can work. IF you break the scar tissue up then have 4-6 weeks before activation, I would think a large scar would develop as the penis stays flaccid for4- 6 weeks.
Could I hear from men who have had ED and PD and how the implant fixed the curve?

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Re: Implant for ED and Peyronies (PD)

Postby billy1947 » Thu May 28, 2015 5:34 am

Tom I had ed and about a 90 degree upward turn from peyronies. I had surgery Feb 27 2014 with a lgx 700 implant with modeling. I still have about a 20 degree upward curve, but it works fine. I had very little pain from surgery. Believe me it gets better.

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Re: Implant for ED and Peyronies (PD)

Postby LMCatman » Thu May 28, 2015 10:15 am

I did not have PD but after my first botched implant in 2013 had a severe bend toward "ten o'clock". An independent urologist could not believe I'd never had Peronies...... After my successful revision my flaccid penis "wanted" to and still wants to bend toward 10 o'clock. Dr Perito had me "straight " after surgery and "modeling" my erect penis for a couple of months to keep it from bending back left. This worked very well and my erect penis is straight and functions extremely well. When flaccid, I have to "adjust" it often during the day.

Thank you Dr Perito!!!!!!

Incidentally.... I also had a RP.... Because I now lack seminal vesicles my orgasms tend to be very long and intense.... I think my body is trying to "prime the pump"..... Whatever the reason.... It's great!!!

And "good luck"
73 Years old. RP Oct 2010, No erections after, Botched Titan implant April, 2013, Successful Titan revision, April , 2014 by Dr. Paul Perito, Miami. Titan failure Feb 2017. Rev. by Dr Perito March 1st, 2017. Titan failure Nov 2020. New Titan January 2021

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Re: Implant for ED and Peyronies (PD)

Postby Bubba54 » Fri May 29, 2015 1:56 pm

Tom, I too had RP. I used injections for a while and developed peyronies with a 90 degree upward turn. I had an AMS 700cxr implant, and now left with just a slight curve.
Good Luck Bubba

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