here goes... my implant log

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here goes... my implant log

Postby hoseboy » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:18 pm

....and I am already a bit late getting started. I have been home about 24
hours now from being implanted with an LGX on Friday 4/15. My story starts less
than a year ago when I was diagnosed with pCa. I had a robotic prostatectomy in
July 2010 at Boston Med Center, and although the nerves were spared, I've had
profound ED since then in spite of daily cialis. Muse and trimix gel would get
it looking pretty happy - but it wasn't hard enough to use. The sexual function
doc I was seeing injected me - twice - with no usable results - so I never was
sent home with injections. After doing an ultrasound it was clear that I had a
major venous leak and an implant was my best chance of getting life back to
something that resembled normal. I started doing some self education - much of
it here on FT. The doc I was seeing at BMC only uses Coloplast, and I wasn't
sure that I wanted one of them. Like most pCa guys, I had lost a lot of
length... not that an Irish guy has all that much to start with... All my
life I had an honest 6" and now I had to cheat with the ruler to come up with 5"
even though I was pumping daily. I was losing length monthly and had visions of
negative numbers before I retire. Time seemed to be my enemy. The LGX apparently
offers at least the possibility of regaining some lost length, so I found the
local doc who I thinks does the most LGX around here - Dr Nelson Bennett at
Lahey Clinic. (it's a large hospital in greater Boston with a super reputation -
not really a clinic). I know the Coloplast might likely be the choice for
someone with an XL penis or who values girth, but I am neither - I would settle
for functional, and be elated with what I had not so long ago. So I signed up
for a May surgery date, but then shortly after was offered 4/15 because of a
cancellation and took it. Unlike many men here who have agonized for years with
ED, my journey has been surprisingly fast - from enviably potent to bionic in
less than a year. While reading the forums I kept hearing guys 'wish they hadn't
waited so long' Hope I haven't made a mistake - don't think I have. I opted for
a spinal instead of a general anesthesia. The general I got with my
prostatectomy seemed to put my GI system to sleep for days causing bloating and
nausea. With the spinal I was passing gas within hours and had none of the GI
symptoms. I also made it clear that I had no interest in staying awake for it
all, so they happily obliged and put me to sleep. My hospital stay was about as
expected - sore and uncomfortable but bearable with a little analgesic help.
Narcotics always disagree with me - they give me brief 3 - 5 minute waves of
nausea. Also when sleeping they cause 'mini nightmares' or at least distressing
images. For me, I avoid narcotic pain relief when I can, but I realize many
encourage the opposite. The worst part of the catheter removal was the dread my
own brain created over it. Do take an extra dose of whatever pain reliever you
like, but don't fret - it's quick. My first 24 hours home have been very
tolerable. The recommended Jockey pouch underwear seems perfect. For me one of
the most unsettling parts of this is looking down there and seeing something
that looks very different than what I have seen for 58 years. It is really
quite swollen - not just my scrotum but the whole nether region is distorted
like a funny mirror. My penis doesn't really look like mine anymore - it's
short and basically erect (which is in itself a bit of a contradiction). I have
a puffiness where I didn't before - plus all the different shades of red and
purple... It isn't very symmetrical and points to the left - all things which
are probably temporary. My penis is also quite sore especially near the glans
but really everywhere - however by my choice I am going lightly with the pain
meds. It is also virtually impossible to aim very well while peeing. I made such
a mess that I have resorted to turning on the shower and letting loose there
insead of the toilet. I have been able to feel the pump - centered and fairly
low, but it's way to sore to do much probing... there will be a time for
that. I have been taking photos and will post a few from time to time to show
'befores' and 'afters' My husband has said for years that I have an
exhibitionist streak in me... so what the heck... the level of frankness and
honesty here both in writing and pictures really has value and I am happy to be
a part of it. Before I close, I want to thank some of my new friends again for
their time and effort in responding to my questions. Keith, Paul, JJ, Dave and
many others - all new friends - thank you
day before surgery
IMG_0097-640x480.jpg (14.95 KiB) Viewed 5503 times
day before surgery
IMG_0098-640x480.jpg (17.05 KiB) Viewed 5496 times
best results using Muse day before surgery
IMG_0129-640x480.jpg (32.43 KiB) Viewed 5501 times
Age 59, married, PSA 4.9 &+biopsy PCa 5/10, RRP 7/10, no extension, nerves spared, subsequent PSAs<.01, continent 10/10, ED continued with no effect from pills or injections, dx - irreversible venous leak 3/11, implanted 4/15/11 AMS LGX 700.

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby hoseboy » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:23 pm

here's the remaining pix I intended to post
day 1 at home
IMG_0137-640x480.jpg (25.43 KiB) Viewed 5517 times
day 1 at home
IMG_0139-640x480.jpg (21.64 KiB) Viewed 5523 times
day 2
IMG_0142-640x480.jpg (26.71 KiB) Viewed 5537 times
Age 59, married, PSA 4.9 &+biopsy PCa 5/10, RRP 7/10, no extension, nerves spared, subsequent PSAs<.01, continent 10/10, ED continued with no effect from pills or injections, dx - irreversible venous leak 3/11, implanted 4/15/11 AMS LGX 700.

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby Dave48003 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:41 pm


First of all, congrats! If you are like me, the emotional lift of knowing that you will soon be able to get a hard on when you want to, without all sorts of advanced planning and equipment/drugs is a wonderful feeling. It's helping carry me through the discomfort and inconvenience associated with the surgery.

You look good, not as swollen as I was, I don't believe. The pretty colors will spread and change. I notice your incision is horizontal, mine was vertical. I would suggest you buy a suspensory. That has been a major sense of comfort, keeping the boys and their new neighbor supported above chairs, crotch seams, etc.

You may have heard me discussing the sticking problem I'm having. It turns out about 1% have issues with the pump sticking to the scrotum, and the average onset time was 13 days. So, as you get comfortable, try to move things around a bit to keep them from getting too cozy with their neighbors.

Remember, keep it pointing up! :lol:

Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby antelope » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:12 pm


Sounds like a good report! Thanks for letting us know. Continue to take things slowly and follow instructions. Look forward to hearing more as the days go by.


What's this about the Irish? lol
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:01 pm


Thanks for sharing. Sounds as though the recovery is well underway. Now that the surgery is over, healing, relaxing and letting hubby take good care of you sounds like a plan.

Best wishes for speed in return to normalcy. Since the bionic guys say keep him looking up; probably means the future is bright and there are plenty of good times ahead. Healing does take time but now it has begun and the process, as the guys say, will get easier and more fun.

Take care and proceed.


PCa-surgery 10/06

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby LGX_Man » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:31 pm


Your penis and scrotum look amazing after undergoing such a radical procedure. I hope that the swelling stays to a minimum as it appears to be in your latest photos.

Best of luck. It all gets better and better from here, well after about 6 weeks that is.

xo Keith
62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby hoseboy » Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:45 pm

Day 4 and all is well. I am continuing to negotiate what for me is a fine line between enough analgesia, and too much. There IS pain associated with all of this! Most of my real discomfort is fairly focused on the distal ends of the cylinders where they end in the middle of the glans. Ironic, but previously I worried a little that the doc wouldn't size me with a big enough one. (doesn't every guy worry a little about that?) I got a 21 cm implant which was very generous of him, and now it almost feels too long... probably isn't - but I really feel the ends pushing... I also wish he didn't inflate it quite so much - it hurts at times - most of the time really. Lying horizontally is the only fix for this discomfort for me. My scrotum is huge and tender... a bit unsettling to look at since it doesn't even look like me. I have probed around a little in there and feel that the pump is nicely centered and fairly low.. thankfully since I doubt I could really grab onto it and move it even if I tried. I think what sums up today more than anything is this: I am anxious for life to return to something that doesn't involve my penis! I am a bit tired of being so focused of my dick and all the associated worries. Cannot wait to mow the lawn. BTW - see the little dot of red on my glans? Looks like when they thread a needle through when doing a pubic approach surgery. Will have to ask my doc about that.
IMG_0144-640x480.jpg (22.66 KiB) Viewed 5311 times
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Age 59, married, PSA 4.9 &+biopsy PCa 5/10, RRP 7/10, no extension, nerves spared, subsequent PSAs<.01, continent 10/10, ED continued with no effect from pills or injections, dx - irreversible venous leak 3/11, implanted 4/15/11 AMS LGX 700.

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby knotreel » Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:33 pm

you should have two red dots, one on each side of the glans. It could be that one is healed over already as they seem to heal fast. That is where a thread comes out to allow the surgeon to pull the inplant to the end of the chambers. You will probably find that you are not inflated at all, at most the cylinder might be filled just enought to make them round. I felt the same way thinking there could have gone a little easier on the filling. As the general swelling goes down things will loosen up.
Yes it is not a picnic pain wise but you are probably bearthe end of the most painful time.
age 74 married, Robotic RP Dec.2009. Implanted Jan 2011 with AMS 700LGX and AMS 800 AUS. (AMS 1500). IPP failed March 2018 , leak. Planning an AUS revision (total replacement) in 2018, now I need the IPP too.

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby rglassva » Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:09 am

Major improvement in the swelling department since Day 1! And if that's only slightly inflated - just wait! Hang in there - best is yet to come! R ;)
rhabdomyosarcoma - 1975
e.d. since puberty

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Re: here goes... my implant log

Postby LGX_Man » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:15 am

Yes those two red dots will disappear very soon. I think mine only lasted for about 4 days. As far as your penis being the center of your attention? Well prepare for THAT for at least the next few months. Not to mention the fact that you'll have to be inflating it at least twice a day for the next 18 months or so. The painful part is the first month, the "ok" part happens during the second month and the "whoohooo" part starts in the 3rd month. It took me exactly 3 months and 13 days (not that I was counting or anything) for my penis to finally stop pointing straight out. On that day, it took a slight "dip" and returned to where it used to hang. Also, suddenly, the pain and most of the uncomfortable twinges from the ends of the chambers were suddenly and miraculously GONE! It WILL happen Glenn. Please be patient. Hire your neighbor's son to mow your lawn for the next month or get that strapping husband of yours to take it over for awhile. Relax, stop worrying about it and know in your mind that all will turn out okee dokee! Judging by your photos, it would appear that you had a very good surgery and that your healing process may even be a bit quicker than most others. Peace, LGX_Man out!
62. Retired. AMS 700 LGX implanted Nov. 18, 2013. Ask me any questions about being implanted or life afterwards.

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