My progress

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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My progress

Postby tryfied » Tue Oct 28, 2014 1:39 pm

Ok guys. A few questions. I'm now for months post op.

It is as if time passing has made me able to pump more and more times. I think I'm now able to pump like 40 times. At least some days. Result is good. It sounds like a lot though right?

Sometimes when I pump it feels as if the pump is punctured. Or as if both sides (thumb and index sides) stick together.

Nervous about whether I broke the pump, I quickly inflate and things return to normal.

I guess it's just a matter og vacum and probably nothing to worry about. What do you think?

Another thing. Sometimes when I am pumped up and really excited and blood also flows to my glans, I get a burning / stinging sensation just below my corona. It only happens sometimes. Maybe the cylinders that are "in line" of the blood flod? Will this chance in time you think?

I don't have the same pain and discomfort as I had initially on a positive note.

Thanks to everyone and the support this site has given med.

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Re: My progress

Postby VietNamVet » Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:23 am

I'm about a month ahead of you, and your progress seems pretty normal to me. I still get the "burning" when I pump up all the way, and in the same place. Doc says it is simply the tissue stretching to accommodate the additional size from the additional fluid being pumped in and is perfectly normal at this stage. It's like body building (I guess it IS body building!?): you have to tear the tissues a bit to build them up.

If you're really concerned, of if something isn't normal (like you ca see the implant through the skin), get to you doc right away!

I have found that daily (or twice daily) inflation helps. I'm constantly sore, but nor much so. occasional inflation leaves me very sore.
Age 66. Coloplast Titan (20cm + 2cm extension) with 135cc saline in the system. Implanted 4 Sep 2014 by Dr. Gregory R Thoreson, Chief Urology Resident and Dr. Tausch, his supervisor at VA Hospital, Dallas.

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Joined: Thu May 09, 2013 7:09 am

Re: My progress

Postby tryfied » Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:33 pm

It's not as bad as it used to be I guess. What you say sounds fair to me. More length is not something I would complain about.

Will I always have the deflate whistling sound?
Also I noticed if I bend my penis down towards my scrotum while inflated, it starts deflating. I'm not sure, but it may be because I accidently hit the deflate button. Is this normal? I just fear that it's some sort of leaking.

Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:19 pm

Re: My progress

Postby maoriguy » Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:50 pm

Hey tryfied good to hear that your healing well after your surgery, hopeful all goes well for you and new start and maybe you
can post some update pics to see your progress

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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:14 pm

Re: My progress

Postby VietNamVet » Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:36 pm

Deflating some when bending down? That's a new one on me. Most pumps have a one way valve, so if you're inflated, it should' deflate without pushing something. You may just be experiencing a shift of the saline as you bend the shaft, making it feel like it's deflating. If it doesn't change when you straighten it out again, you probably need to check with your doc to find out what's happening.

No whistling sounds; just a gentle squish when inflating....

Are you fully inflated when this happens? When I'm fully inflated, I find it more difficult to bend the shaft (too hard for that)- which is basically what we're all after, right?

As I've said, I have had some issues with auto inflation, but they seem to be going away as I use it more.

Which implant did you get?
Age 66. Coloplast Titan (20cm + 2cm extension) with 135cc saline in the system. Implanted 4 Sep 2014 by Dr. Gregory R Thoreson, Chief Urology Resident and Dr. Tausch, his supervisor at VA Hospital, Dallas.

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