
The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:06 am


Postby slorider1 » Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:27 am

New Catheter put back in on 6/12. Still very swollen and sore. Today 6/15 was the worse pain so far. I think the swelling is finally going down, Tthe black and blue is going away. But this catheter is quite a pain and I mean pain. Catheter not due to be taken out till Thursday 6/19. Then the bladder test again. Tonight I notice a Red tint to the urine. Maybe see what it looks like in the AM and call the doctor. I've use so much ice my penis feels like a dicksicle never mind the ball sack thats frozen solid.
When I walk bowlegged it feels like two rods poking out the bottom of the ball sac and the catheter keep pulling on my dick. Got to keep my thought on the final results.
Gotta keep singing Danzel - "Pump It Up"
Thanks you all for letting me VENT and all the advice. Without Franktalk I would be lost and probably crazy by now

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