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6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:51 pm
by dennov
I was implanted on 2/11/14 and as of today the pain is still excruciating in my scrotum (the incision was in the pubic area, not scrotal) and I'm wondering if anyone else still had a lot of pain 6 days later. If I sit and put a folded towel under my scrotum to give support then the pain is tolerable but when I stand my scrotum starts to burn with pain. I did sit in a warm bath the last couple of days to pull on the pump and I wonder if maybe I was pulling too hard and that may be the cause of my pain. Any thoughts?

Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:08 pm
by JerGeezer
Pulling on the pump after only about a week might very well be the cause of your pain. Why do you feel it's necessary to do that?

Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:59 am
by dennov
The doc told me to take a hot bath and pull on the pump on the 3rd day.

Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:47 pm
by Chaz456
Before I had my surgery, I read on here where many people wrote about not needing pain meds, a day or two after surgery. That was not me. It hurt for a long, long time. The doctor told me that one could have pain for up to six weeks. The amount of pain people feel varies. My heart goes out to you.

Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:05 am
by chandlerman4649

I forgot to mention that my pump was located very high after both surgeries. After the first surgery, the surgeon suggested that I begin pulling the pump down after the fourth day and it was VERY painful. After the second surgery, he had me wait 4 weeks before pulling the pump down. In the past six months the pump has "fallen" down to the bottom of my scrotum and looks like I have a third ball in my sac :D


Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:44 am
by CharlestonRealtor
I had my implant 3 weeks ago. My surgeon told me to pull my pump down towards the bottom of my scrotum a couple of times a day in order to insure that it stayed that way after the scar tissue starts to form. It does make it sore sometimes but not too bad. As far as the other pain, are you wearing anything for support? The hospital sent me home with a jock strap on and whenever I took it off for the first two weeks it hurt because the scrotum was so swollen that it pulled.

Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:20 pm
by dennov
Thanks everyone for your replies, today's the 12th day and I am still very swollen on the right side of the scrotum (the side the pump is in). It feels as though it's full of silly putty, it's a pretty solid mass and I can't find the pump at all because the mass surrounds the pump. I've tried ice, hot baths, laying on my back just about all day, Advil, but the swelling just won't go down. I see the doc on Wednesday and I have a feeling he may keep me in the hospital to drain me.

Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:11 pm
by CharlestonRealtor
I think what you are describing is normal. My scrotum was so swollen i walked like a chimp for a week. I believe that it is just blood and puss that has drained to the lowest point that it can. Mine is almost completely gone after week 3. Keep putting ice on it and it will improve.

Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:42 pm
by dennov
Thank you, that is the same response I got from my doctor, "all is normal just hang in there and keep icing". I can't want for this pain to be gone so I can play with my new toy! (it's extremely sensitive at this point).

Re: 6th day and still in lots of pain.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:15 pm
by jryancey44
My doctor made me wait a week before pulling on the pump. I never had really bad pain, but an athletic supporter and ice every 15 minute on 30 off helps.
Mine was the scortal approach.