Tankerman777's three and a half month update

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Tankerman777's three and a half month update

Postby tankerman777 » Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:19 am

Well after three and a half months I have no regrets and I am extremely happy with my implants. For those of you who are having issues with orgasm I would tell you to be patiant it will get better and better as time go's by. I was having a little trouble with orgasm in the first sevral weeks after I started useing the implant but now it is better then before becuase I dont have to worry about loseing my hard on everytime I try to have sex. The only regret I have is that I didn't have this done 10 years or more ago. I have gained back the half inch that I lost and the little bit of sansation that I lost has come back I am so happy I am now free of ED. The only down side is that I will out live my implant and have to have surgery again but thats ok I really dont mind because I know it will be a great outcome. For the guys that think they are having issues give it time your body needs to heal it will be fine trust me you will not regret it just make sure you get a good Doc that knows what he or she is doing. Happy halidays to all my FT brothers and sisters. Nathan AKA Tankerman777 :D :D :D
I am 49 years old have suffered from ED all my life. I have used pills and injections, I have had enough of all of that. I went and got an implant AMS700CX 9/4/13 so far I have no regrets. I LOVE THIS THING IT IS GREAT NO MORE ED WHOOHOO!!!!!.

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Re: Tankerman777's three and a half month update

Postby Steven1111 » Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:19 pm

I'm sooo happy for you, Nathan. I know you had some concerns and I'm so glad it's all worked out so well for you. You're right that it just takes some time to heal. I'm still sore and it's been 32 weeks for me. But i do enjoy sex a lot now and it's so great to be able to stay hard, as you say. No more ED worries! Yay for us!

Great to hear from you!
64 year old gay man. Brachytherapy Radiation for Prostate Cancer Oct. 2010. Permanent ED Nov. 2012. Failed pills, pumps and injections. Happily implanted with AMS CX May 9th, 2013. Sex Rocks again! Thanks to everyone for such caring support.

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Joined: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:19 pm

Re: Tankerman777's three and a half month update

Postby glockhead » Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:52 pm

good news! you had your surgery about 10 days before mine. it was a rough few weeks after surgery but i'm glad i made the decision. mentally, it's helped me quite a bit. as a grow more comfortable with the new hardware, i'm sure those "few weeks" will be a distant memory!

thanks for your input!

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