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New member - George -- Don't want him to be missed!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:43 pm
by Frank Talk Admin
Posted Monday, October 18:

My name is george, and I am new to this web site. The injections are not working as well as they use to. I use the Tri-Mix. Either i am not hitting the cavity in the right place, or I am building up scar tissue or both. The implant interests me. My family doc is in favor of the surgery. I haven't had any prostate surgery, or probably won't in the near future (PSA 1.8). My problem is from the medication that I am taking for my heart and high blood pressure, (Crestor, Plavix, Naispan, Prednisone, Methylin, Amlod/benazprine, Halicon).
I am very much interested in hearing from anybody about their implants.

George (age 63 retired)

Re: New member - George -- Don't want him to be missed!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:33 pm
by regain-is-the-aim

Wanted to say HI! and welcome even though I can't directly answer your question. I'm here because of PCa and so far pump and pills are my answer. This is a great but busy group and I'm sure that a number of the guys with implants will respond as they can.

Many of us are still working and balancing everything can be an interesting process. As I remember, everyone who has had an implant has been very pleased and wondered why they waited so long. They all say that selection of the surgeon is critical and many have traveled to Vanderbilt for their surgery. However, there are many great surgeons around the country to choose from. But choose carefully. With the implant, you have to be ready to take the step. Doing your due diligence now is a wise move.

Best of luck and when and if you make the move please let the guys know and the support here is amazing. As you read other posts of men going thru the process- their stories and the recurring support; well you are in a good place.

I know if I need to go thru the implant process I will be well supported here and have an amazing amount of advice and experience to lean on.

Good Luck.



Re: New member - George -- Don't want him to be missed!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:12 pm
by jackpTenn

Welcome to Frank Talk. There are sevral of us on this forum that have implants and are very happy with the outcome. My first year story is on page 2 about 1/2 way down. My Story by JackP.

Yes you hve to be very careful in sellecting a doctor to do an implant. You want a Male Sexual Function Specialist not a general practice urologist. They are very hard to find. A lot of us traveled to Dr. Douglas Milam at Vanderbilt in Nashville TN. He is a world class doctor with a world class staff.

I have some information on implants I can forward to you if you want. Send me an email to I will also be happy to answer any of your questions.

Again, welcome and way we can hellp just let us know.


Re: New member - George -- Don't want him to be missed!

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:48 pm
by george
Thanks for all the support, it has made my day really special. I am going to take things slow and not be in a rush. The injections will probably come to an end to avoid any further damage. I will keep in touch with the web site.


Future Implant Surgery

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:04 pm
by george
It is great to hear from you guys. I hope I could have Dr. Milam perform the surgery. I will be on Medicare in 2012, and I have Fed BCBS Health Ins. so I might be able get everything to work out. It will take about a year. I talked to my wife, and it is fine with her if we go to Tenn. for surgery. I live in MN. so we would make a vacation out of it. It's funny what makes a old person happy.


Re: New member - George -- Don't want him to be missed!

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:45 pm
by jackpTenn

Go to the pump section and look up the exercise I posted there. Pump (VED) Exercise.

I used it for about 2 years and helped me have a better than expected outcome. When I went to Dr. Milam he told me to keep it up until the day before surgery. It helps keep your penis healthy and from loosing size.

Saturday the 23rd will be the two year mark for my implant. Worth the wait, you bet. :D :) ;) :o :shock: 8-) :lol:

I have several things on implants and the procedure Dr. Milam uses. If you would like a copy send me an email to

I spent one winter in MN 69-70. Had a great time on the snow mobile. Took it out into about 3 feet of fresh snow with my mother in law on the back. Made a short turn and dumped us both. We all got a laugh out of it.

I will be glad to help and answer any questions.

Jack, and yes I live in Tennessee, a 3.5 hour drive from Nashville.

Re: New member - George -- Don't want him to be missed!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:31 am
by george
Thanks for the reply from jackpTenn. I will e-mail today. It will be great to get the ball rolling on this.

My first supervisor was from Tenn. A wonderful gentleman to work for. He came to my mother's wake and funeral. Then to my son's high school graduation. We still keep in touch.

We used to have a snow mobile when my son was a teenager. They are a lot of fun. When he was old enough to get his driver's license he had to made a choice of car or snow mobile to keep expenses down. The snow mobile went down the road.


Re: New member - George -- Don't want him to be missed!

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:58 am
by Julios

Welcome. I you see already there is a great bunch here. I don't have an implant yet, but see it in the cards for me. I'm still doing injections; so far with reasonable success. I'm sorry yours is starting to cause problems. That seems to be where injections end up.

May I ask; what dosage of Trimix are you using? Did you have to increase it over time?

Thanks, and see you around here.

Re: Julios Tri-Mix

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:36 pm
by george
Hi Julios, I hope everything is going good for you. The Tri-Mix that i am using is Papaverine 15.8 mg/ml; Phentolamine 1.1mg/ml; Alprostadil 5.3mg/ml. The Urologist started me at .125 cc. That gave me an erection that was OK, but not very good. He didn't want me to have an injection to last longer than 45 minutes. I could go to a larger amount but to do it slowly.
I then tried an injection of .135cc, and it gave a good erection that lasted a little over 2 hours. It did hurt a little, but it was a good hurt. The scar tissue is starting to build up on both sides where I inject. So I have tried to go more to the front, and also closer to the pubic bone. I am not having any success. It feels like I am giving myself a flu shot in my arm. At the present time I have stopped doing any injections. When it is successful, I can feel the needle puncture through the cavity, and can feel the tri-mix going into the cavity during injection. That's when my wife says, "Houston we have lift off".
Don't let me scare you off about the scar tissue, I have done lots of injections off and on for many years. The problem is, there isn't a lot of skin area to put the injection in. My goal is to have an implant put in before I have too much scar tissue,
and my health is still good. This is a good site to be on.
