My dick gets aggravated if I touch it.

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My dick gets aggravated if I touch it.

Postby Enoughisenough » Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:49 am

I'm 4 weeks post-op tomorrow. I started cycling a week or so ago. For the most part, very little pain since since surgery. Just bruising which went away around week two. Now if I am resting my dick no problems. If I touch it to use the bathroom, cycle it, squeeze it or even lay on my side where my dick gets any pressure from the bed, it gets pissed. It takes 10-15 minutes of no touching to calm it down again. I wore a baby sock for weeks to make it happy. I found some underwear now with a dick sleeve so it's not touching my leg. I can't bend it up to my abdomen in tight underwear, that's too painful. I have to let it hang and if it touches my leg it's like a bad case of chafing.

Anyway, I'm just curious if anyone has had this problem and how long did it last. I understand chafing could be a lifelong thing so I can wear dick sleeve type underwear, but I just want my dick to stop getting aggravated and hurting just because it gets moved around.

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Re: My dick gets aggravated if I touch it.

Postby cbinspok » Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:22 am

Hey Enough
Its all good, you are healing, your body is going to take months to fully recover, in a year from now you’ll get it and you’ll say, wow im glad I did this thing. Lol, mine used to get pissed too, we would fight it out.
67years,fighting ed for over twenty years. A sever break, vit E, pataba, Viagra, massage Ved cilas, and I'm tired- throwing in the towel, Op for implant Mar 18, 2021 AMS LGX 18 x12 + 1 3cm RTE, gained girth and length, very glad I took the hard step.

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Re: My dick gets aggravated if I touch it.

Postby Enoughisenough » Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:48 am

cbinspok wrote:Hey Enough
Its all good, you are healing, your body is going to take months to fully recover, in a year from now you’ll get it and you’ll say, wow im glad I did this thing. Lol, mine used to get pissed too, we would fight it out.

How long did it take you before the irritation went away? I imagine one day I'll be able to beat it like it owes me something but right now it's just in a very bad mood.

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Re: My dick gets aggravated if I touch it.

Postby SWorks17 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:43 am

Enoughisenough wrote:
cbinspok wrote:Hey Enough
Its all good, you are healing, your body is going to take months to fully recover, in a year from now you’ll get it and you’ll say, wow im glad I did this thing. Lol, mine used to get pissed too, we would fight it out.

How long did it take you before the irritation went away? I imagine one day I'll be able to beat it like it owes me something but right now it's just in a very bad mood.

Enough, all of us are different and heal at different rates. I had a good bit of pain in my shaft for a good while, it started getting better at around week 8.
I didn’t have the chafing problem, maybe because my dick is only 6.25 inches fully inflated. I would say I’m probably around 5 inches flaccid and I keep mine up toward my navel. I could probably have it down the side of my leg but my wife doesn’t want to see or have any other women see my bulge when we’re out in public. lol
It will definitely get better for you each week, I’m 29 months out from surgery and my bionic dick feels just like my old dick, until I grab it and then I know it’s bionic.
Sex is great again!

Good luck,
If you have any questions, we’ll be glad to help
Age 66, Garden Ridge Texas, Progressive ED after Boston Scientific Rezum procedure for benign enlarged prostate 19 May 21, AMS LGX 18 w 3cm rear tips installed 5 Nov 2021 by Dr Shane Barney, Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Married 35 years

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