Implant reflection, multiple questions, Young patient (Already operated on the penis, nesbit)

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Implant reflection, multiple questions, Young patient (Already operated on the penis, nesbit)

Postby alex1483 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:51 pm

Good morning,

It's been months since I discovered this forum and I'm considering an implant at my young age, 30 years old.

Little summary :

I have always suffered from a fairly significant congenital upward curvature, in the 45-50 degree range. I decided to have an operation at 26 because it always bothered me (the only reason I didn't do it before was that I came across urologists who didn't perform this operation and who for them was an unnecessary operation).

I would also like to point out that I have suffered from chronic penile pain since around the age of 14. Indeed, after each ejaculation, I have pain in the penis. Even during intercourse before ejaculation depending on my level of arousal, the pain appears gradually. The urologists say it's all in my head. I turned to other structures for this and the journey was long and laborious, and I may have found a doctor ready to solve this problem (I have a botox infiltration planned in the coming days in one of the muscles of the perineum likely to create this unpleasant and mentally exhausting pain).

Coming back to the operation, I found a great surgeon renowned in France. The operation went very well, so I had a nesbit (excision and plication). Little pain, quick recovery. (I barely told the urologist about my chronic pain concerns because most of them don't care, that was the case for him too). In the end I ended up with a straight penis!! I was very happy.

Unfortunately, months later I felt a suture that was very painful on my left (nothing to do with my chronic pain). So I had to get it reopened.
2nd operation so, he just removed a little fibrosis from the suture and replaced another one. I left the same day.

Except that it doesn't stop there... So it was in 2022. In mid-2023, I found that my curvature was really coming back more and more, but I didn't pay too much attention to it, saying that it was in my head. Except that when we arrived in January, we had to face the facts that yes, my cock had curled to a certain degree and that it was starting to bother me again during intercourse. In addition, I found that my erections were quite difficult to manage.

This time I found a surgeon near me, young but specialized in this surgery. He is reluctant because he finds the curvature not too pronounced for an operation. I insisted a little and he was OK. So he operated on me on March 1st and it was therefore planned to do a Yachia. So I had an operation, and in fact during the operation he noticed a lot of fibrosis on the dorsal side of my penis, which was induced by the OR the 2 previous operations. So he changed his plans and tried as hard as possible to "break" this fibrosis and remove as much of it as possible, because it was pulling on my penis and making it curl. As he told me, it's quite rare but it happens in patients, except that the former surgeon had refrained from telling me. In the end it was as if I had ended up with Peyronie's disease induced by the first or second operation. So according to this last surgeon, the 3rd one that he performed himself was minimally invasive given that he did not do any plication or Yachia in my albuginea.

But it opened my eyes to a lot of things. I now understand better why my erections were much less strong and constant before the operation, it's because I have fibrosis that appeared in my penis! Add to that the pain of my chronic pain which is not related to this, it makes a hell of a cocktail for having sexual and erectile difficulties.

As a result, the surgeon succeeded as much as possible in getting me back 10 degrees of curvature, I must be around 20. Except that the operation also made me lose all sensation in the glans (it is anesthetized). According to him it will come back that way.

So I now have a penis that has been operated on 3 times, with a residual curvature of 20 degrees upwards when erect, but with difficulty obtaining (and especially maintaining) an erection.

I tried the Vitaros, the pain was too intense. I tried Edex, the pain was also very intense. I couldn't have a relationship I just wanted to lose my erection and lie down hoping the pain would go away because it hurt so much.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot, and I realized that all these problems certainly didn't improve things, but in the end my main problem was erectile dysfunction. I am in good health but when I speak with young people my age none of them have erection problems like mine.

This is why even before the 3rd operation, I was thinking about an implant, but I told myself that it was in my head and that I just had to be more relaxed. I did meditation, saw sexologists, but nothing improved. So I said to myself that I might as well have an operation to get a straight penis which will allow me to have better erections (I had the impression that after the first operation my erections were much better once that my penis was straightened like an I, but that may be psychological), but in the end, it was just another operation that hardly helped anything other than getting me caught aware that I have a "possible" real problem with erectile dysfunction.

This is why I come to you.

First of all, I know I'm young, and I'm afraid of multiple revisions. Knowing that I have already had surgery 3 times (the 1st was the most invasive, the other 2 can be considered "soft"). It is not the same operation but my penis is not likely to start to "tired" if I must have 4 or even 5 revisions of my implant?

Subsequently, is 30 too young to get an implant? I know that I still have "healthy" corpora cavernosa according to the urologists, but that doesn't mean that I find myself with a lot of fibrosis now on the dorsal side of my penis, even if it was lifted there. There are still traces and this could come back according to my surgeon (that's what he fears in any case).

Which countries do you recommend for this type of operation? France is great in terms of care (not in the public of course), but we are a country where very few implants are carried out, even fewer on young patients (although I have found 21 year old men having one put in following a fractured pelvis), so finding a qualified urologist who would agree to place an implant in my case is a real challenge (despite the fact that we have quite a few specialists in our small country). If you have a country to advise I will listen to you, I don't plan to do it immediately anyway.

It's late when I write this message, I will still publish it as is and will modify it later (tomorrow). I apologize in advance for the length of my text, and my catastrophic English (Thanks Google). But I have a very poor level of English.

I thank you for your kindness.

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Re: Implant reflection, multiple questions, Young patient (Already operated on the penis, nesbit)

Postby Dutchie » Sun Apr 14, 2024 5:01 am

Hi Alex,

I highly recommend Dr. Andrianne in Liège, Belgium. He is a French speaking high volume doc. Very understanding and friendly.
I went from The Netherlands to him. Operation was 4 days ago. Everything went very well.

Good luck brother.
Dutch male born 1978. Post Finasteride Syndrome induced ED. LGX 21, 1rte, implanted 10th april 2024, Dr. Andrianne, CHU Liège.

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Re: Implant reflection, multiple questions, Young patient (Already operated on the penis, nesbit)

Postby alex1483 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:34 am

Thanks for the information!

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Re: Implant reflection, multiple questions, Young patient (Already operated on the penis, nesbit)

Postby Andy100 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:22 am

alex1483 wrote:Thanks for the information!

In France do you have an insurance that cover the cost of operation?

If not maybe you can consider to go to turkey, with 8-9k euros you can pay full operation and even hotel stay for 5 days

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Re: Implant reflection, multiple questions, Young patient (Already operated on the penis, nesbit)

Postby alex1483 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:11 pm

Andy100 wrote:
alex1483 wrote:Thanks for the information!

In France do you have an insurance that cover the cost of operation?

If not maybe you can consider to go to turkey, with 8-9k euros you can pay full operation and even hotel stay for 5 days

Hi, no I don't have insurance in France that would allow me to pay for the operation. But 10,000 euros I can spend without problem.
On the other hand, in France the operation is entirely paid for by social security. But finding a urologist who agrees to operate on a young man is very complicated in France.

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Re: Implant reflection, multiple questions, Young patient (Already operated on the penis, nesbit)

Postby daddel » Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:48 pm

Dr. Leiber-Caspers in Krefeld, Germany :-)

Read my story here, I’m also relatively young and also had a Nesbit.

41y/o, VL due to Finasteride use 17 years ago, PDE5i lost effect over the years, nothing worked anymore.
Implanted 18 Aug 2023 (while I was 40y/o), Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE, Germany
Implant journal: viewtopic.php?t=22715

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