Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

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Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby Copilot77 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:25 am

Need some suggestions for the best implant surgeons in the state of Florida. I have bit of a complex case .

Is there anyone good enough in the Orlando/ central Florida area that I could see ? I’ve heard of the famous Paul perrito and Billy cordon but they are a bit far away from me .

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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby Rider1400 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:34 am

Especially if you have complications I would do the miles to have the most qualified. There’s lots of really good implanters out there but I would definitely want the most experienced if there was any problems. I live in central Arkansas and drove to dallas(350miles) to have my implant and now the Dr I used quit… so I’ll be driving to houston (6hours) when this thing quits to see Clavel! There are people who fly in from many different countries to get these guys and I won’t be an exception. If there’s any way to swing the xtra cost it would be a no brainer for me.
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby easymoney » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:01 am

Dr. Carrion in Tampa Fl. at USF is a world renowned surgeon. He was my dr. for a Rigicon malleable implant last June and is the highest volume implanter of mallabble implants. He is also noted for his revision surgeries he has done, one of the leading revision dr's in the US. Many high volume good implanters in Fl. but not all of them are good for revisions or difficult cases.

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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby Copilot77 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:08 am

easymoney wrote:Dr. Carrion in Tampa Fl. at USF is a world renowned surgeon. He was my dr. for a Rigicon malleable implant last June and is the highest volume implanter of mallabble implants. He is also noted for his revision surgeries he has done, one of the leading revision dr's in the US. Many high volume good implanters in Fl. but not all of them are good for revisions or difficult cases.

How is the malleable you think I should get one at age 22?

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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby Juerhareb » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:49 am

Copilot77 wrote:
easymoney wrote:Dr. Carrion in Tampa Fl. at USF is a world renowned surgeon. He was my dr. for a Rigicon malleable implant last June and is the highest volume implanter of mallabble implants. He is also noted for his revision surgeries he has done, one of the leading revision dr's in the US. Many high volume good implanters in Fl. but not all of them are good for revisions or difficult cases.

How is the malleable you think I should get one at age 22?

I am 27 and just got an implant. In my opinion, get an inflatable. For a young guy the only disadvantage is that the pump in the scrotum is noticeable when touched (in my case, it is behind the testicles, so the only way to notice It is when grabbed, although It is not small).
Late twenties. ED since very early twenties. Unable to have sex.
Implanted 20-03-2024 AMS LGX 21+3 cm. Dr Juan Ignacio Martínez Salamanca (Spain).

Midwest Guy 333
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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby Midwest Guy 333 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:03 am

I researched surgeons for months before making the decision to fly from South Dakota to Texas to have Dr. Clavell do my implant. High volume, successful surgeons should weigh much more heavily than local proximity, in my opinion. My urologist talked to me about an implant two years ago and said, "I can throw one of those in you." :shock: I asked him how many he had done and he said, "I do a couple a year. No problem. Simple." I was like, FUCK THAT SHIT.

VERY happy to make the trip to TX, even though the return flight two days after surgery was a bit excruciating as pain had set in big time.
Implanted 1/17/24 Dr. Clavell, Houston Medical Center Titan XL 24 cm, classic pump, 20 years ED, pills did nothing, injections for 10 years, 64, very fit, 8.2 x 6.2 pre-surgery ;)

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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby Lester33 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:40 am

Lots are critical here but even though no longer a Florida resident, if mine fails tomorrow no question on who will replace it. There are many surgeons who also specialize in implants now. We wanted my dick looking and working like before ED. Best of luck to you.
IPP on 6/22/2018 by Dr. Perito, Miami, FL.
22cm Coloplast Titan, 2 RTE
Testosterone therapy
Cancer free eight years, married fifty one years, wonderful sex life

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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby Journeyman » Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:34 pm

Midwest Guy 333 wrote:I researched surgeons for months before making the decision to fly from South Dakota to Texas to have Dr. Clavell do my implant. High volume, successful surgeons should weigh much more heavily than local proximity, in my opinion. My urologist talked to me about an implant two years ago and said, "I can throw one of those in you." :shock: I asked him how many he had done and he said, "I do a couple a year. No problem. Simple." I was like, FUCK THAT SHIT.

VERY happy to make the trip to TX, even though the return flight two days after surgery was a bit excruciating as pain had set in big time.

Same here. It took 3 years before my urologist would even submit the paperwork to my insurance company. He said we had to exhaust every other option for ED and keep records of it . He said the insurance companies don't like to pay . So I went along with the pills, injections , electroshock therapy...etc . Finally paperwork got submitted and approved. They called to schedule the surgery and I blew it up , called Dr.Clavell., set up a telemed appointment and scheduled a surgery with him in April of last year . Best decision I made . Yeah it cost me more out of pocket for airfare , hotel and car rental but it was worth it just for the piece of mind that I was going to get the most important surgery of my life done by a world class surgeon, specializing in implants.
54 - Coloplast Titan 22cm , Implanted by Dr. Clavell in April 2023

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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby Journeyman » Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:35 pm

Midwest Guy 333 wrote:I researched surgeons for months before making the decision to fly from South Dakota to Texas to have Dr. Clavell do my implant. High volume, successful surgeons should weigh much more heavily than local proximity, in my opinion. My urologist talked to me about an implant two years ago and said, "I can throw one of those in you." :shock: I asked him how many he had done and he said, "I do a couple a year. No problem. Simple." I was like, FUCK THAT SHIT.

VERY happy to make the trip to TX, even though the return flight two days after surgery was a bit excruciating as pain had set in big time.
54 - Coloplast Titan 22cm , Implanted by Dr. Clavell in April 2023

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Re: Best Penis Implant Surgeons in the State of Florida ?

Postby MiddleAgedMiami » Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:39 pm

Copilot77 wrote:Need some suggestions for the best implant surgeons in the state of Florida. I have bit of a complex case .

Is there anyone good enough in the Orlando/ central Florida area that I could see ? I’ve heard of the famous Paul perrito and Billy cordon but they are a bit far away from me .

Dr. Billy Cordon at Mt. Sinai in Miami Beach is a very skilled surgeon who also does very complex cases including penile reconstruction. The implant is one of the simpler procedures he does. He is also an associate professor of urology at Columbia University. Mt. Sinai is the only Ivy League affiliated hospital in Florida, and ranks in the top 2% of hospitals in the USA. I’d highly recommend him and Mt. Sinai if you’re looking to be in Florida.
41 Gay man. Had situational ED for 3 years & light venous leak.
Implanted March 2024 by Dr. Cordon at Mt. Sinai in Miami.
22 CM Titan w/ 2 CM RTE on right & 1.5 CM RTE on left. Classic pump
View my implant journal here

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