Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

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Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby veto600 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:51 pm

Hi wanted to quickly share my 3 day experience I just had with Dr. Karaman

Please excuse the tough read, I was loopy when writing but wanted to post for others to gain another experience. :)

Day 1

Nasimi (medical consultant) handled my case with Dr. Karaman. I’d like to start by saying, I traveled alone and from start to finish Nasimi really went out of his way to ensure I was taken care of. Upon sharing my appreciation, he also let me know how he ensures to make sure all patients feel this way.

To clarify, I am not a paid sponsorship for Medistate hospital lol.

Nasimi had sent me a detailed video of where to locate the pick-up service vehicle. This proved to be extremely helpful as my phone was having trouble connecting to the airport Wifi. The pick-up service took me to the hotel where I let Nasimi know I had arrived.

Nasimi then let me know 9 am would be the time the driver would come and take me to the hospital.

Day 2

0900 driver was prompt and took me to the hospital. I would be staying at the hotel for two days, so I took my bags and checked out of the hotel.

I met Nasimi, and he took me to begin the process of checking in with the hospital. While processing was taking place, we went to get blood work sorted. After blood work completion, we went to my room. I started unpacking and getting things placed in close proximity as I knew I would not be able to stand for the next 12-16 hours. Brought: eye mask, snacks, waters, cell charger, and headphones all placed in bedside drawer, within arms reach.

Next it was time to pay, we paid the portion of the hospital fees and would pay the remainder post-op.

After this, I met with Dr. Karaman, he was a very knowledgeable and down to earth Doctor. Extremely patient with the questions I had brought. He also examined me and let me know in-depth details of the procedure. This examination takes place in another room, in case you’re shy in front of anyone (though it won’t matter as you’re about to be fully buck naked on the table lol). I digress.

Nasimi also prompted questions: requesting to bring out the pump for a full demonstration. Inquiring about the difference between the types of pumps. (Watching videos and reading reviews helps but seeing the real thing is very informative). We had a really good discussion and this included which version of Rigicon I wanted. There was Rigicon X or Rigicon AX. We opted that AX version suited me best.

With the conclusion of meeting, I went to the room and awaited surgery. Shortly after going back to the room and changing into the gown. A nurse came in and set the IV. The IV initially was placed in the median antecubital vein which felt slightly uncomfortable due to the tape. (However during surgery, they moved it to the dorsal metacarpal vein which felt much more comfortable).

I ensured to have a bowel movement prior to surgery as I knew I would not want to be pushing anything with the new hardware freshly installed. Fear of reservoir migrating.

A couple hours after IV placement. Two nurses came in and administer an anxiolytic. Assuming lorazepam, as I began to feel very calm (though I was calm before, this really made me calm) proceeding to taking me to the OR room.

Once in the OR room I was met with the team and they began preparing me. Took my gown off, accidentally left my socks on which they carefully took off. One nurse was humming and I began to hum with her and we laughed for a moment. Dr. Karaman came in a few minutes after that and he comforted me but also was in full surgeon mode. Which for me, when I see someone in their element, I draw even more comfort as I know this is “what they do”.

I then woke up and we can begin the healing process.

Day 1 recovering process

I was back in my room. Zero pain, zero discomfort in groin region. Moments later, Dr. Karaman came to let me know all went great as expected, he will be by in the morning to check on things, and another surgeon will take out the catheter first thing in the AM. I thanked him and he went on his way.

It is standard to withhold food and water 4 hours post-surgery. And I felt the final hour as my dry mouth, sore throat, and empty stomach really began to draw my attention.While I waited for water and my first meal. I kept taking glances at the newly installed and mummified package.

Finally, the moment had arrived to drink water and eat. I shot back a solid 800mL-1L of liquid and ate all my food.

Upon food and water binge, Nasimi stopped in, soaked in rain (apparently raining outside) bearing snacks and well wishes. He was a godsend as my friend couldn’t come due to our scheduling issues.

As the night progressed I started to realize the catheter was causing discomfort. I brought Cerave ointment and lubed up the tip of my penis. This was to try and prevent the formation of crust from crusting and hopefully prevent any rippage. However, this still did not stop the crazy burn and discomfort in the AM.

Day 2 recovery process

As the nurse pulled out the catheter. I knew she was going fast to try to alleviate the discomfort, and I appreciated her efforts. Unfortunately, even though I noted that effort, it didn't stop me from feeling like I wanted to jump off the building to distract myself from the discomfort lol. My urethra oozed some puss afterwards which was not a sight to see. The nurse did some cleanup.

I could start standing on my own was the silver lining. No assistance was needed to stand and go to washroom or move to the couch. It’s important to keep your package from swinging too much and be conscientious of the drain. But weirdly, I got adaptive very quick.

Following catheter removal, urinating burned for the remainder of the day. And when I thought it was gone, it would come back. Thankfully, it only lasted about 4-5 pees and by the end of the day, Jr had made a full recovery.

Later that day, Dr. Karaman stopped by to take a look and to ensure all was good after the bandages were taken off. The scrotal suture bandage was the only thing left on.

I was able to get some sleep on the couch as I find more comfort in the couch (don’t like hospital beds) And was able to sleep for a solid 6-7 hours.

Day 3 recovery process

Around 0900 the nurse replaced the suture bandages and removed the drain. He requested not to get the bandages wet for a total of 5 days post-surgery date. Once this was completed Dr. Karaman stopped by and examined and was clearing me to leave. He was very pleased with the results and so was I. He then wrote me a prescription for two antibiotics and a pain killer. He instructed how to take them, and also let me know that Nasimi would walk me through it again in case I forget.

After this, it was just your standard waiting game for a hospital to discharge you. Once leaving the hospital and prescriptions were picked up. I was back at the hotel.

The hotel has a Starbucks downstairs. A lime refresher and a corner room with all 5 windows open, with the cool Istanbul air blowing in, really made a nice relaxing vibe.
With the last two days of being in the hospital: nurses coming in, doctors, housekeeping, dinner cooks, Felt like I just needed to be alone.

I closed all windows, curtains, and lights. I crawled into bed with my phone and tablet and just was in awe of the days. A slight smile ran across my face thinking about all these years of battling this ED and now through the help of Karaman, I can put this behind me for a bit.

Day 3 Recovery cont.

I knew I was going to go out to grab supplies: Things like, waters, snacks, and supplies of sorts. I placed a baby sock on (tip I got from FT) and angled whole package up north. Loose clothing was worn and all was concealed.I was only out for about an hour and thankfully there are many stores nearby.

I made it back to the hotel after about an hour and further rested to prepare for my flight 2 days later.

If you have any question don't hesitate to ask. I will continue to post once I begin cycling.

The pic is me after suture bandage removal and supply run, vibing out, but def black and blue. Doc left me at 50%-60% inflated.

Thanks for reading! :)

Last edited by veto600 on Mon May 13, 2024 12:17 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Age: 30 years
Height: 181cm
Weight: 72kg
Rigicon Infla10AX: 18cm w/ 3cm RTE
PreImplant length size: 16.5cm-17.5cm
PreImplant girth size: 14cm
Implant date: 21st March 2024
ED for about 10 years

Posts: 101
Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:45 pm

Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby jasejuk » Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:03 pm


Looks like everything went well.

Go with the flow of your recovery. Day at a time type of thing.
Age 50. ED since 25 yrs old. Used pills etc. Last 10 years, everything, including injections --did not work. Doppler test diagnosed VL. Implanted Coloplast Titan 22cm UK NHS ( --13/02/2024 Coloplast with Dr Win Gan Lee -- UCLH London UK)

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Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby newhope » Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:11 pm

Thanks brother for sharing.

How about your current deflated and inflated length?
LGX 18 + 1, reservoir with 90 cc. 2023/12
Pre-OP VED length: 5.5". Post-OP: 4". At 3 months post-op: 5".
Cycling with a lot of pain
If you have a motorcycle or a bike stop using it (ED with motorcycle accident).

Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:02 am

Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby veto600 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:54 pm

I will begin cycling on the 11 of April.

So far it has just remained as the doc set it during the procedure @ 50-60% inflated.
Age: 30 years
Height: 181cm
Weight: 72kg
Rigicon Infla10AX: 18cm w/ 3cm RTE
PreImplant length size: 16.5cm-17.5cm
PreImplant girth size: 14cm
Implant date: 21st March 2024
ED for about 10 years

Posts: 121
Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:25 am

Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby indeed » Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:15 am

Congrats on your successful surgery and thanks for the detailed post!

May i ask:

- What kind of incision does Dr. Karaman make? Vertical or horizontal? And about how many cm/ Inches?
- Do you know if he uses the no-touch technique?

Thanks and good healing!
30 years old. Suspensory ligament repair with Dr. Ralph March 23.
20cm Titan OTR, no RTEs. Dr. Clavell - May 10, 23.

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Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:20 am

Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby newhope » Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:12 am

veto600 wrote:I will begin cycling on the 11 of April.

So far it has just remained as the doc set it during the procedure @ 50-60% inflated.

Ok keep us updated. What is the length now with this inflation?
LGX 18 + 1, reservoir with 90 cc. 2023/12
Pre-OP VED length: 5.5". Post-OP: 4". At 3 months post-op: 5".
Cycling with a lot of pain
If you have a motorcycle or a bike stop using it (ED with motorcycle accident).

Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:02 am

Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby veto600 » Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:43 pm

I’m sitting around 15cm right now.

I’m hopeful when I begin cycling it will increase in size.

Based off all posts I’ve read. Most everyone regains size.

Was this the case for you too?
Age: 30 years
Height: 181cm
Weight: 72kg
Rigicon Infla10AX: 18cm w/ 3cm RTE
PreImplant length size: 16.5cm-17.5cm
PreImplant girth size: 14cm
Implant date: 21st March 2024
ED for about 10 years

Posts: 132
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:20 am

Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby newhope » Thu Apr 04, 2024 5:58 am

veto600 wrote:I’m sitting around 15cm right now.

I’m hopeful when I begin cycling it will increase in size.

Based off all posts I’ve read. Most everyone regains size.

Was this the case for you too?

+2cm with the ax/lgx should be easly reached after cycling
LGX 18 + 1, reservoir with 90 cc. 2023/12
Pre-OP VED length: 5.5". Post-OP: 4". At 3 months post-op: 5".
Cycling with a lot of pain
If you have a motorcycle or a bike stop using it (ED with motorcycle accident).

Posts: 141
Joined: Sat Jul 08, 2023 5:14 pm

Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby Discovernew » Thu Apr 04, 2024 7:11 am

Awesome that you are sharing your journey! i am subscribing to your post to see how your journey goes. I am also considering Dr Karaman
Considering implant after trying everything else under the sun: Pills-Shockwave-Testosterone-PRP-Stem Cells-Botox. Etc.

Posts: 167
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:14 am

Re: Newly implanted by Dr. Karaman Istanbul Turkey

Postby Frenchie » Thu Apr 04, 2024 10:26 am

Why are all these Dr.Karaman posts blowing up lately in this sub out of nowhere? Its rare for european doctors to be mentioned this much. I hope this isn't a advertisment and fake adds by the doctor's team
Venous like since I was 20 years old. Pills don't work too well. Thinking of implant in the future

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