10 days implanted - observations and tips

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10 days implanted - observations and tips

Postby CuzznClark » Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:44 pm

So I was implanted with a Titan on Monday March 18th., and with this being my 10 day anniversary I thought I would share my experience and what I have learned.

After I was admitted to the surgery center an IV was inserted and for the next 1.5 hours I received (via IV) 2 different antibiotics. My surgeon came in and said we would be moving to surgery soon and he reviewed with me some notes taken during my initial office visit 10 months earlier. He did ask if I was able to confirm the location of a mesh hernia repair that occurred 20 years earlier (unfortunately those records were no longer available), he said no problem as he was confident he would be able to get the reservoir into the desired area. Was rolled into the surgery room and the anesthesia knocked me out quickly. Woke up quite groggy in the recovery room 1.5 hours later. Surgeon came in and reported all went very well, and said; I had a surgical drain that would need to come out on day 2, and no shower until late day 3 or early day 4. I did manage to ask him which pump was used and he said it was the classic pump, and I was so groggy forgot to ask which size Titan was used. The attending nurse checked on me and said that I did have a catheter during the surgery and it was removed before I came to. As soon as I proved I could urinate on my own I could be driven home, and has released with 2 scripts one for Hydrocodone for pain and another with 14 days of antibiotics. Was also encouraged to replace the Hydrocodone with 600mG Tylenol early on

Notes & tips;
1) the only real pain I experienced was a burning discomfort during urination that first 1.5 days.
2) I did start icing that first evening at home
3) Was sent home with the mummy wrap dressing (more like a volcano) with only the tip of the glans being exposed for urination, this was an added challenge when needing to use the bathroom. My wife went out and bought one of the plastic men's urinals to make this process easier when needing to sit on the toilet.

Day 2: Went to the surgeon's office where his practitioner removed the drain, which was painless. I was encouraged to stay off my feet and stay horizontal for the next 3-5 days. So aside from trips to the bathroom or meals I was either in bed or on a fully reclined recliner until day 5.

Day 3: Had my last Hydrocodone that AM and switched to Tylenol at lunchtime. The mummy dressing was getting quite loose, so as per the doctors advance instructions it was OK to carefully unwrap. Losing this "volcano" offered some relief. I was amazed at how much swelling there was! At this point I started wearing a baby sock over my sensitive glans to lessen the friction under my clothes and/or forego any form of underwear and just let things hang out for a portion of the next few days.

Day 4: Another big step that brought a smile to my face carefully showering - what a luxury!

Day 7: switched from icing to occasional use of a heating pad. Swelling is gradually going down with most of it being in the scrotum.

Day 9: Had a very good nights rest, and was pleased that the scrotol swelling was finally down to about 25% of where I was when the mummy wrap came off.

What I did right, in advance:
-Bought 2 pair of baby socks (3-6 month)
-Bought some Sepratec "everyday" boxers (double pouch)
-Made sure I still had several pair of loose fitting silk boxers, and several pair of loose fitting sweat pants

What I would do different:
-Get one of those male urinal bottles in advance
-Should have switched from Hydrocodone to Tylenol at the 24 hour mark (suffered constipation for 3.5 days)
-Remember to ask the surgeon in recovery how I was sized

So here I am on day 10 doing well and hoping the remaining swelling is gone well before my April 18th activation date (this surgeon sends his patients home uninflated). I hope this rambling post helps others who are planning to join the "brotherhood".
67 yrs old, married ro my beautiful wife for 43 years..oral meds did the job beginning at 58 until undergoing RPS at age 64, Trimix worked until it didn't. Implanted with 20cm Titan (no RTEs) by Dr Levine on 3/18/24

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