Day 8 update - Raw

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Day 8 update - Raw

Postby Enoughisenough » Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:05 am

This is going to sound graphic, but I'm 8 days out now and up until now it's been a pretty smooth ride. Today my dick feels raw. Literally like someone scrubbed it with a dish scrubber. The baby socks have been working because it's been tender to touch (not a lot of pain, just tender) but today even the baby sock is painful. Anyone experience this? I thought after 8 days I was home free. Other than trying to hide this thing, which I gave up. I walked through the grocery store last night with a knob sticking out by my leg and didn't give a shit. It was the most comfortable and that trumped all.

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Re: Day 8 update - Raw

Postby newhope » Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:15 am

For me it was comfortable at 2 months (deflated).

You have to be patient. This operation is rough
LGX 18 + 1, 90 cc. 2023/12
Pre-OP VED length: 5.5". Post-OP: 4". At 3 months post-op: 5".
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Re: Day 8 update - Raw

Postby Old Guy » Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:30 pm

Does it feel like your skin has been stripped off? Kind of like a sunburn? That may be a reaction to the antibiotic used. I had that and it sucked. Finally found that a small dab of Aspercream smeared on the shaft numbed it up. Make sure you have no open areas before using and wash it off before sex.
Nov. 8, 2019
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